September 29, 2018

Pirate101 Questing: Where We Ended Up (Week 2)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great weekend. The past few days have been very busy. I'm not so busy anymore, so I thought I'd make a post about our questing stream a few days ago. As many of you already know, Autumn & I started questing with an amazing group of pirates every Thursday. Today I'd like to talk about where we ended up on our last questing stream and the next time we'll quest!

If you travel to the Blood Shoals in Pirate101, you'll find a cave called The Traitors Cave. In this cave, you'll find three main quests from Jack, Moe, and Lasko. This week we completed the quests from Jack & Moe. We also completed all accessible side quests using Quest Finder. This awesome new feature helps out a lot when you forget to pick up a side quest. It'll lead you right to the side quest you need to complete whether you picked it up or not.

The quests from Jack and Moe were a pretty tough portion of the game to get through. However, we didn't give up! These quests were a bit tough and we plan to have another stream to help everyone who was unable to complete these quests on Sunday, September 30th. Overall, I had a lot of fun questing with everyone! Anyway. Let's talk about where we ended up! 

"Sharks In The Water"
Level 8-9
Your Task
 Complete All Side Quests Using Quest Tracker

Pirate101 Questing Week 3 Recap

Thank you, Victoria, for this awesome photo! See y'all on Thursday!

September 28, 2018

Halloween Run 2018

Hello Wizards!

Come one, come all to our 3rd Annual Halloween Run. Many wizards, warlocks, witches, vampires, and mummies alike will be taking over the Spiral on Sunday, October 28th. All are welcome to attend. Will you be joining us? Keep reading for more information + a crowns contest!

12:00 pm Central - Twitch Stream Begins / Dance Party

 12:15 pm                                                                           Halloween Farming
1:00 pm                                                                            Spooky Hide & Seek
1:30 pm                                                                              Skeletal Pirate Raid
2:00 pm                                                                 New Spooktaculuar Activity
2:30 pm                                                                                        It's a Surprise
3:00 pm                                                                         Halloween Run Begins

3:30 pm                                                                                  Afterparties Begin
4:00 pm                                                                         Special Announcements


Halloween Run Hosts
Edward Lifegem
Autumn Dreamwalker
Sarah Skystrider

Halloween Run Raffle - One Winner
Check Back Every Sunday For An Additional Entry Option

September 26, 2018

Wizard101 Questing: Where We Ended Up (Week 3)

Hello Wizards!

The past few weeks have been so much fun. As many of you already know, Autumn & I started a group questing (with more than 4 wizards) with a great group of friends from the community. We quest every Tuesday and so far we've quested 3 Tuesdays! Today, I'll be recapping what we did and where we ended up for our third week of questing adventures.

The last time we ended on the quest "A Giant Problem" which was the beginning quest of Cyclops Lane. We had to talk to Nolan Stormgate in Cyclops Lane to begin our questing. Cyclops Lane was relatively easy and fast. I really wasn't expecting us to finish Cyclops Lane during our first hour of streaming, but we did. What can I say? We have an amazing group of people who mean business! After we defeated the final boss, General Akilles, in Cyclops Lane, we went to talk to Headmaster Ambrose and accepted the quest to fight Foulgaze. 

Shortly after defeated Foulgaze, we accepted the quest for Colossus Boulevard. This area was a bit more confusing since we had a larger group and the quests required us to defeat a ton of gobblers & snowmen. By the time we made it to Colossus, we were nearly at 2 hours of streaming! We were all tired, silly, and random. All of those things make these streams amazing. :) Anyway, we completed all of Colossus Boulevard as well. Colossus is more of a major side quest, but we did it to get extra experience points. Our main goal is to be the highest level we can before we complete Wizard City. Speaking of that.. let's talk about what you need to do before our next stream!

Quest: "The Dark Of Nightshade"
Level: Levels 13-14
Your Task: Complete Main Quests Up To Quest Above
Complete Side Quests in All Areas In Wizard City Except Nightside & Crab Alley

Week 4 Questing Stream Recap

September 25, 2018

Wizard101's 10th Anniversary: Part 3

Hello Wizards!

Kingsisle has officially released the Wizard101 10th Anniversary Part 3 video. This video is more of a behind the scenes look of Empyrea Part 2. Feel free to watch this awesome new video below! Thank you, Kingsisle, for all of your hard work on this amazing game. I'm sure this next new world will be amazing. :D

September 24, 2018

The Untold Spiral: Decaversary Event Recap

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful day. Today I wanted to talk about an event that I was able to attend over the weekend. Vanessa Mythdust, from The Untold Spiral, had an awesome Scavenger & Tag event. This event was the final part of the Wizard101 Decaversary Fansite Celebrations.

We all started gathering in Golem Court early in the afternoon to wait for Vanessa's event. The wait wasn't long at all! It seemed like as soon as I arrived, Vanessa was ready to teleport everyone to the house. Now, if you know me, you'll know that I love taking screenshots. I took so many screenshots of this event that even if I made 20 blog posts like this one, I would still have screenshots to use. There's really a backstory of why I take so many screenshots at events... before I tell you why let's talk about what happened at the party.

Vanessa quickly teleported everyone to her Battlemage Keep Castle. Here she started housing games up and the winners of each housing game would win 3-5 packs of their choice! We played Wildfire Tag and Zeke's Scavenger Hunt. I think my favorite game was the Wildfire Tag since I wasn't participating to win a prize. I got to turn everyone I could into a fire elf! :D So everytime someone would win a game, everyone would go back and line up near the housing games for the next game announcement. 

This event was a lot of fun. Sadly I had to leave early because I'm still getting over being sick. But I still had a lot of fun at this event. I take many screenshots of community events like these because I was unable to take screenshots during the first few events I attended when I joined the community. I love having these screenshots for the wonderful memories made. Thank you, Vanessa, for this wonderful event. If y'all would like to check out Vanessa's site, feel free to click on the link below.

Vanessa Mythdust's Site

Edward Strong: First Week Of Side Quests

Ahoy Pirates!

I apologize for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. I was planning on making new blog posts last week, but I ended up catching a sickness going around. I'm slowly, but surely, starting to feel better. Today, I decided to start side questing my new bucanneer, Edward Strong.

Edward Strong is a recently created character for our Thursday Pirate101 questing streams. Autumn and I asked everyone to create a pirate a few weeks ago and we quested together on these new pirates. We leveled up to five for both pirate and nautical level. If you would like to read more about where we ended up a few weeks ago, feel free to click on the link below. We'll be streaming this Thursday (9/28/18) so we hope you're able to join us!

I started side questing my pirate today. While I was unable to complete all of the side quests, I was able to complete a few that leveled me up to level six. I wasn't much of a side quest type of person when I joined Kingsisle's games, but now I am starting to love them. They level you up so you're more powerful on the main quest fights. It's not always nice being defeated during big boss fights. Either way, I don't think I'll be defeated with the help of being a higher level and questing with an amazing group of people. I am looking forward to our next questing stream. Speaking of streams, I should fix a few of my stream settings. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways.

September 22, 2018

First Day of Fall!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday and First Day Of Fall (Autumn). Summer has finally decided to rest and give Fall a chance to shine. I surprisingly also got to wear my hoodie for the first time in several months because the temperatures have been dropping. I am so happy to finally say that it's my finally my favorite time of year!

Wizard101 and Pirate101 started celebrating this time of year by releasing a new mount, the Autumn Leaf Swarm. This new mount can be bought in the crowns shop in both games for 5,000 Crowns. This mount actually reminded me of many fond memories. The house I grew up in had a large tree that dropped many thousands of leaves during Fall. My sister and I would always build a leaf fort every year. We would always try our best to keep all of the leaves in one spot, but when a gust of wind came through it would take so many leaves with it. We weren't sad about these gusts of because it was fun to see all of the leaves "swarm" around. Anyway, let's talk a bit about some treats!

I've been sick over the past week but that hasn't stopped me from preparing for the Halloween Run. I announced that I would be having a Crowns Raffle on my Official Halloween Run Post that will be published on Friday, September 28th. This is exactly one month before our event takes place so that gives you plenty of time to watch the guide, enter contests, etc. I'm not going to give too many hints about what this year's event will be like, but I will say it'll be amazing. I think the community will love what we have planned. I am very much looking forward to this event and the epic raffle. Mark your calendars. The Halloween Run will take place on Sunday, October 28th.

