March 28, 2014

Pirate101 Video: Coming Spring 2014

Ahoy Pirates,

I just wanted to make a short blog post about a video Kingsisle released yesterday that I didn't have a chance to post. This video shows all of the updates that Kingsisle plans on adding to the game (will be on the test realm soon). Let me say this, if you haven't played Pirate101 yet, you really should since these updates are being added this Spring! The updates they are adding are important and fun. Okay, enough talking.. It's time for you to look at the awesome new video.. :D

1 comment:

Elijah Light Thief said...

Why are the Pirate101 commercials always better then the Wizard101 commercials? Well done KI, i might have to pick up and finish cool ranch now. Those chapter prices though...