May 27, 2015

Edward VS Celestia!

Hello Wizards!

I've been leveling my death wizard, Edward, a lot more than any other wizard on the game. You wouldn't believe how much time I spent the past three days finishing Celestia with help from my Fire and Ice wizards. I am not good at staying on long anymore because I get headaches when I'm on the game too much. I had a lot of fun leveling my death wizard through Celestia, and today I got to finish Celestia by questing through the Trial of the Spears dungeon! 

I've had trouble questing through this dungeon in the past, but today I didn't have as much trouble as I did on any of my other wizards since I had a level 97 (technically 100 ;P) helping me level! :D The puzzles in the beginning of the dungeon were easy to solve, but I had a little bit of difficulty on the first boss of the dungeon, Astreaus. Astreaus has a cheat where he can cast a -90 tower shield on himself. I had trouble finding my shadow magic spell on my ice wizard and it took awhile to actually defeat him! I finally found all of the right spells, blades and traps and took the hit and the hit did about 59,000.. Which was an OVERKILL since he had around 7,000 health! I knew I wouldn't die because the death and ice schools are awesome like that! Wait... is death already dead???
This spell is one of the best spells in the Spiral!


The next area was in my opinon the best area in the entire dungeon! I had to defeat eight different enemies in four different fights so I could fight the boss, Ptolemus. Ptolemus is a moon boss and an easier boss to defeat. He cheated by casting a -90 tower shield, but would remove it after you put blades on. :D He kept attacking my death wizard and we couldn't cast any traps on him so it took a little longer to defeat him. I'm glad he didn't leave the tower shield on or I would have never made it through this part even as a level 97. This boss would win and I'd never make it to the next boss... KIDDING!

I love this area, whoever designed this area did an amazing job!

The enemies we had to defeat to make it to Ptolemus

Ended up casting Mammoth of Ptolemus.. Ouch! Oh, and be careful with single attacks, he'll cast a tower shield if you cast them. Thankfully they can be removed if you cast any sort of blade! :D

After I defeated Ptolemus, there was one more boss... The Final Boss.. Mithraya! This boss cast a lot of smokescreens that would make you fizzle if you didn't put a blade and a trap on the boss. If you did, you wouldn't have to deal with all of her smokescreens. :) This boss was pretty easy to me, because I had my ice wizard helping. If you're not sure if a boss cheats or not, just look the bosses name up on Central, Duelist101 or any other site that may have dungeon guides. It's always helpful and will most likely prevent you from repeating it if you didn't know about any cheat at first.. :D That's my advice for the day! :P With that advice, I'm going to end this post with the rest of my screenshots. Thank you for reading and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

May 25, 2015

Thank You!

Hi there,

I'm making this blog post today to thank you for all of your support you have shown me over the past few days, months and/or years! I made a tweet on Twitter earlier, but felt like making a blog post because it wouldn't let me type enough words to show you how thankful I am for each and everyone of you. I really do enjoy making blog posts about the games and sharing them with you. I'm not getting paid for this and guess what... I don't care! I love making blog posts for each and everyone of you and will continue to do so the entire year, next year, and however far the games take me. I'm not obsessed with the amount of views or members I have on my site, but I am thankful because it means you do like reading my posts. I don't know everyone who actually reads my blog posts and sometimes it makes me worry because I don't get to thank you for all of your support. I'm going to thank everyone now who has helped me so much the past five years through the future for your support. I would also like to thank Kingsisle again for accepting my fansite applications two times over a period of three years. I remember the first time I was accepted, I felt like a new fansite owner up until....well, today! :P I'm not kidding, I don't feel like I'm a fansite owner, I still feel like I have a blog that I own and make posts about amazing games for amazing people! :) Thank you for reading my blog posts, attending events, following, sharing or whatever you do for this blog. You're all amazing and I'm thankful I have amazing readers that keep up with this blog.

May 24, 2015

Pirate101 NXP/Script Farming Event Recap!

Ahoy Pirates!

Yesterday, I had my first Pirate101 event since last year! This event was a lot of fun because I had a chance to interact a little bit with the readers of this blog and we were all able to earn gold, scrip and nautical level together. :D I really do thank all of you for coming to this event and supporting my blog, and if you wasn't able to, thank you for all of your support anyway! Here's a few screenshots of my own and of a few that were at the event:

Pictures from Autumn Walker

Pictures from Chrissy

Scavenger Hunt Winners

1st Prize, 10k Crowns: 
D. Maples

2nd Prize, 5k Crowns:
Autumn Walker

3rd Prize, 2.5k Crowns:
Stubborn Duncan Freeman

4th Prize, 2.5k Crowns
Jack Nightgale

5th Prize, 1k Crowns: 
Sly Justin Young

6th Prize, 1k Crowns:

7th Prize, 1k Crowns:
Smart Steven Ovingham

Congratulations to all of the winners and Thank you all again for attending my event, I had a lot of fun and I love meeting all of you reading. :D I hope to have more events like this one. This was a last minute event, and it still turned out successful even on Memorial Day weekend! If you would like to view more images event, make sure to follow @ChrissyzTweet@ADreamwalker101 and @jclegoman10302 on Twitter! Here's to the next event.. :D

May 22, 2015

Leveling With Autumn Dreamwalker!

