Yes I mentioned this a lot, I promise this is the last time though. Not going to be helping there again everyone. Since I first started in 2009, I have been trying to keep the commons nice. Out of my time being sick, I was trying to keep the commons nice. I am sick right now, running a fever and first I get false reported again. I don't think I want to go there again. I will try to avoid the area even going to the bazaar or pet pavilion. Sorry I am just very very mad about this. I don't even feel good and I am getting false reported and asked why I am there? I know its mean of me to do a blog post about it, but it made me very mad. No more wac for me- the commons can be bad on its own. Thanks everyone for reading this. Hopefully those in the commons are reading this right now, See you around the Spiral everyone. I am not trying to be offensive on this either, I think writing this out is the best way to make me feel better, Sorry everyone.
~ Edward Lifegem
May 31, 2011
Ravenwood Ball/ New pet/ Contest Update/ Staying Safe Online
Hello Wizards!
Are you getting ready for the Ravenwood Ball/ Birthday Bash? Well I sure am! I already picked out the clothing I am going to wear to it! Here is a picture!
I hope to see you all there! :)
Also, I am sorry if my blog post is not so good today, Not feeling too well and really am not wanting to type, but its better to worry about the blog post now than later.
Another thing, I finally got my Forest Wyvern hatched for my life character! Very awesome, I would also like to show you guys a picture of my new pet below this. I hope to level him one day to see what talents he gives. If not I will just check out petnome for the talents :) I would like to be surprised though! Here is the picture of my new pet. Oh and other than the pet, I also have My new palace in the background! Very awesome :)
Also talking about the new palace. I would like to say I have been enjoying all of your submissions! You guys really do have a lot of great things that you like about the game! One of the best things most of you have put are about making friends and one nice community Wizard101 has to offer! I completely agree with all of you guys, thats my favorite thing about the game. I hope they keep making Wizard101 better for the community, Also, I like the idea that friends can connect all across the world. You can meet different friends, family, ect. I think thats what Wizard101 is best for! Not just battling, but meeting new friends :) So don't forget the contest ends June 5th, 2011, Email me at: and I will read your submissions! Thanks for entering the contest everyone!
Staying Safe online:
I have made this in another blog post before, I just would like to tell you guys this again, there have been people in the commons giving out personal information about themselves. I am going to do a blog post about online safety each time I see this.
- Don't say " I need a Girl" " I need a Boy" Thats one way you are not staying safe in the game, you may give a complete stranger information, thats not a way to stay safe online.
- Don't ever tell your password! Kingsisle says this once you log into Wizard101, Yet some wizards still do give their password out, thats why your account gets banned, that person may look at personal information, credit card, where you live, ect.
- Just like giving your password, Don't give out personal information, Yesterday a girl in the commons told her Facebook page to everyone! Thats not a way to stay safe online! Another thing not to do is tell your age, where you live.
- One more thing to stay safe online is, Don't be friends with people that are mean, cyber bullying, using bad language towards you, ect. These people are not friends, most of them you find in the commons, They are just mean people who ruin the game. Unless you want to be friends with people who ruin the game, don't add them!
Well thats it wizards, Hope you enjoyed my blog post! Have a great day!
~ Edward Lifegem

May 30, 2011
Sultans Palace Giveaway Day #2
Okay everyone, I have been getting very good submissions with the contest I am having! I would like to say thanks for joining the contest! Here are some things I would like to discuss in a new post:
Contest Details:
Contact Information:
Edward Lifegem
Thanks everyone, Enjoy the contest :)

~ Edward Lifegem
Contest Details:
- You have to be following my blog in order to win the contest.
- You need to email me at:
- You have to tell- as many as you want- things that you like about Wizard101. One thing I like that many has been saying in submissions so far is that you get to make awesome friends on Wizard101, also a great community!
- If you cant reach me at email, just send me a message on Facebook, or a direct message on twitter. If you have me on your list send me a message on wizard101 telling me what you like about the game!
- Don't forget, the contest ends June 5th, 2011!
- The best entry will win the code to the sultans Palace giveaway :)
Contact Information:
Edward Lifegem
Thanks everyone, Enjoy the contest :)

~ Edward Lifegem
Random blog post :)
Hi wizards!
I would just like to say all of the submissions I have read/ looked at are very good! I might need another person to help me because they are that great :) I am glad I am having this contest- Even makes me excited about it even though I am not getting the code :)
Since I have been talking about a bunch of boring stuff lately, I would like to talk about petnome! I have put a link about that on the side of my blog if you would like to see it. Petnome helps a lot if you would like to level a pet. A lot of wizards level their pets to epic to help other wizards figure out if they would like that pet or not, or if they would like to level their pet that far. I like looking at the pet talents so, I would like to thank Petnome for making your site, and I hope everyone else likes it as much as I do! Here is the link:
Also, as most of you can see, I have added a new background and header, I have also changed my clothing for match my blog colors! Also, I am going to do something new and tell more facts about my blog, ect.
A couple of reason for blue and green colors:
First off, I would like to say I added blue and green because bartleby has a blue eye, and green leaves, thats one reason I have added blue and green to my blog. Another reason I have added blue and green to my blog is because thats usually what everyone says the color of the earth is from space! Blue water, and green land :) Thats why its Around the spiral with Edward Lifegem.

The reason I started blogging:
I started blogging because I love Wizard101! My goal for followers was 20 when I first started, when I thought I would hit that level of followers, that would be awesome! Now I am at 75, thanks all :) It really does mean a lot that you are following! A goal for me even though they are not accepting fansites is, for kingsisle or wizard101 central to recognize my blog! :)
Things I would like to be added to the game:
Well first off, after a headache extravaganza from yesterday, I would like kingsisle support in the commons. It gets too bad there at times. Another thing I would like to be added is just like mentioned on ravenwood radio, interactive furniture, I think the piano would be very awesome if you could actually play it! I mean imagine that!
You don't have to play like this, but it would still be nice to add!
Reason I named my blog Atswel:
I named my blog Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem because apparently my ice character was getting too much attention. Before I named my blog that, I usually didn't farm or anything on my life character. My life character is now my second favorite school because I actually gave the life school a chance :) Around the Spiral- I am always in the Spiral Most likely you will see me. Edward Lifegem- I am mostly on the character Edward Lifegem, sometimes edward mythgem, but mostly edward lifegem. As much of you know, I am not good at blog names. Once when I first started I named my blog:

