January 7, 2022

My Return To The Community

 Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful start to 2022. I can't believe we're already a week into the year. Over the past week, I've been acting all futuristic just because of all of the futuristic films I watched years ago about the 2020s. Speaking of the future, I wanted to talk about my plans for the community - specifically later this year and beyond.

Before I begin, I want to tell you what I've been up to over the past few years. Before Visions of the Spiral (which I'm still working on), I decided to take a break to focus on my mental health. God knows the past few years have been chaotic, online and offline. My offline life has made me somewhat of a second father since I was 17. There were no parties, no friends, no boyfriend, and overall, no drama (wait, that's a good thing) in my offline life. I had to grow up quickly, work, and take care of two family members. 

Online, I brought all of my frustration into the community. I had to put my plans aside, which I certainly don't regret, but putting those plans aside hurt me. Online, I had a chance to create a website and host in-game events. When things didn't work out as planned, I certainly went off. I couldn't control my life as I wanted, so I tried to control the community. I started realizing just over a year ago that having a community in the image I wanted would be unrealistic and fake. 

Fast forward to today and it's easy to see how many mistakes I've made. Of course, one human being can't do everything wrong, and there are people that made just as many mistakes as I've made. We're all human - it's normal. What matters is how we move forward. We have to remind ourselves that we can't continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. It actually makes me laugh when I think of the times I was upset over the silliest of things. There are also things I still stand by, but that doesn't matter. What matters to me is continuing my hobby and hanging out with good friends here in the community.

It's been quite a while since I've hosted in-game events for every Holiday and this year, I plan to do that again. Hosting these events was always so much fun but not because of how many people attended. My favorite event was the first Santa Run. We had around 6 people show up and we ran around the pond in The Commons. That was 10 years ago this December. My goal now is to host events like that to make everyone's Holiday special. 

I can't and won't change what others believe, but I'll let you know what I believe. No matter who or where you worship, your political beliefs, your race, where you're from, etc. - you are always welcome to attend our in-game events. It's how I want to host these events going forward. No drama with random people. I can't say I'm just doing this for the community. I'm also doing it for myself because it's something I've grown to enjoy for 10 years. And I've missed you guys. I hope you'll be able to join us - starting with the Bunny Run of 2022 for Fansite Festival coming later this Spring. Thank you all so much for reading and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

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