August 19, 2015

PayItForward: Paige Moonshade

Hi there!

This is the second Pay It Forward blog post out of three posts that I'm going to make. I'm sure there are people who don't know this blog and in this case, I think that's great! I wanted to make Pay It Forward a part of the community to show everyone that we care that we're happy to have a certain person in the community. I'm going to give a shoutout on this website to three different people each month in the community (even if they've been chosen in Pay It Forward).

Paige Moonshade

The second person of the month is Paige Moonshade! Paige has been in the Wizard101/ Pirate101 community for many years! She's made many amazing blog posts about housing updates, had amazing contests like her Annual Best Little Dorm In Wizard City and has always been nice to everybody in the community. You can also click on the image attached above for a link to her amazing website! Paige, I'm thankful that you're here in the community and I know the community wouldn't be the same without you! I want to thank you for all of the hard work you do on your blog and keeping the community together. :) If you can, please make a post when you can about a certain someone you think deserves a shoutout in the community for just being who they are. :D You can make a post about somebody on Twitter or anybody that you think deserves a shoutout on your website. Don't forget not to mention that I'm the creator of this Pay It Forward. I want it to be a secret. :) It's not that much of a secret, but soon nobody will know who I am and that's my goal. I want somebody to know that they belong in the community and we care about them. :) Don't forget to tell the person that you mention to PayItForward!

1 comment:

Paige MoonShade said...

Awww Edward Thank you so much.