I know bad choice in making my blog perfect LOL. I have been laughing about that a while now, if you want to laugh go ahead :)
Okay thats it for today wizards, Have a very nice day! Hopefully I will see you around the Spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
I would just like to say all of the submissions I have read/ looked at are very good! I might need another person to help me because they are that great :) I am glad I am having this contest- Even makes me excited about it even though I am not getting the code :)
Since I have been talking about a bunch of boring stuff lately, I would like to talk about petnome! I have put a link about that on the side of my blog if you would like to see it. Petnome helps a lot if you would like to level a pet. A lot of wizards level their pets to epic to help other wizards figure out if they would like that pet or not, or if they would like to level their pet that far. I like looking at the pet talents so, I would like to thank Petnome for making your site, and I hope everyone else likes it as much as I do! Here is the link:
Also, as most of you can see, I have added a new background and header, I have also changed my clothing for match my blog colors! Also, I am going to do something new and tell more facts about my blog, ect.
A couple of reason for blue and green colors:
First off, I would like to say I added blue and green because bartleby has a blue eye, and green leaves, thats one reason I have added blue and green to my blog. Another reason I have added blue and green to my blog is because thats usually what everyone says the color of the earth is from space! Blue water, and green land :) Thats why its Around the spiral with Edward Lifegem.

The reason I started blogging:
I started blogging because I love Wizard101! My goal for followers was 20 when I first started, when I thought I would hit that level of followers, that would be awesome! Now I am at 75, thanks all :) It really does mean a lot that you are following! A goal for me even though they are not accepting fansites is, for kingsisle or wizard101 central to recognize my blog! :)
Things I would like to be added to the game:
Well first off, after a headache extravaganza from yesterday, I would like kingsisle support in the commons. It gets too bad there at times. Another thing I would like to be added is just like mentioned on ravenwood radio, interactive furniture, I think the piano would be very awesome if you could actually play it! I mean imagine that!
You don't have to play like this, but it would still be nice to add!
Reason I named my blog Atswel:
I named my blog Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem because apparently my ice character was getting too much attention. Before I named my blog that, I usually didn't farm or anything on my life character. My life character is now my second favorite school because I actually gave the life school a chance :) Around the Spiral- I am always in the Spiral Most likely you will see me. Edward Lifegem- I am mostly on the character Edward Lifegem, sometimes edward mythgem, but mostly edward lifegem. As much of you know, I am not good at blog names. Once when I first started I named my blog:

I know bad choice in making my blog perfect LOL. I have been laughing about that a while now, if you want to laugh go ahead :)
Okay thats it for today wizards, Have a very nice day! Hopefully I will see you around the Spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem

May 29, 2011
Sultans Palace Giveaway!
Yes, as told by blog title I am having a new contest! I am glad I get to tell you guys this now! I have been so excited about it. Okay everyone, here are the contest details!
You can mention as many things as you like if you want. If there is only one thing you like, you can only mention one. Thanks Wizards!
You can mention as many things as you like if you want. If there is only one thing you like, you can only mention one. Thanks Wizards!
Since this is a big contest, At first I was going to say 90 followers, but I will have more details on what the contest will be like soon with an edit in this blog post :) I will have details here when I find out how the winner will be announced :)
I will be giving away one Sultans Palace gift card! I have been so excited to tell everyone this, I wish everyone good luck! I will be doing this on an announcement day so everyone will have a chance. I might be the only one giving it away, So good luck everyone!
To win, I would like you to email me telling me one thing you like about wizard101. To contact me email me at:
Also, you have to be following in order to have a chance in winning, thanks all! :) Also, the best submission will win the contest, not doing :)
To win, I would like you to email me telling me one thing you like about wizard101. To contact me email me at:
Also, you have to be following in order to have a chance in winning, thanks all! :) Also, the best submission will win the contest, not doing :)
Something less exciting:
Remember, in the commons, wac will always know if someone is using bad language, so the best thing to do is not use it. A lot of people are not learning that you shouldn't use bad language, ect. on a family friendly game! Please learn not to, its very important. Thanks everyone :)
Yes that was my little/ big post today :) Enjoy!
P.s. Remember I am not like one of those who say: Well my membership ran out I will just keep it for myself! I am the one who gives it away in a contest. I liking giving away contests anyways, good luck everyone :)
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. again: I put the contest up here so everyone will know Thanks! :)
Contest ends June 5th, 2011!
Contest ends June 5th, 2011!
Diary Of a Wizard: 2nd Annual Ravenwood Ball & Birthday Bash
Hi everyone!
Sorry Diary of a Wizard for copying and pasting. Just wanted to get your message out there :) Anyways, Instead I would like to announce the Diary of a Wizard: Ravenwood Ball & Birthday Bash! Diary of a wizard posted the information on this today! I can't wait for this event to happen! Here are some important information about this!
June 25th, 2011 6:00 P.m. Central time, Ravenwood, Vampire realm Area 1
Note: The realm may be busy so there are also mini-parties along with this :)
3 Epic Bundle Gift cards- Wizard101
20 codes for 1000 crowns- Wizard101
Pet rock- w101pets
Mystery Prizes- Ravenwood Radio
Summer Dragons and 1 Death scarab- Petnome
5 Ki game codes- The Necromancer's Epitaph
3 turtle mounts
For more information on this please go to this link!
I hope to see you guys there!
~ Edward Lifegem
Sorry Diary of a Wizard for copying and pasting. Just wanted to get your message out there :) Anyways, Instead I would like to announce the Diary of a Wizard: Ravenwood Ball & Birthday Bash! Diary of a wizard posted the information on this today! I can't wait for this event to happen! Here are some important information about this!
June 25th, 2011 6:00 P.m. Central time, Ravenwood, Vampire realm Area 1
Note: The realm may be busy so there are also mini-parties along with this :)
3 Epic Bundle Gift cards- Wizard101
20 codes for 1000 crowns- Wizard101
Pet rock- w101pets
Mystery Prizes- Ravenwood Radio
Summer Dragons and 1 Death scarab- Petnome
5 Ki game codes- The Necromancer's Epitaph
3 turtle mounts
For more information on this please go to this link!
I hope to see you guys there!
~ Edward Lifegem
New contest- Sultans Palace Code Giveaway!
Yes, as told by blog title I am having a new contest! I am glad I get to tell you guys this now! I have been so excited about it. Okay everyone, here are the contest details!
Since this is a big contest, At first I was going to say 90 followers, but I will have more details on what the contest will be like soon with an edit in this blog post :) I will have details here when I find out how the winner will be announced :)
I will be giving away one Sultans Palace gift card! I would be doing this with! I have been so excited to tell everyone this, I wish everyone good luck! I will be doing this on an announcement day so everyone will have a chance. I might be the only one giving it away, So good luck everyone!
Something less exciting:
Remember, in the commons, wac will always know if someone is using bad language, so the best thing to do is not use it. A lot of people are not learning that you shouldn't use bad language, ect. on a family friendly game! Please learn not to, its very important. Thanks everyone :)
Yes that was my little/ big post today :) Enjoy!
P.s. Remember I am not like one of those who say: Well my membership ran out I will just keep it for myself! I am the one who gives it away in a contest. I liking giving away contests anyways, good luck everyone :)
~ Edward Lifegem
Since this is a big contest, At first I was going to say 90 followers, but I will have more details on what the contest will be like soon with an edit in this blog post :) I will have details here when I find out how the winner will be announced :)
I will be giving away one Sultans Palace gift card! I would be doing this with! I have been so excited to tell everyone this, I wish everyone good luck! I will be doing this on an announcement day so everyone will have a chance. I might be the only one giving it away, So good luck everyone!
Something less exciting:
Remember, in the commons, wac will always know if someone is using bad language, so the best thing to do is not use it. A lot of people are not learning that you shouldn't use bad language, ect. on a family friendly game! Please learn not to, its very important. Thanks everyone :)
Yes that was my little/ big post today :) Enjoy!
P.s. Remember I am not like one of those who say: Well my membership ran out I will just keep it for myself! I am the one who gives it away in a contest. I liking giving away contests anyways, good luck everyone :)
~ Edward Lifegem
May 28, 2011
New post: KBB- Blogs- Freebies are not everything
Kevin Battleblood has made a very good video, this video is about the Fansite situation.
I think so far 20 minutes through the video, KBB made a very good point :) I am going to listen to this all the way through. Thanks kevin for making a very very good point :)
I hope you guys do listen to this video all the way through, I am listening right now, and I say that bloggers out there, if you made your blog for fun, and because you enjoy the game, keep doing that. Bloggers out there that just wanted a code, think, Why did you make your blog? Remember, Enjoy blogging just like you enjoy the game! I for one do not care about codes, I just want all of my followers to be happy with my blog. I hope the other bloggers say that too! My goal at first was to be a fansite though, I don't mind anymore though :) If I got a wizard101 card, even when I knew my membership was going to run out, which It did yesterday, I would still give that card away. Once again, thanks kevin for your video, It really makes sense, I also agree 100% If you guys would like a link to his blog here it is:
Remember, you don't need codes to enjoy blogging, If you love wizard101 and want to blog about it, keep it up! Just because kingsisle quit the official blogger submissions, It doesn't mean your blog is not great, or it doesn't mean they might be looking at your blog :) Wizard101 is a great game, thats why I wanted to start blogging, Its very fun including playing the game. Also, I would like to give a shout out to the official bloggers, Keep up the good work! Don't worry about others that keep saying things about codes, I have checked all of your blogs out and they are very very good :) Plus, If the others saying things about codes, you should say, well is that why you started blogging? Kevin just said in the video, that blogging isn't everything about codes and freebies, real life isn't like that, you guys will hear that later in the video. I am sorry for those who don't have blogs having to read this, but the bloggers really do need to understand that being official blog isn't everything, it doesn't mean your blog is bad. If you guys did want to become official blogger before, why did you keep mentioning codes and all and getting mad at official bloggers. Thats what made Kingsisle take away the opportunity for us to get to that point. Kingsisle actually made a very good point quitting the blog submissions. I am going to say thank you Kingsisle for doing that, only because it was getting very bad with bloggers getting mad at them. Yes I admit, when they said something about disqualifying everyone, that made me mad. There is no reason to get so mad at them about codes though. I hope everyone will have a chance to read this all because this is very important to me, and other bloggers, twizards, and facebook wizards. I hope you guys do apologize to Kingsisle, and the official bloggers. If you guys don't know kingsisle, and I support them because they deserve it. They certainly don't deserve rude comments about some code, I mean who really cares about a code, as long as you enjoy your blog, You shouldn't even care. Those who spent money I am sorry, I hope that you guys do say sorry to kingsisle though. I am going to say sorry after this post. Sorry for the long post everyone.
See you guys around the spiral, and behave please. Also, Remember, Please don't be mad at everyone or quit blogging if you really do love it. If you do thats your loss, Also your followers will probably be mad at you guys for quitting blogging, or ect. Thanks everyone for reading this, and also thank you Kevin for making this great video!
Also, to make everyone feel better, Listen to this video with Wizard Weekly Episode 9: Credit goes to fawne Thanks! :)
~ Edward Lifegem
I think so far 20 minutes through the video, KBB made a very good point :) I am going to listen to this all the way through. Thanks kevin for making a very very good point :)
I hope you guys do listen to this video all the way through, I am listening right now, and I say that bloggers out there, if you made your blog for fun, and because you enjoy the game, keep doing that. Bloggers out there that just wanted a code, think, Why did you make your blog? Remember, Enjoy blogging just like you enjoy the game! I for one do not care about codes, I just want all of my followers to be happy with my blog. I hope the other bloggers say that too! My goal at first was to be a fansite though, I don't mind anymore though :) If I got a wizard101 card, even when I knew my membership was going to run out, which It did yesterday, I would still give that card away. Once again, thanks kevin for your video, It really makes sense, I also agree 100% If you guys would like a link to his blog here it is:
Remember, you don't need codes to enjoy blogging, If you love wizard101 and want to blog about it, keep it up! Just because kingsisle quit the official blogger submissions, It doesn't mean your blog is not great, or it doesn't mean they might be looking at your blog :) Wizard101 is a great game, thats why I wanted to start blogging, Its very fun including playing the game. Also, I would like to give a shout out to the official bloggers, Keep up the good work! Don't worry about others that keep saying things about codes, I have checked all of your blogs out and they are very very good :) Plus, If the others saying things about codes, you should say, well is that why you started blogging? Kevin just said in the video, that blogging isn't everything about codes and freebies, real life isn't like that, you guys will hear that later in the video. I am sorry for those who don't have blogs having to read this, but the bloggers really do need to understand that being official blog isn't everything, it doesn't mean your blog is bad. If you guys did want to become official blogger before, why did you keep mentioning codes and all and getting mad at official bloggers. Thats what made Kingsisle take away the opportunity for us to get to that point. Kingsisle actually made a very good point quitting the blog submissions. I am going to say thank you Kingsisle for doing that, only because it was getting very bad with bloggers getting mad at them. Yes I admit, when they said something about disqualifying everyone, that made me mad. There is no reason to get so mad at them about codes though. I hope everyone will have a chance to read this all because this is very important to me, and other bloggers, twizards, and facebook wizards. I hope you guys do apologize to Kingsisle, and the official bloggers. If you guys don't know kingsisle, and I support them because they deserve it. They certainly don't deserve rude comments about some code, I mean who really cares about a code, as long as you enjoy your blog, You shouldn't even care. Those who spent money I am sorry, I hope that you guys do say sorry to kingsisle though. I am going to say sorry after this post. Sorry for the long post everyone.
See you guys around the spiral, and behave please. Also, Remember, Please don't be mad at everyone or quit blogging if you really do love it. If you do thats your loss, Also your followers will probably be mad at you guys for quitting blogging, or ect. Thanks everyone for reading this, and also thank you Kevin for making this great video!
Also, to make everyone feel better, Listen to this video with Wizard Weekly Episode 9: Credit goes to fawne Thanks! :)
P.s. Contest Details announced tomorrow morning in a new blog post!
~ Edward Lifegem
Online Safety- The commons
Just a little bit about the blogs- Yesterday I sent an email to Professor greyrose, still hoping I do get an email back from her, I mentioned a friends site, one that she was still watching, Hopefully she does let him go into is even though its canceled.
I have a new contest to announce soon, so keep looking on my blog for that to show up! I can't wait to announce it, I think you guys will love this one! Its the best contest any blog could have actually, well I say that. I can't say I hope you guys like the contest, because I know you guys will! Good luck to everyone on that :)
Another thing,
I would like to add some ways to stay safe online, and for those in the commons that use bad language, please stop. Tatiana, and I had to stay up close to midnight because of the Wu realm in the Commons. Here they are:
I have a new contest to announce soon, so keep looking on my blog for that to show up! I can't wait to announce it, I think you guys will love this one! Its the best contest any blog could have actually, well I say that. I can't say I hope you guys like the contest, because I know you guys will! Good luck to everyone on that :)
Another thing,
I would like to add some ways to stay safe online, and for those in the commons that use bad language, please stop. Tatiana, and I had to stay up close to midnight because of the Wu realm in the Commons. Here they are:
- Don't say " I need a Girl" " I need a Boy" Thats one way you are not staying safe in the game, you may give a complete stranger information, thats not a way to stay safe online.
- Don't ever tell your password! Kingsisle says this once you log into Wizard101, Yet some wizards still do give their password out, thats why your account gets banned, that person may look at personal information, credit card, where you live, ect.
- Just like giving your password, Don't give out personal information, Yesterday a girl in the commons told her Facebook page to everyone! Thats not a way to stay safe online! Another thing not to do is tell your age, where you live.
- One more thing to stay safe online is, Don't be friends with people that are mean, cyber bullying, using bad language towards you, ect. These people are not friends, most of them you find in the commons, They are just mean people who ruin the game. Unless you want to be friends with people who ruin the game, don't add them!
Yesterday, I have noticed with Wac that the commons might be learning not to use bad language, but the worse part is the mid night hour, If you watch the commons you will see people get worse, I don't like that at all. I wish I could stay up all night and day like they do, but most people do need sleep. If you are in the commons during the night and you see this, first warn them not to use bad language, they keep it up, report them, even get friends to help, don't argue with them though, it only makes it worse. Thanks guys!
Before I do an entire online safety post, enjoy your weekend everyone! See you guys around the spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
May 27, 2011
Blogger Information
Hi everyone,
There have been some issues with getting into the community blogs for Wizard101. Earlier post was very rude against kingsisle, I am sorry. I just wanted to redo this post :) first off, I have been hearing that everyone is blaming the official bloggers. Don't do that because they didn't do anything, they are blogging for wizard101 just like us. Kingsisle sent them the card codes to support them. We should do the same guys, please don't make them feel bad or anything :)
If you guys think you can make it, and you don't have blogger, good luck :) I think most of the bloggers I know could make it too! I know I am a new blogger, but last year when I started my blog I really wanted to become a community blogger, because that was my goal on my blog. Its okay that I can't running through blogger though, If they decided to change the rules on that, that would be very awesome, and I think everyone knows I would be submitting my blog to them :) Remember guys, Your blogs are great, just keep up the great work, Don't quit blogging and enjoy blogging for a very great game. Thats why I started blogging last year because I really do like Wizard101.
Fansites/ Blogs are no longer accepted for Wizard101. I will just make this site my fansite Since I do enjoy it, along with 72 followers :) I hope you guys enjoy. I think if they ever do accept fansites again I will try to submit mine. It was a year goal, when I first started blogging I wanted my last goal to be a fansite, I really do enjoy blogging, so who cares if kingsisle isn't a fan of my site or any other bloggers site. Its their loss, I hope to get more followers though. I know some wizards care about some code for an Aladdin house, but that really did ruin our chances. More bloggers are quitting because of this, I do admit Kingsisle, Its very very rude that you guys quit the submitting for those who really wanted to join, and the way you said no, not right at all. I think you could have said that a little nicer, both actually. I also want to give a shout out to Kyle Firegem who was preparing his site for a fansite, and they quit the thing before he could even finish. Sorry Kyle.
If you like Wizard101, Don't blame anyone! :) Thanks Wizards!
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. Don't make me post the Finding Nemo(Justkeepswimming) Video again! :)
There have been some issues with getting into the community blogs for Wizard101. Earlier post was very rude against kingsisle, I am sorry. I just wanted to redo this post :) first off, I have been hearing that everyone is blaming the official bloggers. Don't do that because they didn't do anything, they are blogging for wizard101 just like us. Kingsisle sent them the card codes to support them. We should do the same guys, please don't make them feel bad or anything :)
If you guys think you can make it, and you don't have blogger, good luck :) I think most of the bloggers I know could make it too! I know I am a new blogger, but last year when I started my blog I really wanted to become a community blogger, because that was my goal on my blog. Its okay that I can't running through blogger though, If they decided to change the rules on that, that would be very awesome, and I think everyone knows I would be submitting my blog to them :) Remember guys, Your blogs are great, just keep up the great work, Don't quit blogging and enjoy blogging for a very great game. Thats why I started blogging last year because I really do like Wizard101.
Fansites/ Blogs are no longer accepted for Wizard101. I will just make this site my fansite Since I do enjoy it, along with 72 followers :) I hope you guys enjoy. I think if they ever do accept fansites again I will try to submit mine. It was a year goal, when I first started blogging I wanted my last goal to be a fansite, I really do enjoy blogging, so who cares if kingsisle isn't a fan of my site or any other bloggers site. Its their loss, I hope to get more followers though. I know some wizards care about some code for an Aladdin house, but that really did ruin our chances. More bloggers are quitting because of this, I do admit Kingsisle, Its very very rude that you guys quit the submitting for those who really wanted to join, and the way you said no, not right at all. I think you could have said that a little nicer, both actually. I also want to give a shout out to Kyle Firegem who was preparing his site for a fansite, and they quit the thing before he could even finish. Sorry Kyle.
If you like Wizard101, Don't blame anyone! :) Thanks Wizards!
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. Don't make me post the Finding Nemo(Justkeepswimming) Video again! :)
Ambrose Area One- Commons
Hi everyone!
Believe this or not, I have actually met some nice wizards in the commons! When on my myth character, I have met a warlord trying for the Wizard101 Central 200th Tournament. If you would like information on that, Here is the link!
I have also met another nice Wizard- Sophia Silverheart. She told me she has a blog on facebook, and I would like if you liked her page on facebook! The link to her blog on facebook is:
A link to her blog!
When I was in the commons this morning, I didn't have to report/ warn anyone about using bad language. If I am not jinxing myself, I think the commons might be changing! Thank you WAC! You guys are really helping the commons! :) Hopefully the commons does stay that way, that would be a, miracle! Lol maybe not a miracle but you guys know what I mean!
One more thing,
I would like to thank everyone for helping our blogs out for the official community blog. We really do want to become a community blog, we just need your help and support to get there! Hopefully all of us do make it. Remember keep trying bloggers out there, and I am sure you will make it! Good luck everyone! Oh and If you would like me to put your blog on my list, just comment below, I don't mind helping other bloggers!
Have a great day around the Spiral, Remember if you do see me, I will add you! Thanks everyone!
~ Edward Lifegem
Believe this or not, I have actually met some nice wizards in the commons! When on my myth character, I have met a warlord trying for the Wizard101 Central 200th Tournament. If you would like information on that, Here is the link!
I have also met another nice Wizard- Sophia Silverheart. She told me she has a blog on facebook, and I would like if you liked her page on facebook! The link to her blog on facebook is:
A link to her blog!
When I was in the commons this morning, I didn't have to report/ warn anyone about using bad language. If I am not jinxing myself, I think the commons might be changing! Thank you WAC! You guys are really helping the commons! :) Hopefully the commons does stay that way, that would be a, miracle! Lol maybe not a miracle but you guys know what I mean!
One more thing,
I would like to thank everyone for helping our blogs out for the official community blog. We really do want to become a community blog, we just need your help and support to get there! Hopefully all of us do make it. Remember keep trying bloggers out there, and I am sure you will make it! Good luck everyone! Oh and If you would like me to put your blog on my list, just comment below, I don't mind helping other bloggers!
Have a great day around the Spiral, Remember if you do see me, I will add you! Thanks everyone!
~ Edward Lifegem

