March 24, 2014

Pirate101 Advanced Pets Coming Soon!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today Massively announced that Kingsisle will be adding advanced pets to the game soon. We'll have to test the new update out on the test realm so that means we'll have a chance to see what new pets (morphs) can be created and talents will be added to pets. Wizard101 added advanced pets a few years ago and the talents really do help my wizard to quest through the game. I think this new update on the game will help pirates a lot with battles and will give everyone a lot to do! I can't wait to level my pets on the game to see what new talents and powers they'll give us. Are you excited??! I know I am. If you would like to read more, just click on the image below to read the Massively Article! :D I think the test realm will be released this week, so get ready for a lot of new fun. :D

March 23, 2014

Pirate101 Character Update: My Witchdoctor, Edward

Ahoy Pirates,

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging lately. I've been spending too much on both of Kingsisle's games and forget about blogging. I promise this coming week I'll have more blog posts to share with you all. I love blogging and feel if I don't get at least 6 blog posts published in one week, then I'm not happy about that. Anyways, I promise I'll start blogging again tomorrow. I plan on leveling my swashbuckler again through his quests and of course farming for gold for my Witchdoctor.. I have that feeling Kingsisle will release something soon and I want to be prepared for the next major update by making sure all of my companions are leveled to level 65. Lately I've been farming Friar so I could level up the rest of my companions that aren't at level 65 yet and I'm getting pretty close to finishing everything up. So far my Witchdoctor is already level 65 and have a nautical level of 65. I'd love to level all of my companions to level 65. I know... I'll have to level them through the next world but I feel if all of my companions are closer to my level, I won't have any problem at first in the next world. Crazy... OH... talk about updates, did you see the recent spoiler Kingsisle released to the public?? I can't believe they're going to change Avery's Court. I love the new staircase they are planning on adding. There's also a new building and dock in the image. If you would like to see more of that, just click on the random image below that has nothing to do with the new updates! I think that's it for today. Until tomorrow, I'll see you around the spiral. :D

March 21, 2014

Wizard101 Character Update: Edward Lifegem

Hello Wizards!

Today has been such a nice day outside and I've spent the entire day on the internet! I'm not mad, I did go outside a little bit today and that's how I know it's nice outside. I spent the day on the internet (at least this morning) because I wanted to finish up a quest that my life wizard, Edward Lifegem, has been stuck on a few days. Before I begin on what quest he's been stuck on, let me talk about the quest before that..

A few days ago I decided to start leveling on my life wizard again. I wanted to finish a lot of side quests before I began questing on my main quests so I leveled a few days through side quests and then started to quest again on my main quest (the more xp you have, the better- you never know when you're going to level). I had to defeat a few things that I have actually been stuck on for 6 months because of the computer issue that I was having and it wouldn't let me quest long in Avalon because I couldn't switch areas. I'm so happy I have my new computer so I can level again without any trouble. Anyways, I had to collect a few things from them and it only took three fights to collect what I needed. 

After I finished the quest of collecting, I got to enter Ghost Avalon. I knew I wouldn't be able to complete this dungeon alone so I had help from my sister, Melissa Rainstrider. I'm not like Alexander Lionheart, so there's no way I'd be able to solo this dungeon so I'm thankful I had help! :D The dungeon wasn't difficult to defeat since ice and life are strong schools and all! :P We had a little bit of difficulty defeating morganthe since she kept using mana burn when we fizzled and got over 7 pips. This dungeon would have been bad if I soloed. Well I'll still be there right now, yeah in the Ambrose Realm, Avalon, Ghost Avalon, fighting morganthe... hahahah... Anyways, I'm so happy I completed this dungeon, that's one thing out of the way. I still have one more dungeon I need to complete before I have access to Azteca. I think I'll blog about that too so you know where my life wizard is. I won't make too many posts about that but I hope you like these little updates I plan on doing with all my wizards I level on. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. See ya'll around the spiral!