October 29, 2013

Brother Owl's First Quest

Howdy Pirates!

Wow its been awhile since I made a questing blog post. I'm behind on my questing and need to start questing and post again. I'm happy I had a little bit of time today to level on one of Edward Cringle's quest so I could post today. :D On my last post I had to fight scorpions and sink ships so I could summon a guardian Spirit, Brother Owl, with a Flute since that's the only way I could summon him. After talking to Raven Eyes again after doing that quest he sent me to Gold Creek to summon Brother Owl.

After summoning Brother Owl, he told me that he was angry because Three Scars stole the Headdress of Winds, a gift that Brother Owl gave the Bison, and gave it to Queen Hornet which was destroyed. Brother Owl went on to tell me that he wanted to make another Headdress and the he needs his Feathers from Queen Hornet and Headdress Beads from Black Storm Raiders and once I'm done Brother Owl will forgive the Bison.. I decided to start with the Queen Hornet quest since it was easier than defeating 12 Black Storm Raider Ships *which I will do later*. 

Okay then.. LOL
Yes, I bought a Privateer Henchmen. :D 
I defeated Queen Hornet but it pulled me in again.. :P

After defeating Queen Hornet I was pulled in again and decided to stay and fight over and over until the 22nd Century. I'm obviously kidding! I don't know why it pulled me in but I promise you I wouldn't go into a boss fight a second time after completing it. :P Looks like I'll have to end the quest here since the next quest I have is defeating 12 ships and it is a collect quest... Wish me luck! Lets hope this is nothing like the Bandit toad Ships so I can make another blog post soon. Thanks for reading everyone. :D

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