Showing posts with label Edward Cringle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Cringle. Show all posts

May 10, 2024

🥳 Happy 14th Birthday, Around The Spiral 🥳

Hi there!

Today marks 14 years since I created this website. A lot sure has happened over the past 14 years - from it taking me 8 years to become an official Wizard101 Fansite & Pirate101 Fansite, to no longer being one, to hosting dozens of in-game events, making YouTube videos, creating another website, and so on! The question is... what do I have planned for the future?

It's not a secret that the future certainly holds new in-game events. I'd like to promote them more and to a new audience. Our real world is very chaotic and divisive. Despite this, I want to offer the community a place to come to escape all of that.  There is a community within the Wizard101 community where everyone is welcome at our events regardless of their sexuality, political affiliation, religion, etc. 

I joined Wizard101 in 2009 to escape the real world for a bit each day. I'd like to provide that same escape to everyone here. If you want to hang out with a truly diverse and lovely group of people, I welcome you to attend our in-game events. I want to work with Kingsisle to bring our events to a much larger audience - not to promote my name, but to promote a truly diverse community.

One other thing I hope to do is to make new YouTube videos - specifically Spiral News Season 3. I've wanted to do that for quite some time and will look into it. Regardless, I'd like to share my opinions on the game. I promise I'm not a Kingsisle hater - per my nearly 15 years of playing their game and being involved in their community for nearly as long. I want to share my thoughts on how they can improve their game.

As of late, I've been very proud of Kingsisle - with their creation of Ravenwood Academy (releasing later this year), listening to players on PvE, and the generous gifts to the community through the Fansite Festival which celebrated its 10th year. There is much to appreciate. I've defended and criticized Kingsisle - that's what true fans do. A fake fan would only share hate or only share love about the game. 

Other than that, I'm happy to finally be back and provide more to the community than I have these past few years. It's been very tough. I've lost family and friends. My dad passed away from Covid this past September, but I thank Jesus, family, and friends for helping me get through this tough time. I've had my ups and downs, and sometimes so far down where I am where the Helephant appears from. 

My support system has helped me get through one of the toughest times in my life to do things I haven't done before. Kingsisle, Wizard101, Pirate101, and the community have been in a special place in my heart for nearly half of my life. Blogging certainly is of the past, but I'm using Around The Spiral to transcend blogging. 

I'd like to thank you all for 14 wonderful years of Around The Spiral. I hope we can have another 14 - but I'll be almost 45. Lol. I'm not going to rush time. Thank you all so much for your support. I hope to see you Around the Spiral. I also hope y'all will join us at this year's Pride Run event to meet our community within the community. 

May 11, 2019

Edward Cringle Returns In A Whole New Way!

Ahoy Pirates!

I am happy to announce that I am bringing back my Edward Cringle posts. This time around, I've decided that I wanted to make videos of it instead of making recap posts. We'll be starting off on a random quest in Mooshu, but I hope you enjoy the rest of my journey through Pirate101 starting at the end of Mooshu. :) Feel free to watch the video by clicking on the play button below.

May 10, 2019

Happy 9th Birthday,!

Hi there!

Today's a very special day for this website because we're celebrating its 9th Birthday! Nine Years Ago, May 10th, 2010, I decided to create this website with Mary Dreamshade from "The Pie Loving Necromancer" to start blogging about a game that I love, Wizard101. Since then, we've made so many memories!

I created my website using the domain My original purpose was to share my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem, adventures with everyone. This included farming for specific pets, attending events, and of course, questing! One specific topic that I would often blog about starting out in 2010 was the upcoming world of Celestia! Let's just say I couldn't wait to see this new world released to the public. Kingsisle would often hint at this world by releasing concept art & such, but waited awhile to officially release the world. I made a handful of blog posts about Celestia, but as soon as it was released, I started questing instead of blogging. Oops!

After leveling all six of my wizards at the time, I started paying more attention to reading blogs such as "The Friendly Necromancer" and attending events from another Official Fansite, "Diary of a Wizard". I was not as active in the community at the time and everyone who knew me knew that I was shy. As time progressed, I became less shy & more open. With that, I made many new friends! I also decided to start blogging again during the following year, 2011. I continued making many new Wizard101 blog posts throughout that year and through 2012. 

In early 2012, Kingsisle announced a new game called Pirate101. I knew that I wanted to blog about this game because I loved pirates and really, the first online game that I tried playing was Pirates of the Carribean Online. Although, I must say that it lagged quite a bit since my computer was blah! :P Anyway, Pirate looked amazing and I started making many posts about events & my questing adventures (Edward Cringle to be specific). At the current time of this blog post being published, I believe more than half of the posts made (currently standing at 1,807) are Pirate-related. GO Pirate!

