March 29, 2013

Spring Pet Contest Winners


Before I announce the winners, I would like to thank all of you who entered the contest, with the submitted emails there were a lot of nice words about the contest. I'm very glad all of you enjoyed the contest and I hope to have another contest like this again. I'm sure a lot of you are probably wondering where all of the pets are right? Well, I hid six of them around the blog. They were hidden in pages and posts from this month. Here's all of the links to all six of the pets I hid around the blog.

Pet #1

Pet #2

Pet #3

Pet #4

Pet #5

Pet #6

31 of you found the pets, congratulations! There are two parts of the contest, the second was to find all six of the pets around the blog and then submit it so you can be entered in the drawing. 10 of you won this part of the contest and you all get 5,000 Crowns and a Spring Pet on Pirate101. Congratulations winners!

Check your email for your code! I'll send it soon. Thank you everyone for entering this contest, and thank you Kingsisle/ Tom for supplying the codes for this awesome contest. It was a lot of fun :)


Autumn DreamWalker said...

Congrats to everyone who won! And thanks for having this contest. It was A LOT of fun! :)

Diana said...

A cool quest!