March 19, 2013

New Gear

Hello Wizards!

I'm sure you heard that Wizard101 released another pack, Shaman's Lore Pack, it looks like it has some pretty cool looking gear, pets and spells! I asked myself something though. Why game card packs? A few years ago Kingsisle had main level gears that you could farm a boss for and at the time it was epic gear. Now though, a lot has changed. I love the game card packs but I think Kingsisle should release the gear with bosses now.

Don't get me wrong, I love the new gear with all of the packs, they are very epic! This goes along with the world release rate though. They haven't released any good gear (from what I can see) with any of the new worlds. They release it with crowns packs though. I know crowns gear is always supposed to be better than the normal gear you farm from a boss but.. Its weird to see people who can't buy crowns and can only purchase members have level 58/ 60 gear on and you find out they're level 90. People who can purchase crowns can get all of the good gear. Since the gear in the crowns shop is really the only good gear you can get, it makes it unfair to the other players who only purchase memberships. I'm one of the people who doesn't have crowns at all times. Please take your time releasing worlds so you can have time to make some good gear for those who can only purchase a membership. This is a blog and yes, I do make posts like these sometimes, I have to. I won't buy this pack (25 crowns), so I'll have to see what I can do on my fire when reaching Azteca. Please, with the next world (hopefully not too soon), release some nice gear!


Autumn DreamWalker said...

I agree. There should be bosses that drop good gear. It could be different than the crowns gear, but still good :)

jewelshadowcast said...

I have fire that is lvl 90, and I dare to say that I have good stats. Most of my gear is either drafted or boss yes you can have good stats even without crowns..but I do agree with you at some point..looks like KI is making it easier for people who have crowns now..before you had to put some effort if you wanted to have good gear.

Swordroll said...

I have to disagree that the items should be drops. For subscribers, they can progress as far and as fast as they want with one payment, while Crowns players have to pay as they go with each area, but have them permanently unlocked. So we're even there. But then, subscribers get all these additional benefits. Let's be honest, most packs don't have that great of gear. Now, I can understand that subscribers would want the best of the best as far as gear goes, but Crowns players should have had these benefits for a long time.

Now, perhaps it's a little bit unfair that they're hidden in packs. You know, if packs only had gear that looked good with no stats for stitching, I'd still buy. However, KingsIsle doesn't seem to be stellar at designing gear that the public likes. Eh, we'll see...

Edward Lifegem said...

I agree that crown players should still have packs and great items in the crowns shop, I don't agree that the area for gear should only be in the crowns shop though. I've noticed that change in the past two years (I think it's worse than the time they give on the release of worlds), I hope they change this. Think of the past, they gave players with no crowns a chance to get gear and level through the next world. They should have a main boss that gives a little bit of gear at least. :) Thanks for commenting though, I love reading different opinions!

Edward Lifegem said...

I believe crowns players should have better gear, but they need to add a little better gear for those who don't have crowns. At least a last boss, this would even be good for crowns players :) I'm only hoping they do that again one day!