April 14, 2021

Life Update - Mental Health + Fully Vaccinated + Website Progress

 Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you have been doing well. This week has been something else. I've been working on my new website and noticed a few things that we'll shortly talk about. But for now, let's talk about my mental health & my recent 2nd COVID vaccine.

My mental health as of late has been great. I've been balancing everything out where I don't get too stressed about something - such as building an entirely new website. As crazy as it sounds, I'm really not as stressed as I would've been if I decided to build it last year instead of this year. I did, however, have a slowdown due to my 2nd COVID vaccine. I had a few side effects that made me very tired yesterday & today - so I didn't get as much work as I wanted to get done. That's okay though. We still have a good month to go (I'm not counting the past few days - hehe). 

One thing I want to bring to the community is to bring in a new way of finding what you're looking for a lot easier. There is so much work to do and there's no way I'll be able to release all of it at once since it's a one-man type of project at the moment. With your help and inspiration, I'll be able to build Visions into something very special. This new site isn't about me - it will be about us. It's going to be fun to see your reaction to this crazy, but also, awesome, project! 

This is my step forward into bigger and better things. I've had most of these ideas for at least 10 years for Around The Spiral, but was never able to implement them due to lack of confidence and resources.. that is, until now. It sure is going to be fun helping as many wizards as possible, while also showing the beauty of each game. I hope you'll join me on that. 

To end, I want to let everyone know that my wizard, Edward Lifegem, will never attend an event unless it's thrown by a trusted, respectful, and overall, respected community member. You can see my wizard's style by clicking on the about me page (or viewing the new site when it's release). Anyway, thank you all for reading this blog post. I'll update you on my progress as we near the release of the new website. Thank you for your support, and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

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