March 28, 2014

Pirate101 Video: Coming Spring 2014

Ahoy Pirates,

I just wanted to make a short blog post about a video Kingsisle released yesterday that I didn't have a chance to post. This video shows all of the updates that Kingsisle plans on adding to the game (will be on the test realm soon). Let me say this, if you haven't played Pirate101 yet, you really should since these updates are being added this Spring! The updates they are adding are important and fun. Okay, enough talking.. It's time for you to look at the awesome new video.. :D

March 25, 2014

Pirate101 Advanced Companions!

Ahoy Pirates!

I'm sure you've heard by now that Kingsisle will also be releasing an advanced companion update to the test realm soon along with advanced pets! Don't get me wrong, these are two separate updates that Kingsisle plans on releasing to Pirate101. I think this is my favorite update they plan on adding to the game. I thought we would have a lot to do with advanced pets. I think the advanced companions will be a lot of fun and we'll have a lot to do before the next world update (if they don't release one, I think they'll release a 5 level world for some reason, but I'm only guessing). I will send you to an article on the MMORPG Website to read more information about this update but I wanted to tell you something else they plan on releasing before I do send you over. All pirate classes will get new Class Companions starting at level 4! You can click on the image below to see more information about these companions and many more updates about companions on the MMORPG Website. Thanks Kingsisle. I can't wait to see all of these updates on the test realm. You've been working hard on the game!

March 24, 2014

More Pirate101 Teasers Released!

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle release more panorama teasers today, that I think has nothing to do with the Advanced Pets but might.. It depends, we'll have to see. I do know there's a pet in one of the pictures that looks like a new pet. I have that feeling something is about to be released on the test realm, so get ready. I think the test realm will be released sometime today or tomorrow. I'm really leaning towards tomorrow. I really can't wait to test out all of the updates that will be coming to the game soon! Are you excited about this? I hope you are. :) Okay.. that's it for now, please click on the image to the right to check out all of the new panoramas. :D Enjoy! I'll see around the spiral.