May 26, 2011
Bloggers Need Some Help
Hi everyone,
I would like to talk about us bloggers that do need help becoming an official community blog. Recently they wouldn't accept any blog that tried to join, even those that already bought a domain. If it runs through blogger they won't accept, kind of like mine. We really do need help everyone mentioning our blogs, If you could do that it would help a lot. I am going to keep trying because I know if I do something good will happen. When I started my blog in April I had 8 followers and I asked friends for help plus I had contests, which made me get to this point. I am glad they helped, thank you guys! :) Now I am asking some famous wizards to follow hopefully that works out. Anyways, If you guys could, please post these sites, or try to talk other wizards into following these blogs, it would help a lot. Thank you guys. There will be something that I will tell you later on that you guys would like. No details now though :)
Blog Links:
The Pie Loving Necromancer:
The Pyromancers Digest:
Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem:
The Awesome Diviner:
The Saviors of the Spiral:
Stars Of the Spiral Pet Archive:
Diana Wildheart: Guardian Theurgists Journal:
Guys, If you do help that would be very nice. These blogs, including mine, would like to be a community blog for wizard101. If a famous wizard following could mention our blogs that would be awesome too! Thank you loyal followers! :)
If there are any other wizards who would like to be a community blog tell me and I will put your blog on my list! I just woke up and I am not focusing right now! Lol. Anyways, thank you for your help everyone, I hope that our blogs do become community blogs. I am not buying a domain just yet for my blog because I want to wait, the other blogs didn't get the community blog even after they bought the domain, so no use in me buying one and not getting it. I hope that everyone does get the community blog on that list! Good luck you guys :) Keep trying, don't forget that!
Give a shout out on facebook, even good friends you know in wizard101 if you can! I hope all of our blogs get to community blogs! Thanks everyone and have a great day around the spiral.
Bloggers out there- Look at this video!
~ Edward Lifegem
I would like to talk about us bloggers that do need help becoming an official community blog. Recently they wouldn't accept any blog that tried to join, even those that already bought a domain. If it runs through blogger they won't accept, kind of like mine. We really do need help everyone mentioning our blogs, If you could do that it would help a lot. I am going to keep trying because I know if I do something good will happen. When I started my blog in April I had 8 followers and I asked friends for help plus I had contests, which made me get to this point. I am glad they helped, thank you guys! :) Now I am asking some famous wizards to follow hopefully that works out. Anyways, If you guys could, please post these sites, or try to talk other wizards into following these blogs, it would help a lot. Thank you guys. There will be something that I will tell you later on that you guys would like. No details now though :)
Blog Links:
The Pie Loving Necromancer:
The Pyromancers Digest:
Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem:
The Awesome Diviner:
The Saviors of the Spiral:
Stars Of the Spiral Pet Archive:
Diana Wildheart: Guardian Theurgists Journal:
Guys, If you do help that would be very nice. These blogs, including mine, would like to be a community blog for wizard101. If a famous wizard following could mention our blogs that would be awesome too! Thank you loyal followers! :)
If there are any other wizards who would like to be a community blog tell me and I will put your blog on my list! I just woke up and I am not focusing right now! Lol. Anyways, thank you for your help everyone, I hope that our blogs do become community blogs. I am not buying a domain just yet for my blog because I want to wait, the other blogs didn't get the community blog even after they bought the domain, so no use in me buying one and not getting it. I hope that everyone does get the community blog on that list! Good luck you guys :) Keep trying, don't forget that!
Give a shout out on facebook, even good friends you know in wizard101 if you can! I hope all of our blogs get to community blogs! Thanks everyone and have a great day around the spiral.
Bloggers out there- Look at this video!
~ Edward Lifegem
May 25, 2011
Contest Ends- New blog Post
Hello Everyone!
I would like to announce the winners before doing a new blog post for the day! These are for the 5 kingsisle game codes and the 10 dollar wizard101 gift card code!
I would like to announce the winners before doing a new blog post for the day! These are for the 5 kingsisle game codes and the 10 dollar wizard101 gift card code!
- Grand Prize Winner: Diana Wildheart
- Kingsisle Code Winner 1: Ashley Fairyfriend
- Kingsisle Code Winner 2: Jennifer Dreamslinger
- Kingsisle Code Winner 3: Spiral Blogger
- Kingsisle Code Winner 4: Chris Storm Sword
- Kingsisle Code Winner 5: Peter Venuti
Congratulations winners! I hope I can have more contests again, its very fun having contests! If I make it for Community Wizard101 blog maybe I can :) Once again congratulations, and for those who didn't win, Next time :) I like having the contests, so be here next time for the next contest everyone! The next contest won't be so easy. Since I am a little slow today, Kingsisle free game code winners, I will give you your codes soon! I need to get to level 8+ for each of those!
Sorry Kingsisle code winners, that I haven't been able to get the codes to you lately. Been really busy, and yesterday I didn't get to get the codes for you the time I wanted to because there was a tornado warning.
Sorry Kingsisle code winners, that I haven't been able to get the codes to you lately. Been really busy, and yesterday I didn't get to get the codes for you the time I wanted to because there was a tornado warning.
Other than the contest I would like to show you a couple of rug glitching photos, which I think are very awesome! Enjoy :)
Very awesome right?
One more thing to talk about,
Remember everyone, In Wu area one- the commons, If you are using bad language, or anything that shouldn't be said in the game you will be reported. Please don't make yourself get banned because of using bad language or what not. First of all its annoying, and it shouldn't be said for everyone in the game to hear. Kingsisle didn't make the game for everyone to start using bad language in it, they made it for it to be fun. Another thing, everyone please stop saying " I need a girl" "I need a boy" in the game, For example:
If you guys started running around in real life, lets just say at Gamestop, most likely everyone would be looking at you wondering why you are saying that. Thats the same in the game everyone! So please don't say it, PLUS, online safety and kingsisle's main priority! You saying that could be against your safety on the game.
See you guys around the Spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem

May 24, 2011
Sultans Palace Pictures
Hi everyone. I just wanted to give credit to connor for these pictures. I really wanted to spread them so everyone could see! :)
Enjoy! :)
~ Edward Lifegem

Yesterdays Post Today!
Hi everyone! I am very sorry for not doing a blog post lately, a lot has been going on. First, a branch fell on a power line and I thought there was a city wide blackout, also, there has been tornadoes and I believe more are on the way tonight! Everyone please pray for Joplin, Missouri, where a tornado of a ef4 or 5 tornado hit. I read on the news that an entire hospital exploded, glad they got most of them out.
The Contest! I still have not had a chance to do the contest, which was to be scheduled tonight, I am deciding to be prepared and since I am back online, I am scheduling it for tomorrow, this time its going to be tomorrow everyone! :)
In other news,
Go to this site for the flying carpet mount/ New house Card :)
Or go to this blog to see it :)
Wizard Weekly Episode 8: Credit goes to Fawne!
Pvp Stun Shield Update:
PvP Stun Shield Update
Scaling stun shields have been added to PvP combat. When a player is stunned by a spell, the number of stun shields that appear on that stunned player are equal to the number of players on the opposing team.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 1v1, one Stun Shield will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 2v2, two Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 3v3, three Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 4v4, four Stun Shields will appear.
Thats it for now Everyone, See you around the spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. You have to be following in order to be entered in the contest. Hope that helps :)
The Contest! I still have not had a chance to do the contest, which was to be scheduled tonight, I am deciding to be prepared and since I am back online, I am scheduling it for tomorrow, this time its going to be tomorrow everyone! :)
In other news,
Go to this site for the flying carpet mount/ New house Card :)
Or go to this blog to see it :)
Wizard Weekly Episode 8: Credit goes to Fawne!
Pvp Stun Shield Update:

Scaling stun shields have been added to PvP combat. When a player is stunned by a spell, the number of stun shields that appear on that stunned player are equal to the number of players on the opposing team.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 1v1, one Stun Shield will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 2v2, two Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 3v3, three Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 4v4, four Stun Shields will appear.
Thats it for now Everyone, See you around the spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. You have to be following in order to be entered in the contest. Hope that helps :)
May 19, 2011
Quick blog post:
I might have to postpone the contest until Monday. There has been a blackout here, so I really couldn't get online. I see I now have 67 followers! Thanks everyone! :) I am going to go now, everyone stay safe, and have fun in Wintertusk!
~ Edward Lifegem