It's 2019, nine years to the day after I created this website. I must say that it's been such a great adventure! As we head into my blog's decaversary, I hope to continue bringing the community together through new blog posts, events, and more. Thank you all for supporting this website whether you just started reading today or have been reading since day one! Let's continue this adventure together.  Feel free to read all of my current May 10th posts by clicking on the dates/links below. 

May 10th, 2019

To end this post, I made a short montage of most of the headers that I've used over the years! Some of you may think that I've used the current header (at the top of the blog) the entire time I've been here, but I've used various headers for this website over the past nine years. Anyway, I'll leave you all to watching the video below. Thank you all so much for reading this post & supporting this website.  Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Onwards to 10 years!

August 5, 2018

Side Questing with Edward Cringle!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Yesterday, I was able to quest a bit in Pirate101. This time, I decided to quest one of my pirates, Edward Cringle. Some of you may know him if you have read my Swashbuckler walkthrough posts.

I created my Swashbuckler Pirate, Edward Cringle, in December of 2012. I started questing him through all of the different worlds of Pirate101 and made a post about each quest starting when he reached level 5. I recently took a break from questing him, but I am proud to announce that I am back and I'll be questing him a lot more! Before I talk about what I did recently, I invite you to read the posts that I've done on this character so far. If you'd like to catch up on my previous Edward Cringle posts, feel free to click on the link below:

Edward Cringle Questing Posts

Yesterday, I logged into my Swashbuckler for the first time in months! I was planning on continuing my main quest until I noticed the 18 pages of side quests that I had. It's amazing how many side quests Pirate101 has. What's also amazing is how much side quests can level you up. I decided to put a small dent into my side quests by sinking Inoshishi Ships in the Khoton Skyway in Mooshu. I had two quests that would give me about 800 experience points combined. So I decided to start sinking as many ships that I could. One quest required me to sink 4 Inoshishi ships and the other given quest wanted me to sink 12 of these ships. It was relatively easy! A few times I did purposely enter deck battle so I could take screenshots for future posts (such as announcements), but I had no trouble sinking these ships alone. Eventually, I completed the two quests and leveled up!

I've mentioned this in previous posts but I'll mention it again. Side questing really does help in the long run! My pirate will enter Marleybone soon and I want to be at the highest level that I can before I start questing there. Having additional attacks/powers will help me survive in these different worlds. Along with side questing, nautical leveling is also a good thing to do. You'll want to buy the best ships and ship equipment as you go. I usually wait until my ship can no longer keep afloat so I'm able to save up as much as gold as possible for gear and eventually a new ship/equipment. Anyway, questing this pirate was a lot of fun. I'll probably work through a few more of these side quests before I start making main posts again. I'll let you know when Edward Cringle is officially back! Until then, I'll see you around the skyways. :D 

Mooshu is such a beautiful world. We're nearing the end, but at least I'll be ready for Marleybone!

January 7, 2018

The Garrison Tower

Ahoy Pirates!

It's official... Edward Cringle is back! If you read my 2018 Goals Post, I plan on making a post every week this year as I begin to quest Edward Cringle once again. It has been a few months since I last made an EC post, but the good thing is that I remember where we ended off. I will continue this post from my last post (Cotton Candy Adventure #2).

Edward Cringle started by looking for the 5 different Turtle Balls that need to be collected to summon the Giant Turtle - and eventually speak to Cao Tzu to decipher the current pieces of the Map to El Dorado. One area we had to access was the Temple of the North Wind - which ended up being too foggy. Kwei Hong, a monk standing near the fog, told us that Amber Hoardes destroyed the Temple of the North Winds in Ashen Roads. He then told us that the only way through the Rubble would be to talk to Brother Xian Bhi, the leader of the Monk Order. 

Once we arrived, Brother Xian told us that the only way he'd help us is if we proved to him that we were honorable. This meant, we had to secure a place, The Garrison Tower, for survivors of the Amber Horde attacks. We had to check the tower to see if there was a threat - and there was no threat at all. Okay, I'm only kidding (not really). Samoorai Warlords were the threat. We made our way back to Brother Xian and he told us to defeat some Amber Hordes to collect an "Imperial Standard". This would help give the Samoorai Warlords peace since the Imperial Standard was stolen from the Warlords. It only took us about two battles to collect the Imperial Standard. 

