September 21, 2015

PayItForward: Matthew Bristol

Hi there!

Last month I had a PayItForward sort of thing that a few did, but I thought I'd still try it again this month so everyone in the community knows that they are appreciated in the community. This month I have a new wizard/pirate that is pretty amazing. Before I tell you about them, I want you to know that if you're chosen for this PayItForward post, please PayItForward by talking about somebody else on your channel, blog or Twitter because you want everyone to know about them. Don't let anyone know I'm the one that has been doing this. I want to be kept a secret! :P

This month, I decided to choose Matthew Bristol to talk about since he's an amazing YouTuber that makes videos about Pirate101 and Wizard101. He cares about the community and the game. Don't get me wrong, many YouTubers do, but Matthew is one that really does. He talks with everyone in the community and it really shows on his YouTube videos that he cares about the game as much we do. I think he's one YouTuber that really cares about Pirate101 (you know, one of the best games ever) which is also awesome! :D He does walkthroughs on both Wizard101 and Pirate101 so please check his channel out by clicking on the image above or clicking HERE. Thank you Matthew for everything you do. Remember to keep trying no matter what! I know you'll make it. Congratulations on 100 subscribers and don't forget to PayItForward! :D P.S. remember not to let anyone know that I talked about your channel on my website, just pay it forward to somebody awesome that you know. :D

Edward Cringle VS General Tso!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been awhile since I leveled on the game. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that because you already know that I haven't been around much. I think October will be a lot of fun, mostly because lately I've been playing a few contests and events of my own. I should have more posts next month, but I'm going to finish this month with as many Pirate101 blog posts as possible! :D A few days ago, Autumn helped me quest through the General Tso dungeon and I'm going to talk about that dungeon with you and share my thoughts about that dungeon and of course my screenshots with you!

On my last blog post, Cotton Candy, I had to find and defeat Doctor Noh (General Tso's righthand man) in the Tai Foon Vortex or the Cotton Candy machine. After defeating Doctor Noh, I had to return him to Egg Foo Yung and then take the other piece of Pollo's map away from Doctor Noh. I found out that Doctor Noh didn't have it and Egg told me that General Tso was the one that had the other piece of the map. He told me that I could find him in General Tso's lair, the Khoton.  The Khoton dungeon is a long dungeon. There are four Samoorai battles you have to finish before you can enter General Tso's dungeon. I'm thankful I had Autumn to help me because I think I'd still be in the dungeon right now if she didn't. Do you mind sailing to the Khoton to help me?! :P That's what the title of my post would be if I didn't have help! :P

After the four battles and causing some.... damage.... to Khoton, we finally gained acces to General Tso's Fortress. I forgot why we had to cause an explosion, but it was a lot of fun! :P I'm sorry I don't remember, it's mostly because it's a very long dungeon. I usually try to remember what happened during battles on the game when I make questing posts, but this time I can't! I do remember what happened once we gained access to the fortress. We had to fight Samoorai again (fifth battle), to earn a key to General Tso's throne room. The samoorai battles were pretty easy because I had a strong witchdoctor (ya know... Autumn ;D) to help me! Once we entered the Throne Room, I noticed General Tso and a boss that we would have to fight, Takeda Moomori. This Takeda was the same Takeda's wedding that I had to interrupt a few months ago... :P The Takeda battle was also easy because it included more samoorai. There were soooo many samoorai in this dungeon!

I'm sure many of you know how this dungeon is, especially nearly after three years of Pirate101 but it was still a lot of fun. We made it to General Tso and it really didn't matter to Autumn if General Tso was immune to our attacks. Look at that attack in the screenshot above! I got to threaten General Tso's chicken and that was also a lot of fun? I mean that was a lot of fun! I still had a great time questing through this dungeon with Autumn. I think that this post was pretty eventful and a little random, but I still hope you enjoyed reading it anyway. It does take a very long time to make these posts, but I still love making them for you! I really do thank you all for your support. :D I also want to thank Autumn for helping me through this seven battle dungeon! There were so many samoorai, I think I had a dream the other night about fighting samoorai. really... :P Anyways... thank you again for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Only difficult part of this dungeon was taking this last screenshot!

September 19, 2015

Stairway to Randomness!

Hello Wizards!

I've been so busy the past few weeks with homework that I haven't had a chance to level until today! I decided to level my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem, with Autumn Dreamwalker's myth and ice wizards since a new world might be released soon.. you know, Polaris. :D The enemies of Polaris better prepare because we don't play around! :P

I've been excited about Polaris for awhile now, but I know I have a lot of catching up to do to enter the world. Today was a lot of fun because most of the battles we went through actually went our way! You know when I level, I always take screenshots even when I'm not planning on making a blog post. I love taking screenshots of the game for memory for anytime in the future when I decide to go back in time and read what I did. :D This post is random but still a great memory because I had a lot of fun! Homework is fun too, right?! :D Well, probably not to many, but I've had a lot of fun with my programming assignments. Wait... where am I going with this post?!

Oh yeah.. Wizard101! Today we went through Morganthe's memory quests and quest a little through the Sardonyx. I think I told you about the Sardonyx on my fire wizard so I won't talk about much about the quests we went through. I will tell you that I'm glad we're questing again because by the time the next world is released, we'll be ready! If you're not ready, make sure you buy that membership or crowns and catch up before they release the new world. I believe it'll be a main world, but if it's a side world, I'm sure Kingsisle won't disappoint us! :D Complete your side quests and level your pets, because I think this next world is going to be a lot of fun. That's it for today, I'll make another post next week if we level again to let you know where we are. :D Thank you for reading this random blog post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

The Stairway to Heaven!