August 16, 2013

Santa Clause? No... Santa Rana!

Howdy Pirates!

How have you been? I've been great just questing through Pirate101 on my new character and today questing on Edward Cringle! On my last post I had to get Santo Pollo's strongbox from El Guapo since he stole it and it was full of Santo Pollo's money. El Toro help me defeat El Guapo with this fight, I was kind of surprised since he didn't help me with any of the other fights... Let me mention the ships that I had trouble on but I'm glad Cole helped me. :D We didn't really defeat El Guapo though, he escaped! I ended the day meeting El Toro and I'll continue that now after a two day break!

El Toro wants to go to Castillo Sapo to defeat him since there was a letter addressed to him and the Strongbox is still missing. It looks like we have a criminal on our hands! After I found all of this out, I had to sail there and defeat so many enemies that was protecting his fortress including the Armada so that means he's not only working with the banditoads he's also working with the Armada? Something about this doesn't sound right, maybe confusing.. After defeating all of his enemies, it was time to defeat Santa (not THE Santa, I still hope I'm on the nice list)!

I'm not as strong as El Toro but I think this fight will be pretty easy. :{D

I only had to post one picture of Santa Rana's reaction to how strong we are. I think that photo is funny and I'm going to remember it for awhile! Good thing you switched to our side Froggo or that would be you!

See ya later, it'll be nice to defeat...see you again :)

Wow, I take so many pictures! I know I need to stop publishing so many but I can't remember everything they say right? :) I think its better having pictures so you understand what I'm talking about and not as confused as I would be if I didn't have any pictures of the dialog. :D What do you think? You think I should keep including pictures of the dialog or not? Just tell me on this post by commenting below or tell me on the social networks I publish this post at. Thanks for reading and I'll see ya next time and Don Rodrigo! 

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