February 28, 2016

Frostcaller's Polar Bear Party Recap!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you had a great time at Frostcaller's Polar Bear Party! I still can't believe how many people showed up for this event. We actually announced it a few days before the event so this was a great turnout. I can't give an estimate of how many people attended, but maybe you could get that out of a few screenshots that I took during the event. :) There's also an awesome video from Oz directly below!

I decided to log on around 1:00 P.M. (about 3 hours before the event started) and talk with a few wizards that were planning on attending the event. The realm started filling up with tons of wizards at 2:00 and that's when I started taking a ton of screenshots! :D I really want to thank all of you for attending this event. We honored the polar bears and got the community together for another great event! We actually had a full first realm in Ravenwood and other wizards in the second area that was waiting to attend the party. At 4:00 we teleported to Frostcaller's amazing house and had a lot of fun PvPing, playing housing games, and even talking to each other. :) 

It was a great event and it was very nice having you here. I know there are many other wizards that I didn't have a chance to take a picture with, but I'm glad all of you took time out of your Saturday to attend this event. :D It's really nice getting the community together like this. It makes me excited about my Easter Bunny Run 2016 event on March 25th! :D This year will be a great year. :) Thank you for stopping by. By the way, thank you Frostcaller for inviting me to be a co-host for the party, it was a lot of fun. I would also like to thank Autumn Dreamwalker for helping teleport those who couldn't make it to the party when my ice wizard's list became full (I had to add at least 100 people before that could happen). It was a great party!! :D I'm glad all of you attended to raise awareness for polar bears and support the community. I should take my leave now.. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

February 25, 2016

Frostcaller's Polar Bear Party!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great end of February. I can't believe it's already the last few days of February. Days have flown by because of homework and real life stuff. This weekend, I get to take a break from homework to host a Polar Bear Party with David Silverhunter from his awesome site Frostcaller! :D

Frostcaller's Polar Bear Party!

This Saturday, February 27th, 2016 at 4:00 P.M. CST!

We'll meet in Ravenwood and stand by Kelvin for porting to David's Polarian Shipwreck for fun!

Portbus Information
If any of you need help porting, I'll bring my ice wizard to teleport you to David's house. Make sure to add Edward Wintergem (picture of my ice wizard above) for a teleport there. If my friends list becomes too full, I'll bring my death wizard, Edward! 

I hope to see you there! I already know that this party is going to be a lot of fun! :D If you would like to read David's post on Frostcaller click HERE! If you're still here, I hope you have a great day... If you're STILL here.... well... thank you for reading this post and I hope to see you at this event! 

February 14, 2016

Pirate101: Screenshot Contest Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for entering my Pirate101 Friendship Festival Contest. I hope all of you had a great Valentine's Day! :D Here are the winners of my Friendship Festival contest:

1st Prize: Michelle
5,000 Crowns, Huggle Hoggle Pet

2nd Prize: Toby Ramsey
5,000 Crowns, Huggle Hoggle Pet

3rd Prize: Quiet Keena Davis
Huggle Hoggle Pet

4th Prize: Alexander Nightingale
Huggle Hoggle Pet

Thank you all for entering my contest! I apologize for the late post. I wanted to get your codes to you as soon as possible, but today was a very busy day. If you didn't win, I'll have more contests in the future (I actually have another one that ends on Saturday, so enter that before it ends). I hope all of you had a great Valentine's Day! :D 

Wizard101: Friendship Festival Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

Thank you for entering my contest at short notice. I announced my Screenshot contest less than a week ago and many of you already submitted your pictures. I hope the next time I have a contest, you'll have more time to enter. :) Here are the winners of the contest:

1st Prize: Blaze Silverflame
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize: Brecken Winter
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize: Michelle Shadowgem
Lovely Leopard Pet

Thank you all for your entries! All winners will be emailed their codes. Here are all of the other awesome wizards that entered my Friend Festival Contest! :D If you didn't win this time around, make sure to check back for more contests. All codes are from our awesome community managers so make sure to always thank them for their hard work! :) Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :D

February 10, 2016

Wizard101 & Pirate101 Changed My Life!

Hi there,

I have wanted to make a post about Anxiety and Depression for years. I know many people around the community and worldwide suffer from Anxiety, Depression or another illness. I am going to talk about Anxiety and Depression today because it's something that I had to deal with for nearly ten years. There was a change, though! Keep reading to see how things changed within the ten years.

