October 7, 2015

Pirate101: Halloween Contests!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week! Yesterday our awesome community managers sent me a few codes to giveaway just for Halloween (and Pirate101's 3rd Birthoween). I love Halloween! There are so many spooky places on Pirate101. I thought I'd have an easy contest this time around for everybody and have a Spooky Screenshot Contest and Raffle. :D

The Spookiest Place Screenshot Contest:

  • Take a Screenshot: I want you to take a screenshot of your pirate anywhere in Pirate101 that you consider spooky/scary. There are many places in Pirate101 that I consider spooky (snakes in Aquila being the number one place LOL). Start by clicking on the CTRL + G keys and then click on the PrtScr key at the top of your keyboard to take the official screenshot. 
  • Email Me Your Screenshot: Send your screenshot to my email -- > edwardfrostgem@gmail.com with the subject: The Spookiest Place Contest. Make sure you send this before the contest ends! Don't forget to include your pirate's name.
  • Contest Start/Ends: This contest starts TODAY and ends on Saturday October 24th, 2015. Please follow all of the rules that I mentioned above. :) 
  • Random.Org: All winners will be chosen randomly with a list randomnizer on random.org. All prizes and amount of winners for this contest are listed below. The Raffle is right below the prizes. Good luck everyone! :D

1st Prize
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
Pirate101 Octoberpus Pet
5,000 Crowns

2nd Prize:
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
Pirate101 Octoberpus Pet
5,000 Crowns

3rd Prize:
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
5,000 Crowns

Rafflecopter Contest:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

If I could dress my Pirate in Halloween, I would surely pick up our spooky witchdoctor Madame Vadima. Taking the crystal ball in hand and finishing up with a spooky dress!
Thanks for the contest! Happy Halloween and Birthoween Pirate101. :D

Koi the Fish said...

My costume would be a mummy for Halloween because why not!

Unknown said...

I would like to dress as a werewolf in pirate101.Thx for contest

Unknown said...

I want to dress as a werewolf cause im sure it would look nice :D.Thx for contest

Anonymous said...

I would love to dress as a Wizard so I could tell the Untold story!

Ty for the contest :D

William DeathWhisper

Unknown said...

I would like to dress as a spooky scarecrow in Pirate101. Thank you for the contest

Aleta Roberts said...

Hmm, I would definitely dress as Cthulhu. If you haven't noticed, KI likes to sneak him into puppet shows in a top hat and tux, I think it would be awesome if we could dress up as that for halloween!
Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

I would dress my pirate up as a vampire for Halloween.

Unknown said...

A classic like count Dracula, after all i play wizard101 along with Pirate101 and i'm a student of death in W101!

Unknown said...

Nice! P101 is still my favorite.

Unknown said...

I would dress up as avery! You have to love his parrot with the beak ring!

Whit said...

eyediche creature costume 8)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the amazing contest :D

Keela said...

I would dress as a bee :P
Thanks for the contest

Kieran Drew Shane said...

My original outfit for my pirate is a Halloween costume enough lol

But if I could, maybe Harley Quinn and thanks for the contest :)

Pabz said...

boochbeard, definitely!

Jessica Freeman said...

I would dress up as an eagle from Aquila.

Jessica Freeman said...

I would dress up as an eagle from Aquila!

Swordroll said...

I think it would be cool to re-texture the santa costume from Wizard into a Boochbeard costume for my pirate!