By the way, you may have noticed that I've also updated my website to match the Fall/Halloween theme! My goal for next week is to try to update the pages on this website. I started working on them a few months ago but that was more of a test. I'd like to update them completely. I think the page I am most looking forward to updating is the Online Safety Page. That page has been up for 8 1/2 years and hasn't had too much of a change. I think that'll be one of the first pages I'll update. The rest of the pages will be updated as well. Let's hope I can get this done by Friday! Anyway, I should get going because I'm going to attend Legends of the Spiral's Decaversary Maze Event. It'll be a-maze-ing! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

September 21, 2018

Edward Gem Crafting Adventures: Wizard City

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. I was sick over the past few days which prevented me from making blog posts that I've wanted to make, but I am proud to announce that I am finally feeling better! This means I can talk about something that I gave up doing for at least 7 years... crafting!

I loved crafting when I first joined the game and crafted up until Zafaria was added to the game in 2011. After Zafaria, I gave up my original crafting adventures because I wanted my main focus to be on the storyline, that is until the creation of my new myth wizard, Edward Gem. Mr. Gem and the amazing people that quest with Autumn & I every Tuesday inspired me to start crafting again. We only quest once a week, so we have plenty of time to do side quests (such as crafting) on our wizards when we're not questing. So let's talk about the first crafting quest from Wizard City.

You can collect the first crafting quest from Eudora Tangletree in Olde Town. The first part of the quest requires you to find Mist Wood (which can be found in Olde Town). After you turn the first quest in, you'll get another quest that requires you to craft 2 Daggers of Absolution. You can look for reagents or buy them from vendors. Below you'll see what I did to create the two daggers.

Four Sapphire
Costs 60 Gold from Elmer Meadowglass (Olde Town)
Eight Black Coal
Costs 40 Gold from Elmer Meadowglass (Olde Town)
Four Mistwood
Found mine is Olde Town, can be found in most areas in Wizard City
Four Cattail
The Commons, Cyclops Lane, and Unicorn Way (anywhere in water)

Crafting in Wizard City was very easy to do! I found everything I needed in a short amount of time. I think the only advice I have to offer you if you do plan on crafting is to collect any reagents you see (especially during the member benefit time). This Novice Crafter will prepare in advance for my next crafting quest in Krokotopia. I plan on collecting as many reagents as I can as I continue questing and side questing. Let's hope the next quest is this easy. Thank you all for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

September 20, 2018

Kingsisle Live: Thursday, September 27th

Hi there!

It seems like this month flew by! Wizard101's 10th Birthday was nearly three weeks ago and we'll soon be starting the month of October. We can't get ahead of ourselves just yet because the month of September is not yet over. Kingsisle is celebrating the end of the month by having a new episode of Kingsisle Live on Thursday, September 27th. Spread the word to your friends:

September 2018: Kingsisle Live
Thursday, September 27th
4:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Eastern

September 19, 2018

Wizard101 Questing: Where We Ended Up (Week 2)

Hello Wizards!

A few weeks ago Autumn Dreamwalker & I created new wizards and asked everyone in the community to do the same. We're now streaming our questing adventures as one big group every Tuesday on Twitch! Keep reading to see what we did last week and where we ended our questing for the night.

We logged on and started the "Who's in Charge?" quest in Triton Avenue that required us to defeat Scarlet Screamers to collect Lumina Crystals. We didn't get to complete this during our first week, but last night we did. We finished all of the required quests in Triton Avenue within the first hour of the stream. After we finished all of the Triton Avenue quests, we made our way to Firecat Alley.

Firecat Alley was a lot of fun because we got to defeat a lot of fire elves. By this time, we were getting tired, but we kept going! After defeating fire elves, magma men, and a few banshees, we made our way to Alicane, the main boss of Firecat Alley. We eventually defeated him and completed Firecat Alley. This is actually where we ended up other than helping a few awesome friends with the Kraken Fight. Now that I've talked about what we did last night, let's talk about where we ended up and what you will need to do before next week.

