March 3, 2014

Farewell Autumn Dreamwalker

Ahoy Pirates,

Sad news today... Autumn from Secrets Of The Spiral announced today that she will no longer be a Pirate101 Fansite owner and can't be a part of not only the Pirate101 community but also the Wizard101 community. I knew Autumn since 2010 and feel so bad that she has to leave the community. I'm sure you've read many blogs that had Autumn included on this blog and have read her site, Secrets Of The Spiral. It's so sad to blog about this, but I am because she's a great person and deserves better. I'm praying that everything she's going through stops soon so she can enjoy life. I know how it is to have real life complications and it does affect not only your gaming life but also your blogging. I've had problems like these in the past and it isn't easy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I WILL MISS YOU AUTUMN! I know I won't forget you and I'm pretty sure all of the people who know you won't forget you because you're the best! *Secrets Of The Spiral- Goodbye*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

._. she sure be miss ._.