September 2, 2019

Happy 11th Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Today is a very special day! As you have read from the title, today, September 2nd, is Wizard101's 11th Birthday! Eleven years ago, Kingsisle released Wizard101 to the public. Today, Wizard101 is still going strong & Kingsisle has released so many amazing updates for the community that plays their game.

Since 2008, Kingsisle has updated the game in so many different ways, that if I listed all of them, this post would be one of my lengthiest posts. Overall, Kingsisle has done an amazing job keeping the game updated and going strong after 11 years! I remember celebrating their 1st Birthday in 2009. To be honest with all of you, I never thought I'd be playing the game this long! If someone told me in 2009 that I'd still be playing the game & interacting in the community 10 years later, I'd laugh. I'm sure those who have played even longer than me feel the same way. But when you think about it, you won't find another community like this anywhere else.

 Anyway, I wanted to make this post short & sweet (since I have another post planned for Friday - to celebrate Wizard101's Birthday). Thank you, Kingsisle, for such an amazing game! It truly is amazing seeing Wizard101 last as long as it has. I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the game in the 2020s. You have many that support you & your efforts to continue making Wizard101 the best game that it can be. And I must say that your efforts are recognized. Thank you for everything that you do. Keep up the great work, Kingsisle!

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