The First Few Years
Anxiety Attacks or Panic Attacks are never something easy to deal with. If you have an anxiety or panic attack you feel like you're dying: you can't breathe, your heart races to a point that it feels like you're having a heart attack, trembling and overall just FEAR. These are only a few symptoms that I experienced when I first had a panic attack in Middle School in the year 2005. I thought I had the flu or something so I had to call home and let my parents know that I wasn't feeling well. Most of the attacks really began in 8th and 9th grade. There was a point that I felt like the life I was living wasn't life because it felt like everyone else was happier. I think the uptick of all of the anxiety and panic attacks began shortly after my Grandma passed away from Cancer. On top of the Anxiety, I slowly became depressed and felt like everything that I was doing was wrong and the life I was living wasn't great. I didn't feel like I was normal because I didn't know one person that had Anxiety and I felt like I was the only one that had it. Living with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder was not easy at all.

I don't always share anything about my life that's too personal, but since I want somebody with Anxiety to know that I know what they're going through I'll say this next thing. I had to take prescription medication at one time for my anxiety and depression. I remember going to the office shortly after lunch to take the medication for it and shortly after I arrived home, I ate dinner around 3:00 P.M. and fell asleep for the night. This didn't make me feel any better because I felt like I was sleeping my life away. I couldn't believe that each and every day I'd wake up for school around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and feel sick to my stomach every day, attend school and then sleep and repeat. It's really not as depressing as you think it is because something happened that helped me realize what life really is!

Joining Wizard101 
As many of you know.. I joined Wizard101 in 2009 (nearly seven years ago - at the time after feeling depressed). On the 4th of July, 2009, I was watching Cartoon Network and noticed a commercial for Wizard101! Many of you know that I was looking for a game at the time to get my mind off everything that my anxiety was causing. I actually created an account a few seconds after seeing that old Malistaire Commercial. :D I created my ice wizard and began playing Wizard101. I met MANY amazing people in the game when I first joined and I felt like the game was therapeutic. I actually found out about the community in 2010 from Tom Purdue's amazing website "The Friendly Necromancer". I remember listening to Ravenwood Radio, reading Friendly's website and visiting Diary of a Wizard every day! Wait.. this post is about anxiety and depression right? Do I still have my anxiety during all of this? Well.. You have to keep reading. :D

The medication that I had to take was something that I wasn't addicted to, but something that I had to have to prevent my anxiety attacks from recurring. Yeah... that changed quickly! While playing Wizard101, I met many friends and it really got my mind off of the anxiety that was holding me back. I remember getting off the medication and being able to control my panic attacks for the first time! I felt like a new person and I felt that my life was beginning to change for the better. I also was able to stop taking depression medication because I was far from depressed. You know that I created this website and started making posts about the game and the community. Making Wizard101 posts really became more than a hobby to me. :D

Joining Pirate101
A few years later, in 2012, I was invited by Kingsisle to join Beta! Pirate101 was actually my very first Beta game so I'll always remember it. I joined Pirate101 shortly before thinking about what I was going to do in the future. I was worried about my future because I thought my anxiety would make a return if I decided to start a new chapter in my life. I also knew that I wanted to continue playing the games without the worry about attending college. HA! I was wrong. Two years later, I decided that it was time to start attending college. I joined a community college (until I transfer later), to earn my Associate's Degree in Computer Programming. Why did I choose computer programming? Well, think about it.. Kingsisle has many amazing software developers that created the games that we love. They were actually my inspiration to enroll to my local community college. I felt like it was time to start doing what I wanted to do, to learn more about computers.

A Brighter Future
I wanted to make this post letting anybody that suffers from Anxiety to know that anything is possible! I'm here for you, just like many of the community members were here for me and really didn't even know it. :D I really didn't feel like anything was possible a few years ago, but now I feel that everything is possible if you NEVER give up. I can't believe that I only have a few semesters left of this college until I transfer. I'm nearly halfway done! :D I don't know where I'm going to work in the future (I hope at Kingsisle :P), but I do know that if I keep trying, I can do anything! I want everyone that's reading this post that you can do anything too! It might not seem like it now, but if you keep pushing through those tough times, you can do anything. I never believed in that before now, but now I do! I still have Anxiety, but it's not controlling my life and I don't have nearly as many panic attacks as I did. It's normal to have Anxiety, Depression or anything else you might have. I want you to know that if you keep trying, what you're working for WILL happen. :) I don't know how many hearts this post will touch, but I hope it touches your heart. If you were looking for a sign that you should keep trying to reach your dreams, well... this is it! Keep trying!! I really want to thank each and every one of you for your support, and Kingsisle for creating their amazing games! Wizard101 and Pirate101 are not only games. They are much more than that to me. They have changed my life! I'll always remember these games and I'm not just saying that because I'm a P101 fansite owner. I love their games and I will continue supporting the games and the community forever! Always work for the future that you want. No matter what you believe in, we're extremely lucky to be living right now. We're all miracles! Never give up, you can do it!! I was able to through Wizard101, Pirate101, the community, family, and prayer. Anything is possible if you keep trying!