May 18, 2011
Contest Starts Now- 3 days
Hi everyone! I would like to announce the next contest! Yesterday I passed 60 followers, and I now have 62 followers! Thanks everyone. This next contest will be fair, other than the last one with questions, everyone will have a chance in winning, with the number generator. For this I am going to put all of my followers names down, and then the codes. I still have to find out how the number generator works so more details on that soon.
Contest Details-
For the contest, I will giving out 6 codes, Everyone will have a chance to win. There are no answering questions with this one. Counting today, on Friday 3 days, I will be announcing the winners!
What are the codes?
Well the codes for this one will be a 10 dollar gift card for wizard101, grand prize, and the others will be 5 Kingsisle free game codes!
Giving time for others to follow-
I would like to have the contest going on for 3 days, so if others would like to win, they could be put in the drawing for the codes. I am sure there might be more followers before Friday. So I am going to wait just in case there are more wizards who want to follow!
Off topic from the contest. I would like to thank everyone again for following my blog, I like that 62 wizards are supporting my blog! It really is going to help when I try out for the Wizard101 Community blog. Hopefully they do let me into that. I know its going to take a lot of work to join that though. Since some of the most popular blogs around the Spiral are in it, and the wizards writing the blog are very talented! Also, I just started blogging last year, but also started in April, so hopefully they do accept my blog! Could be a week, or a month. So look out for that! Since my blog is getting more followers, it seems like a community blog without it being on the Wizard101 website to me.
Okay guys thats it for the blog post today! Hope you win the contest, and see you all around the spiral!!
~ Edward Lifegem
Contest Details-
For the contest, I will giving out 6 codes, Everyone will have a chance to win. There are no answering questions with this one. Counting today, on Friday 3 days, I will be announcing the winners!
What are the codes?
Well the codes for this one will be a 10 dollar gift card for wizard101, grand prize, and the others will be 5 Kingsisle free game codes!
Giving time for others to follow-
I would like to have the contest going on for 3 days, so if others would like to win, they could be put in the drawing for the codes. I am sure there might be more followers before Friday. So I am going to wait just in case there are more wizards who want to follow!
Off topic from the contest. I would like to thank everyone again for following my blog, I like that 62 wizards are supporting my blog! It really is going to help when I try out for the Wizard101 Community blog. Hopefully they do let me into that. I know its going to take a lot of work to join that though. Since some of the most popular blogs around the Spiral are in it, and the wizards writing the blog are very talented! Also, I just started blogging last year, but also started in April, so hopefully they do accept my blog! Could be a week, or a month. So look out for that! Since my blog is getting more followers, it seems like a community blog without it being on the Wizard101 website to me.
Okay guys thats it for the blog post today! Hope you win the contest, and see you all around the spiral!!
~ Edward Lifegem
May 17, 2011
A couple of the new Hybrids!
Hi everyone, Just a short blog post, I would like to show you a couple of hybrids that a lot of nice wizards let me take pictures of :)
Here they are!
Here they are!
Cloud Demon: Kraken And Forest Lord
Topaz Kraken: Humongofrog and Kraken
Storm Phoenix: Kraken And Phoenix
Death Phoenix: Scarecrow And Phoenix
There was another photo of the Storm Scarecrow, but I can't find it at the moment. thats it for now, until I have more photos,
See you all around the spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem

Hi everyone! sorry this is very early in the morning when I am typing this. I want everyone to see my blog posts though :)
First off, I would like to show more pictures of Kyle Firegems house, here they are!
First off, I would like to show more pictures of Kyle Firegems house, here they are!
Awesome right? Well I could never try to do this in my house on Wizard101. Lol only because I can't. If I did try, actually I am just going to say I am not going to try :)
I am very close to having my next contest everyone! I only need 2 more followers to start my new contest. I can't wait to start the contest, Its actually fun having contests :) I hope everyone else thinks that too! I keep refreshing my blog to see if I have 60 followers so I can type the blog post for my new contest, Well hopefully today I will start the contest! Another hint with this contest is that it won't be like the last one where you had to answer the best question. This one is going to be fair :)
I also can't wait until I submit my blog into the Wizard101's Community Blogs. Hopefully they do say yes to that, I am trying to get as many followers as I can before that point! I am thinking next month, and also thinking tomorrow! Since I am new though, I am going to wait until next month, even though that seems like a long time to wait. Oh well, At least I will have time to get more followers before then. Plus I might find out new things to put on my blog, even though to me its perfect now :) I think that it is, the question is, do you?? Most of my friends/ followers say it is now, after that header incident. Hopefully I do decide a right time to ask Professor Greyrose to add my blog to the community blogs. You know I might have a poll on that.
One more thing,
Wizard101 Facebook page Weekly Code Giveaway
Time | Friday, May 20 · 10:00am - 1:00pm |
Location | Wizard101 FB Page |
Created By | |
More Info | This week's giveaway is for the Crabling pet! You can attend the event for a chance to win even if you are not online on Friday at 10AM CT. Link Found here: |
Have a nice day everyone, and stay safe on Wizard101, Don't forget to read my online safety tips on my Online safety page :)
~ Edward Lifegem

