September 2, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Today is Wizard101's 7th Birthday! I feel like I'm getting old(er) because I remember celebrating Wizard101's first Birthday in 2009. Time flies by fast when you're having fun! I've met many friends, created a website after meeting the community and decided that I wanted to be a Computer Programmer all because of Wizard101. Wizard101 and the community helped get rid of my fear: anxiety, social anxiety and depression. I have met great people in the community that helped me through tough times in real life and even here online. I'm glad Kingsisle decided to create an amazing game that not only changed my life, but I'm sure changed many lives. Thank you Kingsisle and Happy Birthday, Wizard101! :D Don't forget to check out Wizard101's Birthday decorations in Ravenwood and the Commons if you log onto the game today. P.S. Kingsisle Live is TOMORROW at 4:00 P.M. CST! Make sure you finish your homework and tune in tomorrow!

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