December 30, 2015

2015: A Year In Review

Hi there!

I hope you're having a wonderful break so far. Can you believe that we only have a couple days left of the year 2015? I can't believe in a few short days we can finally say that it's 2016! This year has been a great year for Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem. I wasn't here for the first five months since I decided to take a long needed break from blogging. Will I take another break? Maybe.. years from now! I love making posts about the game and if you ever see that I'm quiet, there's always a reason behind it. Lately, I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do next year. I have MANY goals for this website next year and I hope you stick around to see them. :D We'll talk about this year in this post for now...

Questing My Death Wizard
I started questing my 2nd death wizard, Edward, again in May 2015. I didn't think I'd ever quest that wizard again but I was lucky to start questing him again and with my myth wizard after awhile. I had a few blog posts, but it was a major moment for me. I hope I can quest him again soon and hopefully make more blog posts about him next year. :D I started questing him again at level 45 in Dragonspyre and now he's currently level 76 at the end of Avalon! :)

 My Fire Wizard
My second favorite moment of the year was questing with Autumn Dreamwalker's Balance and Life wizards. We've been questing for awhile and this year our wizards quested through Azteca, Khrysalis and we're currently waiting for Polaris. :D It was very nice to quest with Autumn again! I am hoping we can quest again through Polaris the start of next year. :D

Completing Cool Ranch
On Pirate101, my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, said goodbye to Cool Ranch and Hello to Mooshu. This was a major accomplishment this year because Edward was in this world longer than expected. I'm currently questing through Mooshu and hopefully, I'll get back to posting about my swashbuckler soon! :D You know I'm not giving up.. By the way... Edward Cringle recently turned 3 (on December 23rd)! I can't believe it's already been three years since I started questing my swashbuckler. I will say that I've enjoyed making each and every blog post for you to read. Hopefully next year I can get some kind of guide together for this character's questing posts so far. :)

 Pirate101 Events
Pirate101 has been a lot of fun this year! I hope next year we can have more events like the one above (Welcome Back Event with Autumn in early August). That event was a lot of fun and really a great way to get the community together! :) I can't wait to have more events next year, hopefully we'll have mroe than we did this year. I need to get back to my regular Pirate101 posting. :)

Santa Run #3

Santa Run #3 2015 on Wizard101 is one last thing that I'm going to post about on here. This was one of the best event turnouts that I've ever had. It's all of you that made it happen and that really means a lot to me. Thank you for attending this event! I WILL have more Wizard101 events soon, so I hope you stick around to see what I have planned. :D We will bring all of the Wizard101 community together next year. :) 

Your Support

Overall, I had a great year! I hope all of you had a great 2015 too. There were a few stressful times, but it seems to have ended on a great note. We only have 30 hours until 2016 arrives. :D I am thankful for all of you and your support that you gave me this year (and all past years). I also want to thank Kingsisle for their support. I'm not the best blogger in the world, but its nice to see that Kingsisle (Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI) gave me a second chance to be a Pirate101 Fansite owner after my break. :D There is so much more that I enjoyed this year, but I can't post about all of them.. I'd have at least 100 favorite things on this post! :P Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral.


December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas from Edward Lifegem!

Hi there,

I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas! I certainly did! Christmas is my favorite Holiday of the year and it's always great to celebrate it, all the way up until the day. I'm glad I could spend time with my family today because in the end family is most important (and Jesus ;D)! I am glad today was such a great day and I hope you had a great day too. Here's the LAST Christmas song of the year. :) I don't own the video below. :) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! :D

December 24, 2015

The First Noel


Here's one last song that I'm going to publish tonight. This song is a very important song to me because of Jesus. I'm not afraid to post this on my website and let everyone know that I praise Jesus, no matter what. :) I love you, Jesus! Read this while you listen to the song below ---> Luke 2:1-20 (

Good King Wenceslas!


Here's another great Christmas Song that I've listened to for many years. Here's Good King Wenceslas by Bing Crosby. :) I don't own the video attached below!

Carol Of The Bells!


Here's another great Christmas song. This song is a classic and I think it's one of the best Christmas songs EVER! I've always loved this song. :D Here's Carol of the Bells by the Red Army Chorus. I don't own the video attached below.

Wonderful Dream!


Here's another amazing Christmas song by Melanie Thornton. She was an amazing singer! This song shows how much she loved Christmas. RIP!! I don't own the video attached below.