We were sent back to The Garrison Tower to defeat the Samoorai Warlords and then place the Imperial Standard in the Tower to prevent the Warlords from returning once again. This would mean a safe place for the remaining villagers. I'll be honest, this fight was worst than Kane, Morganthe, Medulla, and every KI Game boss! Ah!!! Wait, you don't believe me? Do you not see the epic screenshot above? Okay.. Fine! It wasn't tough at all. It was actually pretty easy to defeat these warlords. After we defeated them, we placed the Imperial Standard and made our way back to Brother Xian. He let the remaining villagers know that the Garrison Tower was now a Sanctuary. After this quest, Brother Xian told us our next quest that we needed to do before we could get through the Fog to access The Temple of the North Winds. I've already typed so much here, so it looks like I'll save that for my next post. Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. 

August 12, 2016

Pirate101: Cotton Candy Adventure #2

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an awesome Friday! I've been updating my website and questing on both games as much as I wished I could have this Summer. I'm glad I'm doing it now because I have special plans this month and this Fall. My plan is quest more than I did the previous years. I think if I get a headstart on reading and don't procrastinate this year, we'll be great! Anyways.. Pirate101.. Cotton Candy?

Today I decided to start questing my swashbuckler again after a long break. I think the last time I made an Edward Cringle post was the beginning of Summer (if you count the months - that many months from now will be the Holiday season ;D). I'm sorry for such a long break. I really don't think I wanted to quest this pirate as much because I was mostly planning for school long before I should have. The good thing about that break is that I'm ready to make a lot more posts than I have lately. I should really get back to Edward Cringle now! Today I logged into the game to find one of the Turtle Balls. Monkey King had it, but a boss in a Cotton Candy vortex had it. Today we had to fight that certain boss to obtain the Turtle Ball.

Count Brastillo De Brass, a monkey Captain with 2,255 health, was the main boss on this ship. He had a few crew members with health ranging from 1,315 to 1,491 health. I had to defeat all of the enemies on this ship. I think this boss and his crew members might have had too much cotton candy because they were not difficult to defeat all. I only had to bring my original best companions into the battle. :) I defeated him without any issue, so that was pretty amazing. We took the Turtle Ball from him, but I wish we would have taken some cotton candy too. I'm sure Kingsisle had cotton candy on their mind when they made this Vortex. Who doesn't like cotton candy?? After we defeated the boss, we had to sail back to Subata Temple to tell Shunzang the Wise the news. With all good news comes more quests! :P He told us that there were a few four more Turtle Balls that we had to collect in the Temple of the Winds. Our first, next quest will be traveling to the Temple of the North Wind in Ashen Roads. This is where I'll end this post until I'm able to talk about my next quest. Until then, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Seriously, KI. You owe me some Cotton Candy!

June 19, 2016

The Shadow Fortress: So Many Ninja Pigs!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a nice weekend! Today I had a chance to quest my Swashbuckler again. I don't like taking long breaks, but it seems that I will be questing a lot the next month as I'm planning on making more Pirate101 posts than I have as of late.

On my last blog post, I had to fight the Monkey King after I returned his staff to him so he could get out of the cage he was locked in. The fight wasn't that difficult but I was still able to make it through. :) Shortly after defeating him, I found a letter from Shunzang The Wize and in that letter he said he wanted me to return to Subata Temple. Once I returned, Shunzang told me that the only way Monkey King would cooperate would be to get The Crown of Command (which commands him to cooperate). Shunzang told me that I would have to fight my way through the Shadow Fortress to put the Crown of Command into Monkey King's helmet and then return that gear to the monkey king.

I actually remembered what the Shadow Fortress was going to be like because I remember questing through this dungeon not long ago on my Witchdoctor. I knew I would have a lot of Ninja Pigs to fight! I think I had to fight about 20 Ninja Pigs (including one last main boss). There really isn't much to say about this dungeon, only that you should have your main companions, yum, and Doubloons if you need help. I soloed this dungeon and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. :D Minions from the Crowns Shop also are very helpful since you're able to pick the attacks for them. There are a few fights that you can avoid in this dungeon (shortly after defeating the six Ninja Pigs that are required for one quest in this dungeon). You can avoid those fights by just running around them and that's where you'll meet the boss, Kirigi. This part of the dungeon requires you to only defeat him so you can get all of your attacks ready and attack him as soon as you're ready. Now.. I bet the next few fights will be very difficult because I remember saying many times in the past that I was ready for more dungeons like this. I'll be ready. Nobody can defeat The Cringle!

Shortly after obtaining Monkey King's gear, I had to sail back to Subata Temple to tell Shunzang the good news. Monkey King also arrived to take back his gear and we almost used the Crown of Command on him until he agreed to help us. He told us that he didn't have the Turtle Ball and that somebody else actually had it. Monkey King also said he would help guide me to the Vortex where this boss is located. That's where I decided to stop because I knew I would have a lot to type on this post. :P I love making posts like this, but sometimes it is very hard to remember what happened in the game. I like making posts like this for the storyline and any difficulty I had when questing this character. I hope these posts are also helpful for you. :) Well, it looks like I should take my leave before this post gets too lengthy. By the way, Happy Father's Day to all of the Fathers out there and I hope you have a great day. :) Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways.

