March 6, 2014

My First Time Out Of Missouri!

Hello Humans...

I've come here to take over your planet.. Kidding... Lol, you probably thought I was an alien at first right? No? Okay... :P Well.. I thought since I'm traveling somewhere in a few days that I'd create a new label on my blog to tell you how I'm doing in real life! It's new, but I won't be blogging all of the time since I will be busy making P101 & W101 blogs. I know I haven't been making any lately but I promise I will once I get my hard drive replaced.. I made a W101 blog the other day and said I had no issues at all for this computer and all of a sudden.. maybe a few seconds after publishing my w101 blog, my computer tells me I have a hard drive problem. I had to contact HP to ask them if they knew what was happening and they told me I needed to replace it. I'm mad because I can't make as many blogs as I wanted to this week since I won't be able to Friday-Monday. I might be able to make a blog tomorrow but don't really know.. I'll be pretty busy! Anyways... I ordered a new piece and it will arrive next week so everything should be taken care of by then.. Oh! I wanted to tell you I plan on making another blog (maybe Monday) with pictures of everything I traveled through. Yeah, traveling by car so I'll have PLENTY of pictures! It'll be my first time traveling out of state.. Yeah I'm 20 (21, July 28th) and I haven't been out of state. That will soon change! I will get to travel through the Missouri Ozarks and plan on taking plenty of pictures of that. I will also get to travel to Arkansas for the first time! Like I said, the body I'm in now, that's typing this blog (yeah I don't sound like an alien at all, well maybe crazy), will get to travel out of state!!! I'm so excited!! I get to travel through Jeff City, Springfield and Fayatteville, Arkansas. So if you live in Arkansas Or Oklahoma, EDWARD LIFEGEM, I mean.... I will be in the same state as you :D Okay... that's it for now! Thanks for reading everyone.. Hope you enjoy this new label. I would like all of you, not just wizards and pirates to know how I'm doing in real life, but if you don't want to read, don't click on these posts. I know, I have a lot of comas in this post, how many do you think I have, a lot, yeah... LOL Okay. BYE!

1 comment:

Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts said...

Pfft. You're in the state as me most of the time. Have fun!

~Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts