November 20, 2013


Ahoy Pirates!

I know, I need to start making more Edward Cringle posts.. Well... I have news for you.. First I'm done typing a lot of dots and the second thing is I have been leveling Edward Cringle again so that means I will have new posts soon. I also have this post today since I really wanted to give you an update of how everything is going. I'm doing fine and I'm back this week and blogging again. I will start scheduling posts for next week since I'm busy but until then I will start making posts again like I did in the Summer. :) Today I decided to complete side quests since I have been behind. I completed two side quests today.. One of them was a quest to defeat buffaloons for the shierff in Cooper's Roost and another was to defeat a chicken that stole something from another (don't ever steal because you will always get in trouble for what you've done if you do)! Anyways, I promise soon I will start making Edward Cringle posts and as always news update posts. I'll see y'all around the Spiral and as always, here's a few pictures I've took during my questing!

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