Quest: "A Giant Problem"
Level: Levels 9-10
Your Task: Complete Side Quests In Areas Below
Commons, Golem Court, Unicorn Way, Triton Avenue, Firecat Alley

Week 3: Questing Stream Recap

September 15, 2018

Wizard101 Questing Streams: Where We Ended Up (Week 1)

Hello Wizards!

Last Tuesday, Autumn and I started questing with an entire group of wizards. We asked everyone to create new wizards so we could quest together in-game. We picked up the first quest from Headmaster Ambrose and started questing together through Unicorn Way & Triton Avenue.

Our last stream was a lot of fun! As I've stated, we started our main quests and ended up questing through Unicorn Way and Triton Avenue. We didn't do any side quests, as we plan on doing those on our own. Our main goal is to try to get the main quests out of the way every Tuesday and then do the side quests that we miss on our own time. However, we did complete one side quest that gave us our first bottle & we trained spells that would help us with questing. Now that I've made a little bit of a recap, let's talk about where we ended up on our last stream and when we'll be streaming again.

"Who's in Charge?"


Your Task Before The Next Stream
Complete side quests in Unicorn Way & Triton Avenue

September 14, 2018

Over The Edge!

Hi there!

Did you know that a few Kingsisle employees went over the edge of a 32-story building in downtown Austin, Texas? Well, four employees from our favorite game team, Kingsisle, chose to rappel down a 32-story building for Make-A-Wish Central & South Texas. I'm now going to leave everyone to watch this amazing video. I just wanted to make this quick post to thank Kingsisle for being such an amazing game team. Keep up the great work!

Austin Over The Edge

September 12, 2018

Pirate101 Updates Go Live!

Ahoy Pirates!

You may have seen that the new Pirate101 Updates have now gone live. These updates include four new skeletal key boss fights, an Old Scratch promotion, quest finder, new elixirs, member benefits, additional pet names, and more. If you log into the Live Game, you can play through these new updates!

These new updates have recently made everyone wonder if we pirates may be getting a new level cap up to 75 (or possibly 80 since the Old Scratch we fight in the promotion quest is level 80). A few other pirates have also pointed out that Hawkules has a new weapon in a Test Realm teaser photo that Kingsisle shared while promoting these new updates. I am predicting now that they'll release a new world update sometime next year. My current thinking is that they plan on releasing a Celestia-type world!

We know that Wizard101's Celestia is underwater. Maybe we'll get a world that looks somewhat like the Floating Island? I am thinking it'll be somewhat like Pirate101's Marleybone. We didn't get to explore the area that wizards got to explore, so maybe we'll explore another area of the world? I think this post has way too many questions so I'll leave it at that last question. I might talk more about why I think it'll be Celestia another time. Until then, I'll see you around the skyways.

Read September 2018 P101 Update Notes

Petnome Project's Decaversary Event Recap

Hello Wizards!

I apologize for the lack of posts over the past few days. I've been extremely busy preparing for events and have quite a bit going on in real life. Today, however, I'm finally back to make a new post about a Fansite event that I got to attend over the weekend.

Petnome Project, an official Wizard101 fansite, had a pet farming event over the weekend in-game. This event was part of one major event that the official Wizard101 fansites have put together for Wizard101's 10th Birthday. Petnome put together a ton of popular gauntlets for everyone to farm for pets and even gear. Not everyone has all of these gauntlets so it was nice that there we so many!

The house was very beautifully decorated with these gauntlets. I really liked that they had the moon & star wallpaper and flooring. I am always learning new things about this game and I had no idea that Wizard101 had star & moon wallpaper/flooring. It was amazing to see! This really set a nice tune for a decaversary celebration. Sadly I wasn't feeling so well that day and I had to leave early. But I'd still like to thank Petnome for putting on a great event! Keep up the great work on your awesome fansite. If you're reading this blog post and would like to view Petnome's website, feel free to click anywhere on the image below!

September 9, 2018

Quest With Us In Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Did you know that Autumn & I have began hosting weekly streams? Well, we've already announced in-stream that we plan on streaming questing adventures every Tuesday. If you're interested in creating a new wizard and joining us on these questing adventures, keep reading this post.

