August 19, 2015

PayItForward: ShadowhornGG

Hi there!

A few days ago I decided to share a certain streamer, youtuber, blogger or anyone that's really nice a shoutout on my website. Trust me, if I don't share you, I'll most likely give a shoutout to somebody here on Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem! The rules are: 1. Pay It Forward by giving a shoutout to somebody else that is special in the community. 2. Don't tell anybody that I'm the one who created the Pay it Forward for the community. 3.  Keep in mind it can be about anybody in the community!


ShadowhornGG is actually Blaze Shadowhorn from the Wizard101 community. We have been best friends/bros for over four years! He has done a lot in the community in the past who knows how many years and currently has a Twitch Stream and plays games such as Smite, Wizard101, Surgeon Stimulator (he's the best surgeon :P) and many other games! He just created this Twitch stream and does giveaways on it as well! He's done a lot for the community and was recently up from Midnight until 5:00 A.M. playing Wizard101 on his Twitch Stream! That's dedication! :D Make sure to check his Twitch Stream out by clicking the image above. :) Make sure to Pay It Forward to someone in the community that has done something amazing in the community that you think should be shown. You can only do it on your Twitch Stream when you're livestreaming. Make sure to tell that person to PayItForward to somebody else. Remember not to mention me!

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