May 19, 2015

Earn Crowns Contest (Pirate101 & Wizard101 Raffle)!

Ahoy Pirates,

Our awesome community managers sent me a message this morning saying that they updated the Earn Crowns pages on both the Wizard101 and Pirate101 website which of course gives many ways you could earn crowns inside and outside of the game. Make sure to click on the links above to learn more! Today I decided to have an old fashioned Raffle to let everyone know I'm back having contests, events and of course making new blog posts. :D

Rules and Details About Codes

  • Please don't enter with many different names or emails. I will know if you have. Please give other pirates in the Spiral a chance to win a few of their own. :) If you have any questions, comment below! All winners will be announced on Saturday, May 30th, 2015 at 12:00 P.M. CST. There will be twenty-two winners!  Good luck everyone! :)

Two Winners: 10,000 Crowns
Four Winners: 5,000 Crowns
Six Winners: 2,500 Crowns
Ten Winners: 1,000 Crowns


Codes can be redeemed from any location worldwide, but are only redeemable at for use on the KingsIsle version of Wizard101 or Pirate101. This promotion cannot be redeemed for Gameforge or Taomee hosted versions of the game.

To enter your game code:

* Visit or

* Enter your account information and click LOGIN

* Enter your unique code and press SUBMIT


* Redeem your item(s) from the in-game gift window or look for rewards of Crowns to appear in your Crowns History on the or website.

Maximum number of redemptions per code: 1

Maximum number of unique codes that can be redeemed per account from this promotion: 5

These codes expire on 01 Jan 2017.

If you encounter an problem redeeming your game code, please send an email to and include your code and account name, but never the password!


Autumn DreamWalker said...

I usually end up gifting people when I have crowns, but right now I would like to get new gear for my myth wizard! :) Thanks for the raffle and good luck everyone!

tkgib said...

Thanks for the raffle!

Unknown said...

I love to do tourneys, train pets and buy packs! Crowns are life! Thank you so much for raffle cx

Unknown said...

I sometime keep crowns for safe keeping like they say :) but then it ends up giving someone a gift ^-^

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Normally I spend my crowns on hatching/energy elixirs! Always working on new pets! 'v' Thank you for the raffle!

Unknown said...

I love, love, LOVE to gift people when I can! Thanks for the contest and Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I love to gift people!!! Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I usually spend my crowns on tourneys and stitching or buying some areas for farming like Darkmoor. Thanks for the raffle

Unknown said...

Mounts :)

Unknown said...

Mounts :D

Unknown said...

I collect EVERYTHING, lol, mounts, gear, fish, you name it I collect it! I spend crowns on new items, mounts pets and packs. I also change my looks regularly so I stitch quite a bit as well. Thank you for this opportunity. Good luck to all. have a great day :)

Unknown said...

I collect EVERYTHING! When I say everything I mean everything, from mounts to pets to gear to fish. I spend my crowns on packs, tanks, new mounts/pets. I also like to change my look quite often so I also spend a bit on stitching. Thank you for this opportunity. Good luck to all ;) Have a great day!

tatiana shadowflame said...

I use my crowns to unlock areas in both wizard101 and pirate101 for my children and i. If i have extra i usually gift them away :)

Kiley MS said...

I use the crowns to buy zones so I can keep questing (:

Tiny Hawaii said...

Thank you for offering this! I help other wizards in the hatchery who are trying to get better talents on their pets but most people turn down when they ask for a hatch. I've been there myself and have paid it forward many times by resetting timers and hatching elixirs. These crowns would go towards helping more wizzies!

Unknown said...

Love buying packs and mounts. The goodies inside packs are great and collecting awesome rides for the game is the best.

Unknown said...

Love buying packs and mounts. The goodies in packs are great and collecting cool rides is awesome.

Unknown said...

Packs!! Sometimes I get so addicted to opening packs I can't stop O_O

Unknown said...

I love spending crowns basically on mounts and packs. I would love to have the smugglers arena! Thanks for having this contest!

Boris said...

I mostly spend crowns on packs!!!(over and over until my crowns run out T.T) I also gift my friends energy elixirs when they bug me for them!!! (at least it keeps them quiet xD)

Unknown said...

I usually buy mounts, card packs and henchmen. But I would love some new gear and maybe a house!

Hussein Saleh said...

If i won the crowns i would open the morganthe and moomanchu chests!

Val said...

If I won, I would use them to buy the world after Khrysalis since I'm a crowns player, so then I can quest with all my friends. :D

Val said...

If I won, I would buy the world after Khrysalis since I'm a crowns player, so then I can quest with all my friends :D

Marius said...

I really want the crowns because I never had them and I live in Lithuania and I can't buy them because there is difrent credit cards

Marius said...

I love wizard101 and I can't buy them because I live in Lithuania

Elizabeth GoldenThistle said...

I use crowns to buy areas for my second account - right now, that would be Avalon!

Unknown said...

Yay best contest ever!!!

Unknown said...

I usually like stitching cool outfits or buying really unique housing items :D

Lord Pirate said...

I enjoy buying crown-shop companions and areas for farming after my membership expires.

Unknown said...

Well, I finally started playing wizards101 again after months and so much has hanged. I would like to use the crowns to be able to catch up to everything, and since i'm broke and have no membership (spent all money on parents' birthday present) I thought that this would be the bst way to start acquiring crowns again.

Scarlet Frogslinger said...

I never seem to have a plan on what to spend any Crowns I get on... the last purchase was Tanglewood Terror because I had some friends online and thought it would be fun. It was. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for the giveaway! :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I spend crowns to unlock areas, and I use remaining crowns to get stuff from the crown shop.

Duncan StormThief said...

Pets for w101, Companions and pets for p101 :)

Unknown said...

I would spend it on things i think would be useful

Anonymous said...

I would buy mega packs, because I need to train my pets.

Donna DragonDreamer said...

I don't know what I would spend it on, a lot of possibility with that many crowns

Unknown said...

I love using crowns on Pvp Gear

Unknown said...

Okay... hopefully it will SEND this time. Lol. I use crowns for nearly everything. I'll socket jewels, unlock areas if I don't have a membership, stitch clothing, and buy things from the crown shop if I need it. I don't have any at the moment, but I'll earn them little by little to stitch my clothes from time to time. A little extra crowns to spend would be marvelous.

Unknown said...

i mainly use crowns to unlock areas for my characters so i can play freely , i also stitch items to give me wizards cool look or buy hair style and packs if i do trivia . i cannot buy crowns where i live or online due to currency system difference. it would be great if i get more crowns , so i can unlock areas for my wizard to venture in :)

Ernis said...

I buy areas in Pirate101, because I can't buy members from Europe.

Unknown said...

These crowns would be the perfect start-up gift for my new account after not playing for several years. Thank you :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the raffle :)

Unknown said...

It would be nice to finally (attempt to) get exalted jade gear for my life char.
Thank you for this raffle :)

Unknown said...

I would use them so i can get a double mount for me and my brother to travel faster around the worlds and make it more fun and faster

Harmony Everhart said...

Hooray for crowns!!! I would buy many gauntlets so friends can join for epic drops; packs (maybe a bear will join my crew :D), pets and opening new areas on wizard101 for the kids account! Thank you for this contest and good luck everyone!

Eushdh said...

I love buying chapters to progress in the game currently I should buy the first chapter of Aquila.Thx 4 the contest

DefNotaCat said...

I like to gift friends and be nice, also use some for myself for stitching and socketing :)

Unknown said...

I like to gift my friends and I would like to unstitch my gear from the bunny costume. Good luck everyone! :)

Unknown said...

if i win i will share them with my little brother and i will love it till heaven and beond so pleeeeeese win pleeeeeese win pleeeeeese win pleeeeeese win i will be as happy as my life will be and iu will spend it on ratbeard...l

Unknown said...

my other coments is when you click on pirate 101 and scroll down