Create A New Wizard
You'll need to create a new wizard before we being our questing adventures together. Don't feel like you should be required to create a new wizard to watch our stream. If you do create a wizard, we'll be questing every Tuesday. We may farm for gold or other items as we continue our questing adventures together. We hope you're able to join us! 

Join Us Every Tuesday
We'll be streaming these new questing adventures every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Central on Twitch. We hope you can stop by the channel to join us whether you're able to quest with us or unable to. If you would like to watch, that's perfectly fine. We'll try to interact with everyone as much as we can. Our main goal is to bring the community together and we believe this will be a great thing for the community!

Previous/Upcoming Streams:  You'll see upcoming Twitch schedules below. Some of these schedules may include blog post links (for previous streams). If you click on them, they'll take you to a post to show where we ended up on that day. If you see a Twitch Link below the date/time, that means we haven't streamed for that day and you can still join us for questing! We hope to see you there!

Week 1: Wizard101 Questing Recap

Week 2: Wizard101 Questing Recap

Week 3: Questing Stream Recap

Week 4: Questing Stream Recap

Week 5: Questing Stream Recap

Week 6: Questing Stream Recap

September 7, 2018

Pirate101 Questing Streams: Where We Stopped (Week One)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an amazing Friday. Today I'd like to talk a bit about our first Pirate101 Stream. As many of you already know, Autumn and I announced that we would be streaming the game every Thursday. We asked everyone a few days ago to create new pirates so all of us could quest together in-game. Keep reading this post for a short recap of what we did in the game on our first stream.

Yesterday we started our first few quests in the game. We ran around Skull Island and eventually made it to the Blood Shoals. After doing a few quests there and leveling up to level 5, we decided to start nautical leveling together! Chrissy later logged into Pirate101 during nautical leveling to take one of her famous screenshots. Thank you so much, Chrissy, for your amazing screenshot of the flying ship. We ended this fun stream after two hours of questing! It was also a lot of fun talking with Autumn and her son, Aidan, during this amazing stream. :) 

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend this first questing stream with us. The next time we start questing, we'll be questing through areas that require purchase. We've decided to give everyone two weeks to decide whether they'd like to join us for questing again (through the areas that require memberships). Feel free to watch the previous stream to see where we left off. You have two weeks to catch up and/or buy a membership if you'd like to join us again. We hope to see you continuing the game with us.

Our First Stream (Where We Stopped)
Quest: The Lizard City   Level: 5   Nautical: 5

Wizard101 Launches On Steam!

Hello Wizards!

Yesterday, September 6th, 2018, Kingsisle officially released Wizard101 to Steam. This was a great move by Kingsisle in the right direction in terms of promotion of the game. Wizard101 made it to the Most Popular New Release this morning and it was also charting at #1 among other categories such as Massively Multiplayer and Free-To-Play.

Wizard101 was also on the front page of the Steam Website. The current ratings are positive and the game is currently on page two of the top-selling free-to-play games! It's nice to see Wizard101 beating even new games in popularity. The game is a great game and it seems that the paywall didn't stop many people from buying the game. So a major congratulations to Kingsisle on making such an amazing game. Here's to many more new wizards joining the game! 

View Wizard101 On Steam

September 4, 2018

Quest With Us In Pirate101!

Ahoy Pirates!

I have some awesome news... Every Thursday, Autumn & I will be streaming Pirate101! We're planning on creating new pirates and questing them in the game. However, it won't be any normal questing stream. We want you to create a new pirate & join us on our questing adventures!

One amazing thing about these new Pirate101 Streams will be if you get behind and miss a stream, you'll have a week to catch up to us! We'll be questing our pirates together for each stream. We're still working out a few details, but our plans are to stream Pirate101 at least once a week. This means we'll be questing together every Thursday! Keep reading for more information.

You'll need to create a new pirate and quest him/her through the tutorial. After you create your pirate, wait until our first stream. As I've said above, we'll be doing a little bit of everything (NXP parties, questing, helping, etc.) If you've never played Pirate101 before and want to, feel free to click on the link above.

