#4 #5 And #6 Abracadoodle

Wizard Weekly #4
Announcing Wizard101Central's 200th PvP Tournament!
We proudly announce the 200th PvP tournament, and as a thank you to our participants this one will be extra special!
To celebrate we will open up 3 PvP/Derby tournaments on Sunday April 24th, with great prizes thanks to Kingsisle, Jester and Olivia.
To celebrate we will open up 3 PvP/Derby tournaments on Sunday April 24th, with great prizes thanks to Kingsisle, Jester and Olivia.
Our first tournament is a high level 1v1 - all players Levels 50-60 are welcome to participate. This tournament will open for 128 players, however to make sure our brackets work we will split it into two 64-player tournaments.
The second tournament will be low-mid level tournament. There is a wide level gap here, so make sure you are well prepared within our rules
For this tournament all Levels 20-40 are welcome to participate and the this tournament will open with 64 spots.
The third tournament is a Derby Tournament for our pet lovers out there that may have been a bit reluctant to join any other tournament for lack of a better pet. Silverback Wildclaws, Fierce Hounds, and Crimson Spectre's can be very intimidating! The good news is, that for this tournament those beasts aren't allowed! In fact, this tournament is one where the more "humble" pets will rule the day and the so called SUPER PETS will have to sit out. So, dust off your Dragon, prime your firecats, and make sure your imp's wand is ready to go, because it will only be open to pets with Pedigree of 33 or less! Any level, any school, and mixed as well, just as long as their Pedigree is under 34.
Didn't keep your Stray Piggle that you got when you first entered the Pet Pavillion? Have NO CLUE that pets with 33 Pedigree or less even existed? Well, check out this amazing post to find one that will be right for you - Illustrated Wizard101 Pets and Locations Guide
Didn't keep your Stray Piggle that you got when you first entered the Pet Pavillion? Have NO CLUE that pets with 33 Pedigree or less even existed? Well, check out this amazing post to find one that will be right for you - Illustrated Wizard101 Pets and Locations Guide
We want to thank you all for making these competitions so successful, and most of all, so much fun! Here are the prizes up for grabs in each tournament:
1st place
60.000 Crowns
60.000 Crowns
2nd place
20.000 Crowns
20.000 Crowns
3rd Place
10.000 Crowns
10.000 Crowns
We look forward to seeing you in the arena, and happy dueling!
Have a great easter Holiday! And Stay Safe Everyone, whether you are online Wizard101, Or offline celebrating Easter with your family!
~ Edward Lifegem
Happy easter :) LOL
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