May 25, 2019

The Making Of Wizard101 - 2008 vs 2019

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Today I wanted to share a project that I created via video software. In 2008, Kingsisle released a "Making of Wizard101" series to promote the release of Wizard101. I decided to update part of the video with my own gameplay from the current year, 2019. Feel free to watch it below by clicking on the play button below! Let me know what you think. ;)

May 11, 2019

Edward Cringle Returns In A Whole New Way!

Ahoy Pirates!

I am happy to announce that I am bringing back my Edward Cringle posts. This time around, I've decided that I wanted to make videos of it instead of making recap posts. We'll be starting off on a random quest in Mooshu, but I hope you enjoy the rest of my journey through Pirate101 starting at the end of Mooshu. :) Feel free to watch the video by clicking on the play button below.

May 10, 2019

Kingsisle Dev Diary: The Deckathalon

Hello Wizards!

Kingsisle recently released another Kingsisle Dev Diary about the upcoming Deckathalon events! If you would like to learn more about these events, feel free to watch the video below. A new deckathalon event will soon be released on the live realm soon, so keep an eye out on Kingsisle's official social media pages for more information about that.

Happy 9th Birthday,!

Hi there!

Today's a very special day for this website because we're celebrating its 9th Birthday! Nine Years Ago, May 10th, 2010, I decided to create this website with Mary Dreamshade from "The Pie Loving Necromancer" to start blogging about a game that I love, Wizard101. Since then, we've made so many memories!

I created my website using the domain My original purpose was to share my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem, adventures with everyone. This included farming for specific pets, attending events, and of course, questing! One specific topic that I would often blog about starting out in 2010 was the upcoming world of Celestia! Let's just say I couldn't wait to see this new world released to the public. Kingsisle would often hint at this world by releasing concept art & such, but waited awhile to officially release the world. I made a handful of blog posts about Celestia, but as soon as it was released, I started questing instead of blogging. Oops!

After leveling all six of my wizards at the time, I started paying more attention to reading blogs such as "The Friendly Necromancer" and attending events from another Official Fansite, "Diary of a Wizard". I was not as active in the community at the time and everyone who knew me knew that I was shy. As time progressed, I became less shy & more open. With that, I made many new friends! I also decided to start blogging again during the following year, 2011. I continued making many new Wizard101 blog posts throughout that year and through 2012. 

In early 2012, Kingsisle announced a new game called Pirate101. I knew that I wanted to blog about this game because I loved pirates and really, the first online game that I tried playing was Pirates of the Carribean Online. Although, I must say that it lagged quite a bit since my computer was blah! :P Anyway, Pirate looked amazing and I started making many posts about events & my questing adventures (Edward Cringle to be specific). At the current time of this blog post being published, I believe more than half of the posts made (currently standing at 1,807) are Pirate-related. GO Pirate!

It's 2019, nine years to the day after I created this website. I must say that it's been such a great adventure! As we head into my blog's decaversary, I hope to continue bringing the community together through new blog posts, events, and more. Thank you all for supporting this website whether you just started reading today or have been reading since day one! Let's continue this adventure together.  Feel free to read all of my current May 10th posts by clicking on the dates/links below. 

May 10th, 2019

To end this post, I made a short montage of most of the headers that I've used over the years! Some of you may think that I've used the current header (at the top of the blog) the entire time I've been here, but I've used various headers for this website over the past nine years. Anyway, I'll leave you all to watching the video below. Thank you all so much for reading this post & supporting this website.  Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Onwards to 10 years!

May 9, 2019

Bunny Run 2019: Recap!

Hello Wizards!

We recently (about two weeks ago) had our 4th Annual Bunny Run! I still can't believe we've had four of these type of events.  So before we go into detail about exactly what we did, let's take a look at a Recap Video from WhiteTiger93 - please subscribe to him if you haven't already!

As you can tell from the video above, everyone had the option to have a Bunny Mount. I'd like to thank our awesome community manager, Mathew Anderson, for giving us rental bunny mount codes for those who did not have a Bunny Mount. We gave this multi-use code on our stream just before we started running. 

We started this year's event by having a little dance party while also describing the activities that we were going to have. We then made our way to the Haunted Cave to battle Nightshade in the Stormdrain Tower. I'm still wondering at the time I'm making this post if Nightshade actually had Easter-themed items. I am going to guess that he did since Eggbert was still in the Spiral at the time of this event. :D If not, we still showed Nightshade that Wizard City will never be taken over by monsters... Unless Evil Edward is still here... I guess we'll see about that...

After farming, we went to the Pet Pavilion to show off my Pet Derby Skills using my Pet Egg. Many of you might be shocked, but I actually made it to 2nd Place during one of my matches. I am kinda shocked because I haven't had any chance to practice. Then again, maybe live streaming these matches inspire me to try my best? Who knows! Shortly after Pet Derby, we had Hide & Seek where we gave away Permanent Wild Hare Mounts. And after Hide & Seek, we went Christmas Caroling, because why not?! 

After our various activities, we gave away Rental Bunny Mount Codes from Kingsisle to all who did not have a Bunny Mount. We then lined up on Rainbow Bridge in The Commons to get ready to Run! We always have a Run Guide Video (to show where we'll be running in Wizard City) so we reminded everyone to watch that video before we made our way through Wizard City. I was actually able to take the screenshot above as we made our way from Rainbow Bridge into Ravenwood! Such a great picture of all of the cute bunnies! :D 

After the Run, we made our way to Iridian Willowglen's awesome Botanical Gardens House where she had every Garden Seed in the game. She also had a maze (which I made it through as we were streaming) and an awesome underground scene (see image below) where you could see everyone running around in the house. I had so much fun pointing out the names of everyone running above us! Our other amazing host Sarah Skystrider gave away stuff during this afterparty & in the Twitch Chat. :D 

This event was a lot of fun and I said above, it was nice hanging out with all of y'all. I would like to thank everyone (Autumn Dreamwalker, Iridian Willowglen, Sarah Skystrider,  & Victoria) for helping to make this event the best that it could be. Now that this event is over, we'll be preparing for our next event, the Holiday Mashup! Get ready because this event will be our best event yet! You will not want to miss out. Keep an eye out next month for an official announcement of this year's event. Thank you to everyone that attended this year's Bunny Run & we hope to see you in August at our 2nd Annual Holiday Mashup!

Watch Our 4th Annual Bunny Run Stream: