October 15, 2013

Caption This Pirate101 Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thanks to Kingsisle and One-Eyed Jack, I was provided more codes just in time for Halloween and Pirate101's Official 1st Birthday today. Happy Birthday Pirate101! I decided to make this contest easier for everyone to enter. I have so many great codes to giveaway so make sure you follow all rules so you can have a chance to win something! Here's more details about this contest: This Contest ended on October 27th, 2013.

Caption This Picture Contest

  1. Caption: You need to caption the photo above by typing something funny/vampire themed. Here's an example from me: Vampire: What are you doing here?! Don't you know I'm a vampire? Me/Witchdoctor: What are you doing here?! Don't you know I'm a Witchdoctor?! - Caption the picture anyway you'd like to other than exactly what I said above. It doesn't have to be back and forth conversation. :) There's different ways to caption this photo but you have to caption this photo the way you think it should be captioned. When you caption, keep it PG or you will be disqualified. 
  2. Email Me: Once you are done captioning the picture above, email me your entry to edwardfrostgem@gmail.com . Please label your entry Caption This Contest before emailing your entry to me. Include your Pirate's Name and Level in the email!
  3. Contest Start/End Date: This contest starts today, October 15th, 2013 and ends Sunday October 27th, 2013 at 12:00 P.M. CST (this contest has ended) I will announce the winners as soon as I can. It may be tonight (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday) the 28th of October. I'm sorry for the delay. View the prizes you can win below! Some winners will receive more than one code, I labeled how many codes you'll get if you win down below. 

Prizes You Could Win!

Grand Prize Winner: 
Captain Blood's Jacket, Captain Blood's Hook, + 10,000 Crowns + Training Tome (2)

Second Prize Winner:
Captain Blood's Hook, 5,000 Crowns + 2,500 Crowns + Training Tome (3)

Third Prize Winner: 
Captain Blood's Hook, 5,000 Crowns + 2,500 Crowns! (2)

Fourth Prize Winner:
Caption Blood's Hook, 5,000 Crowns + Training Tome (2)

Fifth-Eighth Prize Winners:
2,500 Crowns (1)

Random.Org Four Winners:
Training Tome (1)

If you have any questions, just comment below and I'll try my best to answer all of your questions! Good luck to all of you, and Happy Halloween!


Menagha's Diary said...

can i know what is meant by PG? is it jpg?

Edward Lifegem said...

Sure! When I said PG, I meant Family Friendly. I'm not going to post anyone's entries if they type something that young kids aren't supposed to read. :)

Menagha's Diary said...

o ok :))

Unknown said...

Is it random or best caption?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the contest :)

Edward Lifegem said...

The best caption wins one of the bigger prizes. I will enter everyone's entries into a random.org to win a companion training tome. :)

Edward Lifegem said...

Thank you for entering and good luck! :)

Keela said...

Thanks for contest! :)