After reading this post, make up a quote for this picture. :)

Pirate101: Screenshot Contest (Closed)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week! Lately, I've been very busy working on homework and studying for tests. I'm always happy to make a new Pirate101 post, especially about contests! Our amazing community managers gave me codes to giveaway to you for Friendship Festival. Now through February 18th at 11:59 P.M. CST, Kingsisle is celebrating Valentine's Day by adding five different pets to the Pirate101 Crowns Shop. I'm actually going to give away one of the new pets! If you would like more information about this year's Pirate101 Friendship Festival, click HERE!

I LOVE PIRATE101: Screenshot Contest!

Take a Screenshot: Do you have a favorite area or NPC on Pirate101? I actually have a favorite place in the game. My favorite area is the Stormgate to Monquista. I mean, you can tell Kingsisle put a lot of work into this one area. It has always been a favorite of mine. I would like you to share your favorite place, NPC, or anything that you love about Pirate101. Take a screenshot (click on they Ctrl Key and G, then click on the PrtScr key) of what you love on the game. Your pirate has to be visible in the screenshot (use the screenshot above as an example). :D

Email Me Your Screenshot: After you take your screenshot, send your screenshot to my email - edwardfrostgem@gmail.com - with the subject "I Love Pirate101 Contest". Please include your pirate's name. 

More Contest Information: This contest begins TODAY and ENDS on Valentine's Day (Sunday). Make sure you send your entries as soon as possible. All entries will be entered into a random.org drawing if you follow the rules. Only enter once so everyone has a chance to win a prize. :) Here are a list of prizes that I'm giving away:

1st Prize:
5,000 Crowns, Huggle Hoggle Pet

2nd Prize:
5,000 Crowns, Huggle Hoggle Pet

3rd Prize:
Huggle Hoggle Pet

4th Prize:
Huggle Hoggle Pet

You know I couldn't make a post without Edward Cringle. :P No, he's not looking at the vine. :P

February 8, 2016

Wizard101: Friendship Festival Contest (Closed)

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great week. Today, our amazing community managers sent me Wizard101 codes to giveaway to you! :D Kingsisle is actually celebrating another year of Friendship Festival through February 18th at 11:59 P.M. CST. If you would like more information about this year's Friendship Festival, click HERE. Now, let's talk about the contests! :D

Friendship Festival Screenshot Contest:

Contest Take a Screenshot: Do you have a screenshot of your wizard with one of your friends? Take a screenshot on the game with your friends (this can be one or many friends at a party). The only other requirement is that YOU have to wear something pink or purple in the picture! :P If your friend wants to send the same picture, they have to take the picture on their account and send it my way!

Email your Screenshot: You can email your screenshot to my email address: edwardfrostgem@gmail.com  - Please include the subject "Friendship Festival Contest" and your wizard's name.

Contest Starts/Ends: This contest STARTS TODAY and ENDS ON VALENTINE'S DAY (this Sunday). Make sure to send your screenshots as soon as possible. Also, follow the rules by wearing something pink/purple. More information about what you can win is below! All entries that follow rules will be entered into a Random.Org drawing to win one of the prizes below.

Contest Winner Prizes

1st Prize
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize
Lovely Leopard Pet

Good luck to everyone that enters my contest! If you have any questions, just comment below! I'm also available on my Twitter Account @AroundTheSpiral for any questions you may have. Thank you for reading and I hope all of you have a great Valentine's Day!

Speaking of friends! I'll publish my Winter Party Recap post sometime this week!

February 5, 2016

#Pirate101Lives (Spoiler)

Ahoy Pirates!

It's official. Pirate101 finally teased something from a new update on Falmea Friday! Falmea revealed an NPC from a new update or as many had called it... BOOK 15! Yes... Pirate101 WILL continue! I can't wait to see what Pirate101 has planned for us. You should get your pirates ready for a new update that should be coming later this year. I'll post a blog post about any other spoiler that's released. If you would like to read Professor Falmea's Friday, click on the spoiler image below!

"So, this fateful Friday, let me share with you a fine fellow who will be making his way to the Spiral in the near future. My question is… tell me his story, if you were the one weaving the tale " (Professor Falmea).