March 29, 2014

This Blog Has Been Viewed 300,000 Times!

Hi there,

I wanted to make this short blog post about a milestone we're about to hit. This blog will be viewed by tomorrow 300,000 times! It's hard to believe that it's been viewed that much, but it's the truth. I'm so excited and I think everything is a milestone. I know views don't matter more than blogging itself, but I love celebrating everything, even if I had one view on this blog. Thank you everyone for reading this blog! It really means a lot that you spend time out of your day to read my blog posts and I promise I'll have more blog posts that you'll get to read. Anyways, I wanted to say this now since I haven't had a chance to. I haven't been making posts about where my wizards and pirates are, but I promise I will start that again soon! I have posts that I need to type up, but haven't had a chance because I've been busy... leveling and catching up. :D Okay, thanks again for reading and I hope all you have a great Saturday. :)