Join Us Every Thursday
We'll stream Pirate101 every Thursday at 6:00 pm Central. If you miss a stream and you're behind, you can catch up that week or if you're having trouble on a fight, we'll help you. Feel free to click on the link above to access our Twitch Channel.

Schedule & Catch Up Links: Below you'll find a schedule of our upcoming Pirate101 Questing Streams. You'll also find blog post links that show where we ended up each week of questing. Feel free to read these blog posts to see where we ended up so you're able to catch up with us. All links will be in order so you can use each post as a guide for catching up. If you don't see a blog post link, that means we'll be streaming for that week! We hope to see you there.

Week 1: Pirate Questing

September 3, 2018

SpiralRadio101 Birthday Event Recap!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Labor Day. It's forecast to rain today, so my plans are to be inside planning for events & ideas for blog posts throughout this month. Speaking of events and blog posts, I'd like to talk about a very special event that I attended yesterday, the Decaversary SpiralRadio101 Event.

SpiralRadio101 is an Official Wizard101 Podcast that streams every Wednesday at 8:45 pm Central on Twitch. The hosts, Stephen Spiritcaller and Christina Icedreamer (Icywiz), put on an amazing event stream for Wizard101's 10th Birthday. Yesterday was also Icywiz's Birthday so we got to celebrate two birthdays in one event! :D 

After a bit, we got to teleport to Icy's Massive Fantasy Palace. This castle was connected to other castles where you could run through each teleporter to access different freebies. I made my way back to the Massive Fantasy Palace after I visited all of the castles. Once I made it back, I began taking many screenshots of all of the wizards at this amazingly decorated castle. 

Everyone got to PvP, play housing games, and more while at the party. Prizes were given away to attendees in Twitch as well. This event really reminded me of an old Ravenwood Radio afterparty event. These would occur after every show they would host. They are the first streamers in this community and this year Ravenwood Radio & SpiralRadio101 turns 9 years old this October. That's 9 years of streaming! Congratulations on such an amazing podcast. I thank you for an amazing event as well. If anyone reading this post would like to follow SpiralRadio101 on Twitch, feel free to click on the link below. I hope to see you attending other fansite events as well - you'll find new fansite events every weekend this month. 

SpiralRadio101's Twitch

September 2, 2018

Happy 10th Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Today is a very special day because Wizard101 is officially 10 years old. While the game was created before this time, it wasn't until September 2nd, 2008 that Wizard101 was released to the public. It's amazing to see this amazing game has been here for 10 years. Congratulations, Kingsisle, on such a successful game.

All of us have many amazing memories of this game. Wizard101 has provided a lot of us with amazing memories - whether it's the first time you met your lifelong friend or even deciding a career path. There are many in the community that has done both of these things and more. It's a very special community! So today, I thought I'd list a few of my favorite things about this amazing game.

The release of mounts back in 2009 was a huge deal for me. It was my very first time accessing a test realm and being able to spend over 200,000 crowns (which Kingsisle allowed on the test realm at the time) on all of the new mounts. They only offered a few mounts, a few of which were the broom mounts. Many wizards zoomed to the test realm to see these mounts, which we didn't have on the live server. Mount races took place all over the place! Kingsisle adding mounts to the game was one of their best updates. Today we have so many different mounts, but this shows just how much Kingsisle is improving this game with their amazing updates.

I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. The Diary of a Wizard events has been one of my favorite memories of the game. They inspired so many people, including myself, to have events of their own. There are many people today that events and this what makes Wizard101 as amazing as it is. Events throughout the community are put together to bring everyone together to celebrate the game that we love. It's nice to see all of these events whether they've been here awhile or they've just started. Memories are being made! This community is one main reason there have been 10 years of the Spiral.

There are so many wonderful memories that I'd love to share on this post that I couldn't even fit all of them. I've made so many great friends, especially when I've needed them the most. Thank you, Kingsisle, for creating such an amazing game. There are many people across different religious backgrounds, nations, and more in this amazing community. No matter who we are, what we believe, or where we are from, we'll always be one community. The Wizard101 Community. Here's to many more years of Wizard101. :)