May 16, 2011
New Blog Post- Things to Discuss
Hi everyone! Hope your day is going great so far!
Since I haven't been able to tell my likes and dislikes about schools, I would like to today!
My likes and dislikes about the Fire school:
Next thing I would like to talk about:
The language in the commons needs to stop NOW. Its really ruining the game. If you are one of the people who talk about or say bad things in the commons, please stop, its very annoying and I am sure everyone will agree with me on that. If you do see someone in the commons using bad language, talking bad, report them. Once in the commons, I was reported for reporting someone who was saying bad things and bad language, If that happens to you, don't worry you won't get in trouble. I am sure the person who false reported, and got reported will get in trouble.
I put a new page up for online safety. I would like to talk a little bit about that. On wizard101, Please do not give out your password, just like it says on the Wizard101's Log in before you enter the game. You are giving out personal information when you do that, also don't forget your violations will result in a ban from Wizard101.
One last thing I would like to talk about again is the Contest I will be having at 60 followers!
At 60 followers I will be having a contest with 6 codes, I am not telling you what these codes are yet. Later on you will find out. It could be today, or tomorrow, or whenever there are 60 friends following my blog. Like I said yesterday the reason I am having this contest is because, In one month, I am going to be submitting my blog for a wizard101 community blog! I hope I can get my blog that far in progress! I am going to be showing less pictures and typing more often. I think that my blog could make it as a community blog. Well, hopefully everyone else does too!
Well have a great day everyone, I will see you around the Spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
Since I haven't been able to tell my likes and dislikes about schools, I would like to today!
My likes and dislikes about the Fire school:
- I like the fire spells, They can really do damage just like storm, plus you have more health than storm which makes fire a perfect school for anyone to train. I think that the damage on fire dragon is awesome, plus to all enemies! wow! Its also stronger than any aoe on the game :)
- Another like would be that you don't really fizzle that much once you get your level 58 gear, but thats for other fire characters. For me its different, I fizzle a lot on my fire, life, ice, and storm characters.
- My dislikes for the fire school would be just like I said in my likes, fizzling with fire, It gets very annoying to fizzle with any school
- My next dislike would be some fire wizards think its the strongest school when it isn't. I think all of the schools are powerful in the own way. Most of you know I want the ice school to be the strongest, with snow angel, looks like its a possibility!
Next thing I would like to talk about:
The language in the commons needs to stop NOW. Its really ruining the game. If you are one of the people who talk about or say bad things in the commons, please stop, its very annoying and I am sure everyone will agree with me on that. If you do see someone in the commons using bad language, talking bad, report them. Once in the commons, I was reported for reporting someone who was saying bad things and bad language, If that happens to you, don't worry you won't get in trouble. I am sure the person who false reported, and got reported will get in trouble.
I put a new page up for online safety. I would like to talk a little bit about that. On wizard101, Please do not give out your password, just like it says on the Wizard101's Log in before you enter the game. You are giving out personal information when you do that, also don't forget your violations will result in a ban from Wizard101.
One last thing I would like to talk about again is the Contest I will be having at 60 followers!
At 60 followers I will be having a contest with 6 codes, I am not telling you what these codes are yet. Later on you will find out. It could be today, or tomorrow, or whenever there are 60 friends following my blog. Like I said yesterday the reason I am having this contest is because, In one month, I am going to be submitting my blog for a wizard101 community blog! I hope I can get my blog that far in progress! I am going to be showing less pictures and typing more often. I think that my blog could make it as a community blog. Well, hopefully everyone else does too!
Well have a great day everyone, I will see you around the Spiral!
~ Edward Lifegem
May 15, 2011
Contest Details/ New features On my blog!
Hi everyone! I would like to announce my next contest! I am not going into full detail because this contest will be at a certain point! This contest has to do with 6 codes. Thats all I am telling about that. Now for this contest to show up in another blog post, I really would like 60 followers. The sooner 60 followers are following Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem, the sooner I can announce the contest :)
The reason for doing this contest?
Well, I am doing this contest because I am planning on submitting my blog as an official blog for Wizard101, I think that the more followers, the more of a chance I will get the official blog for Wizard101 right? :) I will be changing my blog around the next month. On June 15th, 2011 I will be sending Professor Greyrose an email for the official wizard101 blog. The site will be changing too, the sites name will be instead of
Adding New Things to this blog
Yes, I am adding a few features to this blog. One of the new features will be a chat option to chat with friends on my blog! There will be moderators there, because I do not want bad language on there. Sorry guys, Have to keep my blog nice! I will choose who will be moderators on my blog when chat is up. During the chat, It will be up during a new blog post, and it will last 20 minutes. Only talk about wizard101 guys. thanks :)
Okay guys, Thats it for now! Please do enjoy my blog, and Don't forget, as new followers do join, do not use bad language on my blog! Thanks everyone!
~Edward Lifegem
The reason for doing this contest?
Well, I am doing this contest because I am planning on submitting my blog as an official blog for Wizard101, I think that the more followers, the more of a chance I will get the official blog for Wizard101 right? :) I will be changing my blog around the next month. On June 15th, 2011 I will be sending Professor Greyrose an email for the official wizard101 blog. The site will be changing too, the sites name will be instead of
Adding New Things to this blog
Yes, I am adding a few features to this blog. One of the new features will be a chat option to chat with friends on my blog! There will be moderators there, because I do not want bad language on there. Sorry guys, Have to keep my blog nice! I will choose who will be moderators on my blog when chat is up. During the chat, It will be up during a new blog post, and it will last 20 minutes. Only talk about wizard101 guys. thanks :)
Okay guys, Thats it for now! Please do enjoy my blog, and Don't forget, as new followers do join, do not use bad language on my blog! Thanks everyone!
~Edward Lifegem
Follow Friendly's New blog Please!
Okay everyone, just a little blog post, I would like if you guys could follow this blog! :)
Stormreach Sentinel:
This blog Is made by the Friendly Necromancer, and He only has 2 followers, me and Icy Wiz. Please follow it to help him out :) Thanks Everyone!!!
~Edward Lifegem
Stormreach Sentinel:
This blog Is made by the Friendly Necromancer, and He only has 2 followers, me and Icy Wiz. Please follow it to help him out :) Thanks Everyone!!!
~Edward Lifegem
In this post, I am going to talk and show you 2 things! Okay the first, I would like to talk about a good friends Blog site, If you could follow his site, Would mean a lot! Please do, if you can :) There are 2 sites I would like you to follow. First one is FinandQuinn: and the other one is mywizard101site: Thanks everyone for reading this, and follow these 2 sites :)
Oh and I have an awesome Photo From Blaze Shadowthorn's House!
Looks like a basement swimming pool! too awesome! This is actually in the storm house, he made the rug glitch, Good idea though! Nice work blaze!
Okay now for the other post, I would like to show you where the Smiths are for those who don't know! I will also be describing where you can find them!
Fairgrounds Commons- In the fairgrounds Behind the blue and yellow tent with stars of course!
Ravenwood- On the side of the myth school, There is a bench there and you will see the smith!
Unicorn Way- Outside of the hedge maze, in a corner, Looks like he was trying to hide!
Shopping District- When you first get there If you turn your character to the right, I am sure you will see him here!
Colossus Boulevard- This one is where you fight the last boss here, he is right by the colossus statue!
Olde town- right by the bazaar and Gloria Kendell
Cyclops Lane- Right behind Nolan Stormgate
Triton Avenue- This one for storm wizards is where you summon storm lord.
Firecat Alley- Where you fight Alicane as shown in a recent post, the one with the cyclops :)
Golem Court- behind golem tower!
Hopefully thats it, Lol multi-tasking while writing this blog post, Not fun! Anyways, while I was doing this I actually got a training point! Glad I did that now. I don't remember having that quest. Anyways, thats it for today, hope you enjoyed my blog post. and oh yeah, thanks for following everyone! I know how 53 followers on my blog! Thanks for supporting my blog :)
~ Edward Lifegem
P.s. I have a couple of more photos to show you from Kyle Firegems House! Its very awesome!
If this game Sigil doesn't fall on me I will be okay!
Credit Goes the Kyle Firegem!

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