Hello Wizards,

You need to know that one of the best bloggers, wizard and pirate in the spiral, Autumn Dreamwalker, is back in the community again! She's not blogging as of yet, but I'm glad she's back and interacting with the community again. Many of you know her from her events, contests and guides that she had on her Secrets of the Spiral website! Make sure to give Autumn a follow on Twitter at @ADreamwalker101. Today I had a chance to level with her again through Khrysalis. :D

If you follow my website's Twitter account, you know that I've been leveling my ice wizard with Autumn's ice wizard, Autumn Winterbreeze and her myth wizard, Autumn Myth. We've leveled two times every time we've leveled on the game and have only had three or four days to level. I think we've done great so far, considering we had to run into many spiders and bats (like above). I know Autumn doesn't like this area, but I think this might be one of the most amazing areas in the game! I love taking pictures of this area everytime we go through it. :P We're already levels 96-97 and we haven't had trouble through many of the fights. This proves ice & myth wizards are also tough and we're just an amazing team. :D

Today we leveled as far and as much as we could to get our shadow magic! The bosses were not nearly as difficult  because we worked as a team and had amazing guides (thank you Katherine Light for your amazing guides on W101 Central)! Please also follow @WizKathLight for her amazing guides and 10 followers away from 2,000 on Twitter :D. I had a lot of fun leveling with Autumn today and can't wait to level next time. I believe the next time we get through leveling, we should have our level 98 pets! The second time we level in the future, we'll make it to level 100! :D I think we're doing great especially since we didn't have much time during classes to level. I hope you all enjoyed reading, and by the way.. We're the Dark Ones(Once Upon a Time) because we actually earned our Shadow Magic! I'm just kidding..! Well that's it for today. Thank you for reading and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend. :)

First spell casted as a Dark One :O I thought I had an image casting a shadow spell! This works... right?

~ Edward Lifegem

May 20, 2015

NXP & Scrip Farming Event with Contests!

Ahoy Pirates!

I'm planning on having an NXP & Scrip farming event this weekend on Pirate101! I think it's time to show Pirate101 that we still care about the game even if there hasn't been a world release yet. There's no reason to be bored of the game, there's a lot to do on the game such as NXP & Scrip Parties! :) I think it's time to talk about the details of this event.

When & Where do we Meet:
Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 at 3:00 P.M. CST ( this weekend)!

Meet in Avery's Court in One Eyed Jack Realm. Add my Witchdoctor, Edward or Autumn Walker, by the Life Fountain in Avery's Court. Please be there before 3:00 P.M. CST this Saturday! I'll remind everyone on my Twitter, @AroundTheSpiral

At 3:00 P.M. CST we'll teleport to Westminister Skyway in Marleybone by the Torrents and start the NXP & Scrip Party! Remember, if you have any questions.. just ask me in the comments below!

Credit goes to my friend, Chrissy The Blesser! Thank you for the amazing photo! She's one of my best friends and you should follow Chrissy on Twitter! @ChrissyzTweet

The Afterparty and Giveaways:

After farming, if anyone is interested, we will then port to my Witchdoctor's House and have some PVP and of course visiting time. I also plan on having Trivia and a Scavenger on my blog (read below for more information). Trivia will be easy, but there will only be a few questions since I'm saving the best for last... :D

Scavenger Hunt Contest

- During the afterparty of the NXP & Scrip Farming Event (thinking an hour or two after farming ships), I'm going to have a scavenger hunt on my blog. I will let you know what items to find at the event. The items will be found within pages and possibly blog posts (only the posts on the first page, which means you don't have to click older posts to find them). After you find the items, I want you to email me what you found and everyone that does will be entered in a draw to win 10,000 Crowns, 5,000 Crowns or 2,500 Crowns which means there will be three winners!

I hope I see you at the event on Saturday! This will be a lot of fun and I hope as many of you show up as possible. Lets also show Kingsisle how much me love the game and support them. :D Pirate101 is an amazing game and deserves a lot of attention. Will you be there? Click on the smiley reaction below if you are going to attend. Please RT and Share my post so everyone knows! :D I hope to see you there.

