September 10, 2019

SpiralVision Group Questing - One Year Anniversary!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful start of the week. Today, I wanted to talk a bit about something that I haven't really posted on my blog in months - group questing! Yesterday, September 9th, we got to celebrate our one year anniversary of Wizard101 Group Questing!

I still can't believe that we've been group questing for an entire year. When we first started this, I didn't think it would last this long. Sure, we have friends come & go, but we continue moving forward through each world. We've had such amazing adventures & laughs from Wizard City through Zafaria. Soon enough, we'll enter the world of Avalon - one of the best worlds in the game! 

I look forward to making many new memories with this amazing group (which includes anyone & every one that joins us). So I'd like to thank each and every one of you for participating in our group questing adventures whether you stop by to help or quest with us. Here's to another year!

Wizard101 Group Questing
Mondays @ 5:30pm Central / 6:30pm Eastern

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