August 19, 2013

Blog My Gaming/Blogging Life!

Hi there,

I decided to create something new, in honor of Draw my Life I decided to create Blog my Gaming Life which I think will be a lot of fun so you know more about me and how I started and why I blog a lot more than I should. If you didn't know by now I started my first Kingsisle game, Wizard101 after I saw a Wizard101 commercial on Cartoon Network on July 4th 2009. I thought it was a cool game since I was looking for a game at the time and decided to create an account while it was raining outside. Rain on July 4th if not fun and I really wanted to shoot fireworks but I'm glad I decided to come inside and watch some cartoons because I wouldn't be blogging right now right? :D Talking about blogging... now that you know how I got started here's what happened over the years that really got me blogging about Wizard101 and recently Pirate101.

2009-2010 (The Creation of Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem)

When I first started Wizard101 I created my first ice wizard, Edward Wintergem. I thought the ice school would always be the toughest school on the game and I thought Frost Giant was the strongest spell ever and nothing could beat that spell... so really I knew all of the other schools couldn't add up to the ice school. :P I loved my ice wizard and leveled him up to 50 (at the time that was the level cap and there was no Celestia in 2009). I was kind of getting bored and decided to create a life wizard which I later deleted and then I created another one again  in 2010 with the same name, Edward Lifegem.. I leveled him up to level 50 by April 2010. In May 2010 my friend Mary told me that we should create a blog and blog like Friendly does about his adventures in the Spiral and all of the Wizard101 news. I decided to go along with that goal since friendly was and still is the Grandfather of Blogging! I was very excited and created my blog with Mary Dreamshade (Pie Loving Necromancer- no longer a Blog). I blogged a little bit in 2010 but didn't really like it too much at the time. I didn't know what to blog about, or even how to blog! My blog's name at the time was called Wizard101. LOL I know... silly name. I decided to take a long break from blogging and I officially started again in 2011 when the Pet Rock for Wizard101 was released.

2011-2012 (Bad Times/ Great Times :D)

Like I said above I officially started blogging again in 2011. I only blogged about Wizard101 only since Pirate101 wasn't released just yet... I did make a few posts about the 2nd Project but I thought I wouldn't be blogging or playing anymore by the time it was released. 2011 was okay but I had some bad times during the Summer after I created a group which ruined the way I looked for quite sometime. I know a few of you may know what this group is called and I haven't mentioned it for so long but since this is a Blog My Gaming/Blogging Life I'll mention it again.. Wizard City Protects/ WCP. I created this group to help WAC another group on Twitter which was exactly like it and the Hall Monitors now days. I did get in trouble and I didn't want to be banned so I told the entire group to quit this group and I quit myself and started well tried to blog again. The end of 2011 got worse in real life and I had to stop Blogging around Christmas 2011 for a few weeks. Now.. no more sadness! In 2012 I started blogging again after taking my break and it started to improve, I had a huge contest for Wizard101 which was a lot of fun. In April 2012 Kingsisle announced their second project, Pirate101 with a YouTube video and I knew that game was the next game I'd be addicted to. I loved the graphics and I couldn't get over it. In August 2012 I was sent an email to participate in Pirate101 and was obsessed with the game. Every morning I logged onto Pirate101 and leveled my Buccaneer until Beta ended... along with the Boochbeard Bundle that I want Kingsisle to release again even though I know it's retired! I joined on October 15th 2012 when Pirate101 was officially released to the public and created my first pirate... my Witchdoctor. Kingsisle/Pirate101 was accepting applications for official Pirate101 Fansites and I decided to submit. I wasn't accepted because my site looked just like a Wizard101 site and I changed it all around and on the third time of submitting I was accepted and I logged onto Twitter and everyone was telling me congratulations on making official. I was confused and shocked and looked at my email and to my surprise One Eyed Jack said I had made it on the Fansite List. I am very excited that this happened and still to this day I can't believe it but I'm trying my best to become the great Fansite Owner I know I can be thanks to all of my readers! If you look at the picture above, that's the first picture I took with my Blog on the Fansite List. Add Secrets of the Spiral nowadays! 

2013 (Awesome Accomplishments/ Great Plans)

This year we've gained 300+ members, 200,000 Views and soon the most viewed month of Around the Spiral History! I am very happy I have all of you to read this blog and I hope you stay to read more of my silly/serious rant posts, Wizard101 and Pirate101 Blog Posts I have for y'all. This year has been great and I've had a lot of fun contests, blog posts and each year turns into my favorite year of blogging. I'm ready for blogging next year and the year after that and who knows how many years of blogging! I think this blog is a huge accomplishment and so are you. All of you made this happen, I wouldn't be blogging right now if it wasn't for you. I have many plans for this blog and I hope all of you can stay to see them. After Wizards Unite makes it on the Official Fansite list maybe I'll submit. If I don't make it that's fine, I still think its great to try and to NEVER GIVE UP. If I don't make it, I still have many plans to make great Wizard101 blog posts and of course Pirate101 blog posts. I'm ready to blog about El Dorado and many future Wizard101 worlds. I'm ready to have great Pirate101 contests, Wizard101 contests and most of all I'm ready to Thank All of You for many great years on this blog. This post is to many more years of blogging and maybe I'll update this post each year so y'all can see how each year has done. This year has been the best year and I'm happy that I'm still blogging after four years! Thank you everyone. :D

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