~ Edward

I love Mooshu!

Ahoy Pirates,

I hope you're having a great Wednesday. Everyone reading should be getting out of class for Summer and playing Pirate101 right? If not, you'll make it through, I promise! When you do get out of class, I think we need to have an event or two on the game.. I might have one this weekend for all of the pirates out of class already, I'll release more details about that soon. In the mean time, I'm going to make new blog posts for you to read such as my posts about my swashbuckler's adventures through Pirate101's Mooshu. :D

Last week, I made a post about finally making it through the end of Cool Ranch by fighting Deacon and finally finding Captain Blood's treasure and his piece of the Map to El Dorado.. You know, the Island made of Gold! :O I had to travel to Mooshu because I found out that several other pirates around the Spiral had a piece of the map to El Dorado. Avery was going to go to Catbeard and see if he could get a piece from him and I had to travel to Mooshu to try to find Egg Foo Yung, another pirate that had a piece of the map. 

I had to sail to Hamamitsu Garden, Mooshu to see if I could find Egg Foo Yung but didn't have any luck finding him there. I found out that Egg Foo Yung was a prisoner. Zhu Ro said he would help me if I help him get a Statue from a shipwreck and then present the statue to Sosei Wearu so he could give him a permit to sale noodles... :P Zhu Ro sent me to Shiro Kujo since he might be able to help me see Egg Foo Yung since he works for the Yakooza. Shiro Kujo wanted me to steal the Emperor's Gold from Marleybone Ships. The ships were not difficult to sink, especially since I bought new ship equipment at the Hamamitsu Docks! :D After I was done sinking the ships he told me he would help transport me to the Lair of the Yakooza in Khotan Skyway so I could ask for access to speak to Yung from the Yakooza leader. That's where I'm going to end my blog post today.. :D It was getting to the good part.. Are you enjoying posts like the ones I've been making? Make sure to click on one of the reactions below so I know you still like reading posts like this one here! Thank you again for reading. Oh and before I forget... I have a contest where I'm giving away a ton of crowns, make sure to enter that one! I'm also going to announce a Scrip/NXP Farming Party soon which will also have Crowns! I hope you all also check that post out (when it's released). That's it for this post.. Until next time, I hope to see you around the skyways!

May 19, 2015

Earn Crowns Contest (Pirate101 & Wizard101 Raffle)!

Ahoy Pirates,

Our awesome community managers sent me a message this morning saying that they updated the Earn Crowns pages on both the Wizard101 and Pirate101 website which of course gives many ways you could earn crowns inside and outside of the game. Make sure to click on the links above to learn more! Today I decided to have an old fashioned Raffle to let everyone know I'm back having contests, events and of course making new blog posts. :D

Rules and Details About Codes

  • Please don't enter with many different names or emails. I will know if you have. Please give other pirates in the Spiral a chance to win a few of their own. :) If you have any questions, comment below! All winners will be announced on Saturday, May 30th, 2015 at 12:00 P.M. CST. There will be twenty-two winners!  Good luck everyone! :)

Two Winners: 10,000 Crowns
Four Winners: 5,000 Crowns
Six Winners: 2,500 Crowns
Ten Winners: 1,000 Crowns


Codes can be redeemed from any location worldwide, but are only redeemable at for use on the KingsIsle version of Wizard101 or Pirate101. This promotion cannot be redeemed for Gameforge or Taomee hosted versions of the game.

To enter your game code:

* Visit or

* Enter your account information and click LOGIN

* Enter your unique code and press SUBMIT


* Redeem your item(s) from the in-game gift window or look for rewards of Crowns to appear in your Crowns History on the or website.

Maximum number of redemptions per code: 1

Maximum number of unique codes that can be redeemed per account from this promotion: 5

These codes expire on 01 Jan 2017.

If you encounter an problem redeeming your game code, please send an email to and include your code and account name, but never the password!

May 18, 2015

Edward VS Malistaire!

Hello Wizards!

It's been a long time since I made a post about one of my character's questing on the game. A few of you know that I have two accounts, and haven't mentioned my second account wizards in a few years. A month ago, I decided I wanted to level my wizards on my second account again (two wizards being Death wizards). I have one that's level 60, but I decided to level my level 45 Death Wizard, Edward, since he didn't make it through the end of Dragonspyre yet. I leveled him through with help from one of my main account's wizards, Edward Firegem. Today I had a chance to fight Malistaire for the 100th time and first time since early 2012! :D

Always love casting Fire Dragon!

I think Malistaire loves taking selfies! :D


Death Visits The Former Death School Teacher

Efreet: "You know you're not going to win, right?"

Malistaire was difficult, level 100+ wizards with all of the best gear, beware of this boss! Nah, I'm kidding! :D It was easy since I had my fire wizard to help me, I actually hit a few times with the dragons before you entered the final part of this dungeon. You have to defeat all of the enemies and finish the two battles around the same time which made me worry I wouldn't be able to, but I did! :D I actually was lost a few times when I first started questing through, but remembered where I was supposed to go. I was having a lot of fun taking screenshots and then finally defeating Malistaire.. You would think by now he should know we were going to defeat him. I bet he's been defeated at least 30 million times. He doesn't give up (for now), so I guess that counts! That's it for today's adventure! Thank you all for reading. Until next time, Stay safe in the Spiral!

~ Edward Lifegem

May 16, 2015

Edward Cringle Makes It To Mooshu!

Ahoy Pirates!

By now, you should know that I'm back and will be making many new blog posts! I also wanted you to know that the Kingsisle Community Team accepted my Pirate101 fansite application so I'm an official Pirate101 site again. I really want to thank Tom, Leala and whoever else was behind me becoming a fansite again! I also want to thank all of you for your support over the many years I've been making not only Pirate101 posts, but also Wizard101 posts. I'm greatful and can't wait to make so many blog posts about the game. I think it's time for me to show everyone that there's a lot of amazing things to do on Pirate101 and we don't need a new world right away to make us play the game! One thing I'm looking forward to is leveling Edward Cringle again.. :D

I'm sure by now you would think I'd be in Marleybone or even Aquila... The truth is, I didn't really level my character as much as I wanted to because I kept thinking I didn't have time when I did. I am going to continue my Swashbuckler blog posts as I did in the past! Okay... lets talk about what I did today and start out on a fresh start.. Today I had to find Captain Blood's treasure in the spooky Motherload Mine. There was an explosion, a fight with Deacon and at long last Captain Blood's treasure and hopefully the next piece of the Map to El Dorado! :D 

Had to remove some rocks blocking the way to Captain Blood's treasure.

Deacon thought I was too weak to defeat him... I don't think so! 

After I was done, had to look through Captain Blood's treasure for the piece of El Dorado Map!

The fight with Deacon wasn't hard since I had help from a Witchdoctor minion from the Crowns Shop. My past experiences were not as easy so I say you have friends or a minion from the Crowns Shop to help you win the fight since armada soldiers do reappear and get in the way to protect Deacon. After the fight, we found the missing piece of an El Dorado map and one of my parents were actually in El Dorado with a group of seven pirates, a few of them being Catbeard and Egg Foo Young have been to El Dorado and might have the pieces of the Map. I finally made it to Mooshu today which was a lot of fun since I have been Cool Ranch for about a year! I'm going to make regular posts about my Swashbuckler every week (as much as I can), so I hope you stick around for this new adventure! :D Thank you for reading! 

My new ship! :D

Edward Cringle on his way to Mooshu!

~ Edward Cringle

May 10, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday, Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem!

Hi there!

I'm sure by now you know that I created this blog five years ago... I'm shocked I'm still blogging because there have been many times I thought I would stop blogging and it just doesn't last. Last December I decided to take a break from blogging because I didn't think I'd make it through classes if I had to make blog posts every day and I wasn't keeping up on anything. A few months after my long break that was supposed to last at least a year, I decided I just needed a break so I could catch up a little on both games. Okay... long story short... I'M BACK!!!!!!! I have to return and start making blog posts, having events, contests, updates, etc! Why? Well, I love Kingsisle's games and I don't want to give up on any of you. I know I said I was going to be gone for awhile and six months, well... considering I made a blog post every week (just about everyday) for four years, that's a very long time to me!


I told everyone the beginning of this year I had a special announcement and my return was one of them.. Another one is that I plan on creating a new website or at least adding new code to this site where it doesn't look like any of the updates I've had on this website! I have other amazing plans down the road, but you'll just have to wait and see what they are. :D I plan on building my website on the sidelines of making new blog posts for each game. I promise, I'm not going to change who I am or anything, I'll always remain that silly, crazy, sometimes weird Edward Lifegem you know! :D I'm going to start making  new blog posts again next week, after my finals! I might not have as many blog posts at first since I plan on building that new website, but I promise each post will be a fun post or maybe an event. This Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall (okay the Seasons will go on and on), will be a lot of fun! Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem's 5th Birthday is going to be a special refresh of this site and I hope you all stick around and see how it plays out. I want you to know that this blog wouldn't be here without you and I appreciate each and everyone of you for your support!

Random Photo of my Life Wizard. :D Teaser: Crowfall, Pirate101, Wizard101..

~ Edward Lifegem