December 31, 2013

The Best of the Best!

Hi there!

Its been a week since I've posted on my blog. I've been enjoying Christmas and time with my family. I hope all of you are having a great Holiday Season. :) Today is actually New Years Eve and I can't believe its the last day of 2013. I'm not sad though because I know that 2014 will be just as awesome as 2013. I wanted to make this post wishing all of you a Happy New Year AND I wanted to go over the major things that happened in 2013. :D

Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem in 2013

  • Contests: This year, thanks to Kingsisle, has been the most posted contest year. I've had a lot of contests with codes Kingsisle/One Eyed Jack gave me throughout the year and its been fun. I'm happy that I'm giving away codes, I hope all of you who won are happy with what you won and if you didn't win this year, that doesn't mean you won't win next year. :)
  • New Readers: Around the Spiral has gained a huge amount of readers this year compared to last year. We've had a huge amount of at least 100,000+ views this year alone! I don't know the exact number. Around the Spiral has also gained over 100 new members and currently at 351. Thank you everyone to viewing and following my blog this year. I still can't believe this blog made it this far but I need to start believing. You guys rock!
  • A Great Year: This year has been great. I'm so happy I can do something I love to do and still have readers. I know I've said this a lot but I'm still surprised I still have readers. My posts to me don't make sense, but I guess since I get over 150 views per day when I'm not posting means you all still look forward to a post. :) That's awesome!! Thank you so much, you've made this blog better each year and if there's any mistakes in the future, or even from the past, I promise I will learn from them. This blog makes me feel like a better person and so do you. :)

I hope to make 2014 as special as 2013. If 2014 means I won't gain any followers, views or become official. That doesn't mean anything. I am going to try my best to make the year as awesome as I can for the rest of you that read my blog. I am not worried about views or members. I really want to thank all of those who do view my site and follow my site though. Even though I don't worry about all of that, I am happy that there's a new reader reading my posts. I hope all of you enjoy my posts as much as I do. :) All of you are great and I'm happy I am in a great community like this one. I wish all of you a Happy New Year and thank you for everyone reading AND thank you to Kingsisle for making such great games and being the best game team in the world. :D Here's to a great 2014 for all of us! :)

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