March 6, 2014

The Evolution Of Pirate101 Combat


I just wanted to share something with you all today. I don't have a new questing blog post (I will next week), but I do have something I'd like to share with you all. Lately, Kingsisle has been publishing blogs about how combat on Pirate101 used to be before it was released to the public. These two posts are interesting and really show how far the company has come with Pirate101. They also have videos on these posts that show how to combat was when they were testing out which combat would be better for the game. If you'd like to check out Kingsisle's awesome blog posts, just click on the link in the upper-right corner for a link to Kingsisle's Blog! Or click HERE for Part 1 and HERE for Part 2 of the Pirate101 Combat posts.

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