September 4, 2013

Pirate101 Raffle!

Ahoy Pirates,

Guess what! Its time for another Pirate101 Raffle thanks to One Eyed Jack and everyone at Kingsisle. :D With this contest I decided to get a few codes together and combine a few things I've given away in the past, so I think this raffle will be a lot of fun. Here's a list of prizes and information about this Raffle:

What can you win?

First Prize Winner:
Cutthroat Bundle5,000 Crowns Included

Second Prize Winner:
One Random Class House

Third Prize Winner:
One Random Class House

Fourth Prize Winner:
Pennyfarthing Mount

Fifth Prize Winner:
5,000 Crowns

Sixth Prize Winner:
2,500 Crowns

Seventh Prize Winner:
2,500 Crowns

Eighth Prize Winner:
1,000 Crowns

Ninth Prize Winner:
1,000 Crowns

More Information You Should Know:

This contest ends on Saturday September 21st at 12:00 A.M. Contest winners will be announced the morning of September 21st and winners will emailed their codes. I will email your code from my email: Good luck to all you and if you have any questions you would like to ask it's okay to comment below or ask me when I publish this on my social network sites. :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


IonProductionz said...

Thanks for the Awesome Codes KI!~~

Anonymous said...

Kingsisle was very generous to give-away these codes to trusted fansite owners for gosh how long now lol. Anyway You're Raffle Contests are always awesome and good luck to everyone who enters :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for giving codes, Kigsisle! :)
And thank YOU Edward, for giving them out! :D

Cole Crow said...

Thank you KI for the wonderful prizes, and thank you Edward for giving them away! :D

Unknown said...

Amaaazzzing Raffle :D

tabitha said...

thank you for the codes Kingsisle and thank you for the contest Edward

Anonymous said...

Thanks to KingsIsle for the amazing codes you give to all these fansites to let us have chances at great prizes! :D

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kingsisle, for giving away codes to many fansites!
Also, thank you Edward for giving all codes out!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this contest Edward and thanks to KingsIsle for giving the codes out.

Paige Dreamcloud said...

Thank you KingsIsle, One Eyed Jack, and of course you Edward Lifegem for all of the generosity and everything you do for the community I believe it's what sets our's above the others - kindness and a willingness to help those in our community - and I'm glad to be a part of it, even if it's only a very small part ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you Edward and Kingsisle for these great contests and prizes!

Unknown said...

Thank you KI! :D

Unknown said...

Thank you KI! :D

Unknown said...

Thank you alot Kingsisle!

Unknown said...

Thanks Kingsisle and Edward for the codes! So generous!

Sky said...

thanks for the awesome prizes KI!

Maxwell Mondress said...

thanks for the amazing codes
Maxwell and el toro are the same person

Chris DragonBlade said...

Thanks for the awesome codes Kingsisle! Thanks Edward for giving them out.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome prizes ki! :D

ThatFrostweaver said...

Must win contest.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kingsisle, for the awesome codes! :D And Thanks for the great Contest!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kingsisle for the amazing prizes! <3

Dead-Eye Hunter said...

Thanks a lot KI! And a huge thanks to Edward as well.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kingsisle for the awesome prizes.

Alric Ravensinger said...

Enter me in.

Seems like Rafflecopter doesn't like me...won't let me do entries.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kingsisle! Not only for these codes you give for the contests you blog fan sites create, but for everything you have made since 2008. ^.^

Tasha said...

Thanks for a great raffle!

David1822 said...

Thank you so much to KingsIsle for the awesome codes and to Edward for hosting this amazing raffle! Best of luck, everyone. :)

Unknown said...

thank you KI! ^-^

autumn said...

thanks kingisle for the giveaway! been trying to wina cuttthoart bundle forever pretty sweet!

Duncan StormThief said...

Thank you KI, it seems that you can stop to amaze us with your generosity!

Anonymous said...

Cool prizes! thanks Ki

Javier A Lopez said...

Thanks you so much KI! :)

Dapurenergy said...

Thanks you KI for all the sites that can give stuff away and the games.

Jackshadowrider said...

Thank you KI, you have always been generous :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the codes KI :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the codes KI!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much :D

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the codes KI, i swear you're the most generous game making company there is ;)

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Thanks for doing this!

Dylan BearBlood said...

Thanks KingsIsle for being so awesome! :D

Elizabeth GoldenThistle said...

Thanks for the codes, KI! :)

Sophia EmeraldBlossom said...

Wow, KI, these are awesome codes! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Thank you Kingsisle!

Unknown said...

Thanx KI!

Unknown said...

Thx KI, my favorite game company int he world

Sheldon Cooper said...

Thanks for the Contest! and Thank you KI

Keelan said...

Thnx KI for these awesome codes!

Unknown said...

Thanks KingsIsle for the awesome codes you gave!

Evan Silver said...

Thanks KingsIsle for the codes and the contest. :)
-Evan Silver

Unknown said...

Thanks for the codes KI, and thanks for the Contest!

jc447 said...

Thanks KI and I wish everyone good luck

Unknown said...

yay thx for contest

Unknown said...

THX for codes KI ur the best

Unknown said...

thnxs for the code!!!

Fred Santana said...

Thanks, keep up the good work :D.