August 10, 2013

Petnome Pirates First Pet Farming Event

Ahoy Pirates!

Petnome Pirates hosted their first Pirate101 Pet Farming event on Pirate101 last night. I believe it was a lot of fun and even though I arrived late and had to leave early I still had fun. I farmed with a bunch of pirates and added a lot of new friends on my Swasbuckler's friends list. I tried to add everyone and I'm glad everyone accepted my friend request! Thank you everyone for accepting my friend request and don't worry I'm not going to beg you for help. :)

At the farming event, didn't get everyone since everyone was busy farming!
- Thank you Thank you, we'll be here until we leave (to everyone cheering)
Autumn Walker using her awesome Witchdoctor attack (forgot the name)
Show him who's boss Cedric!

If you didn't click on the pictures, we were farming Tyson for three pets. One of the pets being an Armadillo. I would have been lucky enough to get one but ran out of the area without collecting the chests, that's okay though I still had a lot of fun! :) Thank you to all of the Petnome Pirates team for hosting this event, I had fun meeting new pirates and farming. I hope you have another event like this soon. Please take your time everyone by clicking this link to view the Petnome Pirates website. :D

1 comment:

SorceressMiklai said...

Thank you very much for coming, Edward! Glad you had fun but sorry you missed out on that pet chest :(

Yes, we plan on holding more P101 & W101 pet farming events! We leave the Nxp & gear farming to the experts at Secrets of the Spiral & Merc101 LOL.

We will also post any of our parties on Twitter, our Petnome sites, our newly (come LIKE us :P ) Petnome Project Page on FB, & either Legends of the Spiral or Stormgate Pirates.

We love and welcome inter-community camaraderie! <3