Do They Know It's Christmas?


This is another great Christmas song that discusses the problems in the world. We always have to remember to help others and remember that whatever we're going through could not compare to anybody else's pain. We have to be grateful for what we have, always! Here's Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid 1984 (since it's the best version).

One More Sleep!


Here's another Christmas song by the one and only Leona Lewis, One More Sleep! It's recently become a favorite new song of mine. :D Thank you for another great song, Leona. I don't own the video attached below.

We Three Kings


Here's another Christmas song relating to Jesus's Birth on December 25th! It's one of my favorite Christmas songs! We Three Kings by Jennifer Avalon. :D I don't own the video below!

O Holy Night!

Hello again,

I believe the reason for the season is Jesus Christ's birth on December 25th. I love Jesus and I'm thankful for everything that he's done for us. I LOVE YOU JESUS! Here's O Holy Night by the Celtic Woman. :D I don't own the video attached below.

Feliz Navidad!


Here's another favorite Christmas song of mine by Jose Feliciano! Feliz Navidad! :D I don't own the video posted below.

Oh Santa!

Hey again!

It has been about a century since I last made a blog post! :O I guess I should post this awesome Christmas song by Mariah Carey.. Oh Santa! It's actually a song that was made in 2010, so probably one of the best Christmas songs released this decade. :D I don't own the video below!

The Island of Misfit Toys!

Hi there,

Here's another favorite of mine! It's an older one from Rudolph. The Island of Misfit Toys! :D Poor toys, they're just as awesome! :P I don't own the video below.

Greatest Time of Year!

Hi there!

I haven't been able to post too many Christmas songs over the past week, but I'm going to share many today. I might go over the 25 limit, but I don't mind at all. I'm going to listen to these songs as I post them, so don't expect too much of a post itself. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! :D Here's Greatest Time of Year by Aly and AJ! I don't own the video below!

December 20, 2015

Pirate101 Christmas Fireplace Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you for entering my Pirate101 Contest. I'm not afraid to admit that this wasn't the most entered Pirate101 Contest, but I still had a lot of fun. I hope everyone who entered my contest had fun too! I think that's what counts as the end of the day. :) I love hosting Pirate101 Contests. :D

1st Prize
10,000 Crowns, Forest Tiger Mount, Mistletoad Companion

2nd Prize
5,000 Crowns, Forest Tiger Mount, Mistletoad Companion

3rd Prize
Yulefest Companion

4th Prize
Yulefest Companion

Thank you for your wonderful entries! There's also a little slideshow above with all of the rest of the entries (a few of them have jokes ;D). I hope all of you have a great Christmas! :) Here's to a wonderful New Year. Btw, make sure to stick around today... I finally have a new Pirate101 questing post that I'm going to publish!! :D I'll email the winners of this contest this afternoon. Thank you for entering this contest and for your patience. :) Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Honarable Mentions


Santa Run #3 Recap!

Hello Wizards!

Santa Run #3 was probably the best event that I've ever hosted. I'm thankful for a community like this and I couldn't stop thanking everybody yesterday. I'm glad all of you could make it to my Santa Run! We actually beat 2012's Santa Run on numbers 30 minutes before the event even started! This event lasted over three hours with an afterparty at my house. I think this event was a lot of fun and a great way to get the community together. :) I am already thinking about having another Santa Run next year. :D I think that the Santa Run events could be a great Holiday tradition for the Wizard101 community. :)  There is a video and a slideshow of the event last night attached below. Thank you for taking these pictures and videos and for attending my event! I think since this one went so well, even without contests, I will have more events on Wizard101 in 2016! :D Thank you all again for attending Santa Run #3. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday season! :)

 Thank you @awizard_from_oz (video above), @NShadowmancer, @Chrissyztweet, @JunoCentral, @JinksyBear, @AmitalPe, @Paige_Blood for sharing your screenshots from the event with me! :)

December 18, 2015

Wizard101: Best Dressed Christmas Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

Try saying the title five times fast! I can't believe how many entries I've received through email for this contest. This contest was most likely the most entered email contest that I have ever had on this website! That's pretty awesome if you ask me. :D Thank you all for entering my contest! Remember that our awesome Wizard101 community managers made this contest possible. :) I hope I'm able to have more Wizard101 contests in the future. I'm always thankful to host one for the community even though I'm not a W101 fansite owner. Okay... I think it's time to announce the winners of this contest!

10,000 Crowns, Reindeer Sleigh Mount

1,000 Crowns, Polar Fox Pet, Random School-Themed Jewel Pack

1,000 Crowns, Random School-Themed Jewel Pack

1,000 Crowns

Fiona Ravenheart
Isaiah Soulcrafter
Ashley Dragon

December 17, 2015

The Ice Storm VS Azteca!

Hello Wizards!

I was planning on making a post a few days ago, but I decided not to make that post and make a current one since my sister, Melissa Rainstrider, and I are leveling so quickly through the game! I knew when she got a $10 Wizard101 Gift Card we were going to level a lot, but this is actually beyond a lot. :D

The other day we quested so much that we made it to the final dungeon in Azteca, Xibalba. I've already made quite a few posts about this dungeon so I won't go over every single detail about this dungeon. I will say that we had a lot of fun in this dungeon! We didn't have any issue thanks to a few guides on Duelist101 and Mercaneries101! These amazing people spend a lot of time making guides for everyone else and I think that's awesome. Thank you to each and every one of you who make guides like these for other wizards in the spiral. Anyways, thanks to these guides we knew what we were doing through this dungeon and we followed all of the rules. We had a little bit of difficulty on the last fight, Malistaire and we decided to buy a few minions from the crowns shop. They are also helpful, especially the life minion because they can cast Rebirth. I'm sure you agree that Rebirth during a huge fight such as this one can help a lot. :) The level 110 Fire and Life minions also attacked with some pretty awesome Darkmoor Spells (yes, I still have to farm for those. I need to get a team together to do that - any volunteers? ;D).

Xibalba was a fun dungeon to quest through! I can't thank all of the people who puts guides together enough. I am thankful that we have awesome people that spend that much time putting all of that together. I'll dedicate this post to all of the YouTubers, Bloggers, Fansite Owners and all who do just that. :) We were actually in Azteca for well over a year and it's great to finally say that we beat Azteca! I love all of the Wizard101's worlds, but I'm not afraid to say that this world is my last favorite world on the list! :P I'm just glad we finally beat this world. I'll make another post another day, letting you know how things are going in Khrysalis. Until then, I'll see you around the spiral. :D

We made it to level 91!

Sleigh Ride!!


I can't wait until Christmas! This weekend I'm planning on watching Christmas movies and listening to as many Christmas songs as possible. This is my favorite time of year and Christmas has always meant a lot to me. :) Most of you know that that I love new Christmas songs, but I also love older Christmas songs like Christmas Song #17: Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes! Music like this puts me in the Christmas spirit. :D I don't own the video below. :)

Please Come Home For Christmas!

Hi there,

This is Christmas Song #16. I have been behind lately while posting Christmas songs since I've been leveling a lot on the games. I hope after today, I'll be back on track. I can't believe Christmas is already next week! I feel like time is flying by! :P Who else is excited for Christmas? :D Here's Please Come Home For Christmas by the Eagles. I don't own the video posted below.

December 15, 2015

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear


By now everyone should know that I'm a Christian. I believe Jesus is the reason for the season. I always love posting Christmas songs, especially songs about the true meaning of Christmas. :) This song wasn't posted first, but it's one of my top ten Christmas songs. I can't believe I didn't post this before, but I'm glad I finally have a chance to post it now. :) We only have 9 days, 5 hours until Christmas Day (from CST)! :D Here's Christmas Song #15: It Came Upon A Midnight Clear from Frank Sinatra.

I don't own the video above! 

White Christmas!

Hi there,

I know it might not snow in many places around the United States this Christmas, but I still wanted to make a post of one of my favorite old-fashioned Christmas songs! :D Here's Christmas Song #14, White Christmas by Bing Crosby. Btw, I don't own the YouTube video posted below. Merry Christmas everyone!!! Only ten more days until Christmas Day. :)

December 13, 2015

Merry Christmas Darling


Twelve days (eleven if you exclude today) until Christmas!! :D I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by. I still hope it snows in time for Christmas, but most of the United States are getting warmer than normal temperatures. I have found other ways to gain plenty of Christmas spirit until it snows (Christmas music)! :D Here's Christmas Song #13: Merry Christmas Darling by The Carpenters. I don't own this video or the music! Classic #1.. :D

December 12, 2015

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Hi there!

I can't believe I've made seven blog posts in two days! I told you that I'd still be here this Winter and I am. I'm not going to leave like I did last year, but I will tell you that I'm here to stay as long as Wizard101 and Pirate101 are open and I hope that's forever. :P I'm also going to try to post all 25 Christmas songs.. I can't believe we only 13 days until Christmas. Please slow time down! I need to watch Christmas movies and listen to so many Christmas songs. I really do love this time of year. Next week I'm going to post all old fashioned Christmas songs so I hope you stick around to see that. :D Here's one of my other favorite Christmas songs ever!! Christmas Song #12 It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams.

An Ice Storm!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far. I'm already having a great weekend because I don't have any homework! :P The only thing I've been busy doing is questing with my sister, Melissa Rainstrider, on Wizard101. I really don't remember the last time we quested together on the game, but I can say that it was so long that I wasn't used to my storm spells when first started questing! We had a lot of fun and really made it pretty far considering how we've been in the same area for at least a year.

We started questing today at 9:00 A.M. and ended around 3:00 P.M. which means we quested for six hours! If you knew me back in the day, you'd know that I could stay on Wizard101 for 16 hours! I can feel a migraine just thinking about being on the game that long. I love Wizard101, but there's no way I could even stay on that long these days. I'm behind on the game because I always get headaches when I'm too long! I guess that's pretty normal. I really think it's because there's a lot more to do on the game than there was when I first started the game. You really have to think about a lot more than you had to back when I first started the game: Critical Attacks/Blocks, More Cheating Bosses, Pet Healing, Gear and so much more. That doesn't mean the game isn't fun, though. Critical Attacks ON bosses (no block) are always fun. :D I guess it's time to get back to talking about what we were up to today... :P

Today we started questing in Tierra de Brea (we were there for at least a year or the last time I made a post about my storm wizard and my sister's ice wizard), quested through Pitch Black Lake, Floating Mountains and ended up in the Twin Giants! Today might have been the most we quested together ever! The only thing that I missed today was taking pictures of my sister casting spells! Now that she finally has a membership, we're planning on questing through Khrysalis and Polaris during Christmas break. I already know that it's going to be a lot of fun to finally quest this much. We're planning on questing tomorrow too and I hope we can finally complete Azteca once and for all. It's been a rough world for us and we're ready for a new world. We (or I) mostly had trouble on boss fights since we ( I again) kept dying! :P We're going to farm for gear soon so it's easier to fight bosses. I've had the same level 58 gear since Celestia was released! We'll start farming soon and get the gear that we need so it's easier to quest through Khrysalis and eventually Polaris! I wanted to make this post to let you know what I've been up to on the first weekend of my break. I should leave now because I have to make a Christmas song post!  Thank you all for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :)

I love the screenshots that I took today! I'll take more of my sister's attacks on my next ice storm post. :D

~ Edward Lifegem

The Polaris Express!

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know that Kingsisle gave away free Christmas items today for 12 Days of the Spiral? :D I was lucky enough to redeem a code (YULEZOMG) and I found out I won a permanent Polaris Express Mount on Pirate101! I usually don't get this lucky and I was thinking about buying one of these for my swashbuckler. I knew I wanted to somehow buy a Christmas mount since I'm planning on questing soon, but I didn't have crowns to buy one! :P I guess having a Christmas mount to quest with was meant to be..! :D Anyways, I wanted to show you all the mount that you'll see my swashbuckler on for the rest of the month. Don't forget to redeem the code above before December 17th at 11:59 P.M. CST for your free Christmas item on both Wizard101 & Pirate101. While you're at it, don't forget to check out the last four days of 12 Days of the Spiral this week/next week. :)

This mount can be bought in the Wizard101 & Pirate101 Crowns shop for 4,500 Crowns! :D P.S. Thank You KI!

December 11, 2015

Well Pirates....

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been awhile since I made an actual post outside of contest and Kingsisle announcement posts. I apologize for my lack of Pirate101 blog posts. I just don't feel like... WAIT, were you thinking that I'm actually done with Pirate101? No way! You couldn't be more wrong. No worries, I still love Pirate101 as much as I did when I created my first pirate in Beta. :D I also love making Pirate101 blog posts, but I was busy the past few months that prevented me from making the posts that I wanted to make. What have I been up to on the game?

I've actually been trying to level my pirate on this ship quest (that'll be published later on). I haven't been able to do too much since I didn't have time for nearly three weeks due to studying for exams and finals. I really do miss leveling my pirate on the game. Did you know that Edward Cringle is going to turn three years old on December 23rd? I can't believe it! I feel like I just started questing my swashbuckler through the game. I've also been preparing my pirate for questing by buying new weapons, gear and leveling my companions to the level that they need to be at. I promise I'll make more questing posts soon. :) I hope that I can also have an event or two over Christmas break. :D I'm still here and I promise you that I'm not giving up on Pirate101. Pirate101 is an amazing game and I can't wait to start questing my swashbuckler again. I hope I can make it to Marleybone!! Wait... Edward Cringle knows nothing about that world (yet). I really want to thank each and every one of you for reading my posts. I always enjoy making Pirate101 posts for you to read. Thank you for reading this post. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways!

~ Edward Cringle

Edward Lifegem is back!

Hello Wizards!

I've already been here. I'm talking about my wizard, he's actually questing again! I haven't had a chance to blog about my main wizard in awhile. You know I'm always busy and that makes it hard to play the games that I love. My third semester is over and that means that I can finally have more time playing the games and having events (Santa Run #3 - December 19th at 3:00 CST in Satyr Realm in the Commons... by the Christmas tree). I'm sure many of you already knew that, though. :P

I'm not planning on making organized posts until I enter Polaris, but I wanted to make this post letting you know that I'm questing again. I've already bought a few of the new school-themed Jewel Packs... Maybe I bought more than a few for each wizard. :D The packs provide great jewels and my wizards are now more powerful than ever (no, I'm not saying the strongest wizard in the game). I promise I'm not saying this just because. Keep in mind that I'm not a Wizard101 Fansite and I'm free to say that Wizard101 is an amazing game. Okay? I'm glad you understand! :D 

A few days ago I had to fight Taylor Coleridge and his minion in Skull Rock Cave. I actually soloed the boss and that went pretty well. I think the best part of this battle was me being hit by an Efreet (best screenshot ever)! I really wasn't planning on making this post about this boss fight, I just wanted to include the screenshots from it to make it look like an awesome post. :P I love rambling. Should I have been a YouTuber instead? Nah... I love being a blogger! Okay... I think it's time to end this post! I promise I'll have more posts that make sense soon. Thank you for your support! I love making new blog posts for you all to read and I can't wait to start making more posts over Christmas break. I promise you that I'm not leaving anytime soon. :D Thank you for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral.

I'm leaving now... goodbye! Wait.. are you still reading? Uh... Once Upon a Time (my favorite show) there was a...

~ Edward Lifegem

The Polar Express!

Hi there!

I'm sorry I've been late posting Christmas songs the past few days. I'm still trying to post all 25 this year (sometimes I say I'll post 25 and post less than that). Did I tell you that I actually passed my Finals?! I got an A+  on my Routing and Switching Final and a B on my Programming Final. I was worried my grades would be lower than that, but I was wrong! Anyways, this brings me into one of my favorite Christmas Songs (and movies) ever! Back in 2005 (when I was in 6th grade), my teachers let all of the 6th graders in the school watch The Polar Express. This was actually a few years after it was released. I really didn't know what it was back in 2004 because the movie of the year to me was A Series of Unfortunate Events which was also released in 2004. Wait... where am I going with all of this? This is about THE POLAR EXPRESS! :D This movie is really one of the best Christmas movies released. I know I promised one song on this post, but I decided to post a few of my favorites and the main favorite, Believe, by Josh Groban. :) Christmas Songs #11!!! :)

I'll Be Home


I love new Christmas songs, especially songs with an older theme. I have plenty of old fashioned Christmas songs that I'm going to share with you next week, but I thought I'd share a few of the new ones first. :) I'll Be Home from Meghan Trainor is a great one Meghan is actually an amazing artist from the 2010s. I hope she makes more Christmas music like this (maybe an Album?). By the way... TWO WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! :D Here's Christmas Song #10!

December 9, 2015

Santa Run #3!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you had a great Wednesday. I've been busy studying (and passing) finals! I'm finally free from school for a month and I'm ready to get back into the game and hopefully make plenty of posts. A few days ago I was looking through old Christmas posts and I found a post (Santa Run #1 & #2). The Santa Run posts are actually from three years ago (December 2012)! After reading the Santa Run posts, I decided that I wanted to have another one this year!! I want to have it to show Kingsisle how much we love their game AND how much we love Christmas. :D If you would like to attend, keep reading. :)
Santa Run #3

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

What Time?
3:00 P.M. CST

We'll meet in The Commons in Satyr Area One by the Christmas Tree. 
We'll run around the commons a few times and chat. I'll record a little video! You're free to record and take pictures too. Let me know when you do so I can post the videos and pictures on my Recap Post!

What Should Your Wizard Look Like?
Please wear anything Red & White (or anything you think reminds you of Christmas). If you have a Santa or Mrs. Claus outfit, go ahead and wear that! :) I hope to see everybody there! In 2012, we had ten wizards. How many can we get this time? :D

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, just leave a comment below! I usually don't have many Wizard101 events, but that's going to change soon. I can't wait until this event. :D Lets make this event feel like the old Wizard101 Community days. I'm not having a contest, but I would love to see you attend! Thank you for reading. Merry Christmas everyone!! :)

Winter Wonderland!

Hiya! :D

It's the 9th Day of December and that means it's time for Christmas Song #9! I feel like this month is already flying by! If anybody says it's too early for Christmas, well... I'm sorry, I've been looking forward to Christmas since December 26th, 2014. :P I'm also looking forward to SNOW. I've been waiting for it, but my state hasn't been lucky yet. I heard my state MIGHT have a chance of snow on Christmas week and I'm already hoping for a White Christmas (that song is on its way... don't worry). Today I decided to post another favorite song by The Eurythmics, Winter Wonderland!


Hi there!

I'm finally done with my third semester! I feel like this semester was a semester that took a lot more work than usual. I didn't get to make as many posts last month (or the beginning of this month), but that's going to change soon! I hope I won't be as far behind on Christmas Song posts as I have been the last few days. Christmas Song #8 is Falala by Olivia Jade Archbold! :)

December 7, 2015

Shake Up Christmas!


Long time no talk! It's been about a minute since I published my last post! Christmas Song #7 is Shake Up Christmas by Train. I've loved this song since it was released in 2010 when the Coca-Cola Christmas commercial was released. Tim Allen is a great Santa Claus, but the Santa Claus for the Coca-Cola commercial was an amazing one! I've attached a picture below the song so you can see what he looks like. If you want to see the commercial I'm talking about, just click anywhere on that picture below the video. :) Thank you for reading and enjoy the song! :D

Christmas Wrapping!

Hi there!

I'm sorry I'm late posting Christmas Song #6! I have been extremely busy and tired lately. I only had an hour of sleep last night which is not good since I have finals to study for. I'm almost done with finals and that means I'll be back making Wizard101 and Pirate101 posts soon! :D I can't wait! I think that'll be one early Christmas present to myself, a relaxing break. Speaking of presents, you have to use wrapping to wrap presents right? LOL, you probably know where I'm going by now so I'm not going to talk anymore. Here's my 6th favorite Christmas song by the Waitresses, Christmas Wrapping!!

December 5, 2015

The More You Give (The More You'll Have)

Hi there!

I hope you're having a great Saturday! I know I am and one reason behind that is that I found a new Christmas song by Michael Bublé! This is an amazing song that was recently released to the public. I've already published four of my favorite songs, so this makes Favorite Christmas Song #5!! :D We only have 20 days until Christmas!! Anybody else as excited about Christmas as I am? :P I hope you enjoy this amazing new song. If you're not in the Christmas spirit yet, this is sure to give you a touch of Christmas spirit! :D

December 4, 2015

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

Hi there!

It's the Fourth Day of December (3 weeks until Christmas Day for anyone who's counting)! :D Today I got to get my Christmas Tree! I decided to post a quick song before it's too late. I'm really trying to post every day because sometimes I miss out on posting songs. :P Okay... here's Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee!

December 3, 2015

All I Want For Christmas Is You!


It's the third day of December and that means it's three weeks until Christmas Eve! :D The 3rd of December also means I get to post Christmas Song #3! :D I have plenty of favorite Christmas songs and I hope this year I'm able to post all of them. I'm going to try to remember to post a Christmas song every day through Christmas. There are plenty of All I Want For Christmas Is You performances by Mariah Carey, but I think this one is one of my favorite live performances from 2004. :) Okay, time to leave because I have more studying to do, but I'll leave this song on this post... I dare you to click on the play button!

December 2, 2015

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Hi there!

This is the second day of December which means it's time for Christmas Song #2! :D All of the songs that I publish this month are not in order; they are just my favorite Christmas songs. I'm really excited about this Christmas. This song really describes what I believe and many of you already know that I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe he's the true meaning behind Christmas since he was born on this day. Many of you already know the story, and if you don't this song by Bing Crosby might describe more of what I'm talking about. :D Do You Hear What I Hear?

December 1, 2015

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

Hi there,

It's the Christmas season again! As many of you know, I've published 25 of my favorite Christmas songs each year starting on December 1st. I have plenty of favorite Christmas songs this year. :D I'm so excited for Chrismas!!! Anybody else love Christmas as much as I do? :) If you're not in the Christmas spirit yet, I'm sure this song by Dan & Shay is sure to put you in the spirit. :D Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

Pirate101 Christmas Fireplace Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's already December and that means it is time for Christmas and Christmas Contests! Our amazing community managers gave me codes to giveaway just in time for the Yuletide season. :) Lately my Pirate101 contests have been pretty easy and I decided it's time for another Pirate101 Art Contest. :D Keep reading for more information... :)

Pirate101 Christmas Fireplace Contest

Draw or Create a Pirate101 Christmas Fireplace: This is self-explanatory since I've already said it three times, but I'll explain it again. :) I would like you to draw or create a Pirate101 and Christmas themed fireplace. You can use graphics or draw your fireplace. Please include your name on this fireplace so I know it was created by you. If you don't follow rules you will be disqualified. 

Email Me Your Entry: After you're done, please email your entry to with the subject as Pirate101 Christmas Fireplace Contest. The best entries will be entered to win one of the prizes below.


1st Prize
10,000 Crowns, Forest Tiger Mount, Mistletoad Companion

2nd Prize
5,000 Crowns, Forest Tiger Mount, Mistletoad Companion

3rd Prize
Yulefest Companion

4th Prize
Yulefest Companion

Contest Starts/Ends: You can begin entering this contest TODAY and it ENDS on Friday, December 18th, 2015! Make sure you get your entries in before that date because I'll be busy after that date. Good luck everybody and Merry Christmas (It's nice saying that again)! :) 

Wizard101 Christmas Contests! (Closed)

Hello Wizards!

It's December! That means it's my favorite time of year... which means Christmas is on its way! :D I actually have a secret.... I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Okay, I'm sure many of you already knew that I'm crazy for Christmas. There are many reasons that I love Christmas and I won't talk about them here (you'll see that on my list of favorite Christmas songs this month). I'll tell you one thing on this post that I love about the holiday season... CONTESTS! I love hosting Christmas themed contests and I'm happy to announce that I can finally announce a Wizard101 Themed Contest thanks to our awesome community managers! I have a TWO contests that you can enter so make sure you scroll down through this post to learn more. It's okay to enter both contests!

Contest #1
Best Dressed Christmas Outfit Contest

Take a Screenshot: 
Take a screenshot of your character in your favorite Wizard101 Christmas outfit. Try to dress the best you can because the best dressed will win a prize! All others will be entered in a raffle (more information below). How can you take a screenshot? 1. Click on CTRL and G at the same time 2. Click on PrtScr on your keyboard (located above the backspace key). You'll be able to find your Screenshot in your Wizard101 documents.

Send Your Screenshot to my Email: 
You can send your screenshot of your wizard to this email: Make sure you include the subject name: Wizard101 Christmas Outfit Contest and include your wizard's name in the email. :)

If you have any questions, you can use that same email to ask them or you can comment on this post! Good luck everyone. :D I'll have a separate post on December 18th announcing the winners of this contest! :D

Winners of Contest #1:

Grand Prize
10,000 Crowns, Reindeer Sleigh Mount

1st Prize
Polar Fox Pet, One Random School Themed Jewel Pack, 1,000 Crowns

2nd Prize
1,000 Crowns, Random School Themed Jewel Pack

Three Random.Org Winners
1,000 Crowns

Contest #2
Rafflecopter Contest

Both the Best Dressed Christmas Outfit and the Rafflecopter Contests ends on Friday, December 18th, 2015! Make sure you get all of you entries in by Noon on that day. :)