June 12, 2014

My 1,000th Blog Post!

Hi There!

This is my 1000th blog post I made on this site! I can't believe I've made 1,000 posts on this blog. When I first created this blog in 2010 I thought I'd at least make 100 posts but the extra zero at the end makes it crazy AND awesome! There's really no words because I'm still shocked this is my 1000th post and I'm going to hit that publish button the 1000th time. LOL I mean... 1,000?!?! WOW.. I bet you all can't even count how many times I say 1,000... 1,000... 1,000!! Okay I'm done, maybe..... :P Anyways, I want to thank all of you for reading this blog. It really means a lot that you take time out of your day to read my blog posts that are crazy, random, weird, awesome, exciting, boring, or a post like this that might be all of the above.. Well excluding boring! Seriously though... I really don't know what to type up and that's probably why I'm using a lot of dots to make this post look like a longer post than it really is. :D THANK YOU!!! I love blogging about the games we all love and making posts for you all to read about my gaming experience. I would also like to thank Kingsisle for making the awesome games Wizard101 and Pirate101 because they are my favorite games and probably the only games I play. If you would have ask me on Wizard101 4-5 years ago if I would blog about the game, I'd probably ask you what a blog was... LOL. Now that I know what a blog is and I have my two favorite games, Kingsisle and this wonderful community of friends. I don't think I'll ever stop blogging which is great! I know there will be times that I won't be able to blog because I'll start college soon but I do know I will blog until I at least hit 2,000, 3,000, 4,000... 5,000; whatever I hit I know it'll be a lot of fun because I don't think I'll ever want to stop blogging, 1,000 posts, haha.. I lied. Anyways, I decided to have a small email contests just for my 1,000th blog post for 1,000 crowns for BOTH Wizards and Pirates! :D Keep reading for more information...

  • Email Me One Blog Post You Love/Remember: I would like both wizards and pirates to email a link of one of their favorite blog posts they remember reading + if they are a wizard or pirate included in the email (if you don't tell me if you're a wizard or pirate, you won't be entered in a contest) Please only enter once so everyone has a chance to win. I'll be giving away two 1,000 crown codes to pirates and two 1,000 codes to wizards at random. I will email you if you win and this contest ENDS TODAY June 12th at 6:00 P.M. CST. Make sure you enter by emailing me at: edwardfrostgem@gmail.com! 

Ian Stormstaff gave me the idea to post a pic of a cat :D Thanks Ian. :) Had to add this picture!

1 comment:

Chrissy The Blesser said...

Congratulations and wonderfully done. You worked hard for this and deserve a great pat on the back or a great kitten hug, whichever you prefer. Well done Sir.