August 2, 2014

Arrrgustt 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far! I know I am. Well... I'm a little sick, but I am feeling great at the same time because yesterday the Pirate101 Newsletter was released with a lot of awesome news. I'm sure you all know about the new Rogue's Gallery featuring Fin Dorsal (you can view that video below). One- Eyed Jack and Bonnie also released news about Arrrgust!

Wait a minute... Arrrgust or Bonnie? Why was Bonnie mentioned on this newsletter?? Bonnie is actually our new associate community manager! Bonnie (Leala) is a new community manager for not only Pirate101 but also Wizard101 ( the same with One-Eyed Jack). I know Leala from the Wizard101 community when she was a host on Ravenwood Radio with Stephen Spiritcaller from Spiral Radio. I'm glad she's back in the community and I know she'll do a great job! Congratulations Tom and Leala! :D Now... Lets talk about Arrrgust! Last year Pirate101 celebrated Arrrgust with contests, giveaways and new items! I think this year will be even better than last year even though last year was awesome. Keep an eye out because you never know what fansites will be having contests for the Arrrgust celebration. ;) If you would like to read this month's Pirate101 newsletter, click HERE. 

August 1, 2014

Breaking News: New Community Managers & W101 Game Designer

Hi there,

Today the Wizard101 Newsletter was released with huge news. Tom Purdue (One-Eyed Jack) and Leala Ulrich (Leesha Darkheart) are now associate community managers for the games Wizard101 and Pirate101. This means both games will have two community managers. Kiersten Samwell (Lydia Greyrose) will still be working at Kingsisle as a new Wizard101 game designer! Congratulations on your new jobs and I know all three of you will be great on your new jobs. Thank you for all of your hard work! If you would like more information about all of the changes, click HERE or the image attached to this post.

July 31, 2014

Lt. Jim Masterson

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope all of you are having a great Thursday! Today I got to level my swashbuckler and thought I'd make a post since today is my last day of blogging everyday. I've made a blog post about Wizard101 or Pirate101 everyday this month! I'm shocked because it's the first time I've ever made a blog post everyday in one month. I had a lot to blog about this month. :D I also have a lot to talk about today, so get ready for a long post! :D

Before I tell you what I did today, I'm going to talk about the quests I had to complete on my last post. On my last blog post I defeated the Wild Bunch and finally entered the Haunted Skyway. I sailed to Fort McMurtry to find Captain Blood's firstmate. I found Colonel Church and he told me that he wanted me to sink eight ships before he would tell me anything about Blood's firstmate. When I finished sinking the ships, he told me that Sabatini (Blood's former firstmate) left Fort McMurtry. He also said he'd help me find out more information if I helped Lieutenant Jim Masterson. Today I had a chance to help Masterson out. I found out that there was a jailbreak and he wanted me to help find them prisoners. I found Weasley (a prisoner)  by asking around and he went back easy. I found out that I had to find a second prisoner, Crazy Horn, in a Vortex near Tumbleweed..

Crazy Horn wasn't a hard boss to defeat because I had to use spells on a ship first. This is something I really like about Pirate101.. If you're about to fight a mob on a Pirate ship, you can use as many attacks as you can before you enter battle. The pirate ship they were on kept sailing toward my ship so I had to back up. You can use as many attacks as you can and then when you're ready, enter the battle. You will notice that the enemies health is lower than it normally is. The enemies health is lower because you attacked the ship and the lower the ship health is, the better chance the enemies on the ship's health is lower. This boss and his crew was easy to defeat because of this. :D Keep this in mind when you're about to fight enemies aboard a ship. :) I promise this will help you! After I finished this fight I had to sail back to Fort McMurtry to tell Bat the good news.

When I arrived, Bat told me that he knew who helped the prisoners escape. Bat told me that I could find Captain Foote in a Vortex behind Fort McMurtry. I had to find an area in the vortex called the Hang Em' Jail but ended in the wrong place. I had a quest from the Commodore in the same area I was in and ended up fighting in the wrong battle for about 20 minutes! I even took a lot of screenshots so that was very confusing.. I will get three training tomes for my companions but this is a warning to anyone that has that same quest.. Don't enter the middle dungeon, enter the dungeon to your left! Don't make the same mistake I did unless you want some training tomes. :P I finally found the right dungeon by looking around the area. The fight I was supposed to fight took a little bit and one of my companions did die. To tell you the truth, all three of my companions that entered this battle almost died but my character and two of my companions were lucky enough to live. This fight took awhile to complete but we finally did it. I freed a Corporal that was kept there and I use the Life Fountain option to teleport back to Fort McMurtry since there are a ton of bloodbats in from of the vortex and I didn't want to get caught. I told Bat that I found the guy and he was happy that I helped him find all of the prisoners including the leader. This is where I'm going to stop this post because I already think it's too long of a post! :P I'll attach one last picture to this post to finish the post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!