August 15, 2013

Edward Donnely

Ahoy Pirates!

A few days ago I created a new pirate, a privateer. I named him Edward Donnely! I wanted to create a new pirate so I could level on my own time and enjoy leveling through Pirate101 again without any worry. :D I like introducing my new pirates to you though so you know more about my in game experience. I won't blog about this character after this but I'll give you a few small updates on my other posts but not one main blog post about him since I'm far too busy blogging about my character Edward Cringle. Anyways.. here's a few pictures of him going through the Pirate101 tutorial.

Edward Donnely hitting a critical on a battle angel.
Do you see that fire Skull? :O No I didn't make this. Not good at graphics!

Lol yeah just wanted to add a few random photos to the post to make it a little more interesting. You know I love adding lots of pictures to every post. Well.. I don't know much about the Privateer school other than healing but I'm hoping it'll be easy to quest on a privateer. I'll give you a few small updates on how I'm doing throughout each world. Wish me luck and see y'all around the Spiral!

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