April 1, 2019

It's April - The Right Path

Hi there!

I can't believe today marks the 1st Day of April. How is this year flying by so quickly? I feel like we just celebrated New Years 2019. With time flying by so quickly, that means our events are quickly approaching. Once the March/April arrives, we have events nearly every month for the rest of the year. We already have so many plans for this year! I'm going to add that there are no April Fools jokes in this post. I won't promise the rest of the day won't be like that though. ;)

Our first upcoming event, Bunny Run 2019, is quickly approaching. This event will take place on Sunday, April 28th. The official post was published just a few days ago. This year's event will take place a week after Easter since we were both extremely busy the beginning of the year. It's tough waiting so long, but I am looking forward to hanging out with all of y'all again. It's also going to be nice seeing all of the bunnies running around at this year's event (rental bunny mounts will be provided to all who don't have one - thanks to our awesome community manager). Anyway, if y'all would like more information about our upcoming 4th Annual Bunny Run, feel free to click on the link below. We hope to see y'all there!

Speaking of events... I haven't just been preparing for the Bunny Run. I've also been preparing for this year's Holiday Mashup (which will take place in July). I won't share too much information on this post, but I will say that this year's Holiday Mashup will be epic. I will say that the HM Pathway is going to be the craziest & the longest pathway that we've ever had. If you're up for a challenge, I'd definitely pay attention to this event. So what does this event have to do with April? I'll be spending most of this month getting stuff together for it. I'll be working with other awesome cohosts towards Summer to get much other important stuff together. So keep an eye out these next few months for new updates on this event. You won't want to miss it! 

One final thing. I'd like to address my lack of blog posts over the past few months. Now I'm going to be real. I needed time to figure out my position in this community. The early part of this year was crazy both here and in my personal life, but sometimes you need one crazy moment to see the many good moments. The past few years in my personal life has been crazy - my sister was both involved in a car accident and recently diagnosed with epilepsy, my dad has had health scares over the past few months, and there have been many other things that I can't mention here. While it's no excuse for my behavior over the past few months (really years), all of this has indeed been a factor of how I handle things here in the community.

For years, I went down the wrong road where I hit crazy bumps, wild turns, and more. I've only recently found the right road. One way to get back on the right road is to choose to get back on the right road. One way of doing that is to see what you're doing wrong and change your ways. At the end of the day, your happiness is what matters. Do what makes you happy, as long as it's not hurting yourself or anyone else. What makes me happy is making blog posts, hosting events, and streaming. I look forward to doing all of that during my time here and not returning to the wrong path. The right path may have a few bumps here and there, since I, and life, is far from perfect. I'm prepared for that though. Things are definitely looking better either way. Anyway, I'd like to thank all of you for your support over the years even when I was on the wrong path. I'd also like to thank you all for reading this blog post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Always be yourself.

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