October 25, 2013

Wizard101 Test Realm Opens with Khrysalis Part 1!

Hello Wizards!

Last night the Wizard101 Test Realm opened with a new main world, Khrysalis, for level 90+ wizards. There's so many more updates Kingsisle added to the game but I would rather talk about the world update for this post. Kingsisle added half of this world with new spells (King Artorious for each school), Dark Magic and Shadow Pips and a level 95 level cap. This part of the world only has 5 levels and the second part of Khrysalis is planned to be released in early 2014! I'm not saying anything else other than that so I'll send y'all over to the Test Realm Update Notes page so you can read all of the other great information Kingsisle has provided. Remember, if you plan on playing on the test realm make sure you have a membership or made a purchase of  $6 or more in the past month. Have fun on the test realm and I wish you good luck. :) Click on the image above to view the Test Realm/Update Notes!

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