July 19, 2020

It's Scary - 10 Years Later

Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you are having an amazing weekend. Today, I thought I'd talk about something that has been on my mind for quite some time - a massive burnout. Well, a massive blogging burnout, at least. 

Over the past several years, I've seen bloggers that once were quite active in the community, disappear into their real life, one at a time. There are people I thought would be here longer than me that have already left the community. I'm not like many that move forward right away. I see the good things that people do to make this community inclusive and when they leave, it actually makes me sad.

For a while now, I've had blogger burnout. It's not because I don't like blogging, but it's because guides are not my thing. Interaction is - as you could tell from the events, streams, and now, Spiral News. There are times I want to make a blog post, and I know y'all still read my blog - thank you for that - but I don't feel like I did before. I don't know if it's because I've been blogging half or possibly 75% of the time many of you've been alive. 😂

Overall, I don't know where this blog will go in the future. But I do know that I'll do my best to continue trying my best to bring the community together - no matter the platform. Thank you all for giving me the change to do that over the past 10 years. And yes, I know this was a very random blog post. Thank you for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

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