OH, and I leveled up to 48 and got Monkey King as a Companion! #WOOT

May 18, 2016

Betrayed By Monkey King! :O

Ahoy Pirates!

It's Wednesday! That means that... It's Wednesday. Okay, not that much fun. Okay, I won't lie it certainly is a great day for me because I'm finally off of school for Summer Break! I've had a lot of times to make blog posts, but I've been looking for the Pirate101 Test Realm. Valencia Part 2 will be released soon (even though I'll pretend Edward Cringle knows nothing about Valencia Part 2). I can't wait! The test realm should be released this week or sometime next week. I hope to see you there testing the new update out with me. :D

Other than the Test Realm, I've been looking forward to completing Mooshu. On my last blog post, I had to fight Stormzilla and six Tengu Goblin Sorcerers to retrieve the Jade Egg that the Dragon King wanted in return  for one wish or the return of Monkey King's staff. I retrieved the egg and returned to the Lake Floor to give the Dragon King the egg. I had to be careful because the Koi Guardians were still guarding the king. I swam around and was lucky not to be pulled in. I'm always one to get caught in a battle, especially on Pirate101. I was lucky not to be caught as much on Wizard101, but once I joined Pirate101, I've had to fight hundreds of enemies that I didn't need to fight (okay maybe not that many :P). Anyways... The Dragon King kept his word and returned the Monkey King's staff to me so I could return it to the Monkey King so he could destroy the lock that was keeping him locked in a cage. By the way!! I leveled to level 47 after completing that quest. One step closer to 50!

I sailed back to the Monkey King's Cave and gave Monkey King his staff and to my not being surprised, he betrayed me and ended up summoning other monkeys to fight me. I didn't have as many issues this time around defeating the four or five monkey king lookalikes mostly due to having the right companions. I always level my companions close to my level and of course promote them if needed. I always say that, but I'll say it again just in case there is somebody new reading. Just a little bit of advice! Also.. just a warning to all of you pirates out there... Monkey King is going to betray or already has. :P After I defeated the Monkey King, Shunzang The Wize told me in a letter that he knew the Monkey King would betray me and wanted me to return to the Eternal Serenity to talk to him about it. It looks like it'll take a little while to sail there so I am going to end this post right now. Thank you all for reading. I know this post has nothing to do with Valencia Part 2, but I'll mention it again.. Look at all of the Pirate101 Social Media for updates! We should have the test realm very soon. :D Let's continue to support Pirate101 as much as we can. Now.. I'm going to take my leave. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Ha, I forgot to take a screenshot of Shunzang. Enjoy this image of my Witchdoctor in Valencia 1. :D

May 13, 2016

Stupendor-X VS Stormzilla (Edward Cringle)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an amazing Friday. It's finally Summer Break for me! That means I'm able to quest and blog a lot more. :D I can't tell you how much I missed making new posts. Now, before I begin to make this post I'm going to let you know that I still support KI and both of their games. That is my choice and you don't have to agree with it, but you should accept that everyone has different opinions. The last few days have been crazy, but I think things will get back on track soon. Hopefully, the support shown will help keep the game alive. Valencia Part 2 will be released next week (so test that out if you can). Now to get back to the main point of this post.. Edward Cringle!

Today I had a chance to log onto the game and complete a quest that I've been wanting to work on since Spring Break. I was able to fight Stormzilla! On my last post, I found out from the Dragon King that I had to obtain the Jade Egg for him in order to get a wish/Monkey King's Staff back from him. Now.. I'm a fan of Iron Man, really robots in general, and I can't tell you how much it is to be a robot on this game! Well.. I think he's a robot. I had to use Stupendor-X, a vessel of the Titans, to get rid of the threat Stormzilla. Stormzilla was actually destroying the temple where the Jade Egg was located and I had to get rid of him before I could make my way to the Jade Egg. 

The Stormzilla battle was, simple. You had to defeat Stormzilla. Every now and then he would summon eggs (view the second image above) and eventually those eggs would hatch into Stormzillas that were not as strong but enough damage will bring your health down. The Boss Stormzilla had just about 2,900 health. The attack card options were not enough to defeat him, so I had to hit him with simple attacks which eventually defeated him. My advice to you would be to save area attacks because the summoned Stormzillas will start attacking you by gathering around you. Make sure they are gathered around the boss so you can hit them and the boss at the same time. Keep all of your focus on defeating the main boss! After I defeated the Stormzilla boss, I had to defeat six of the Tengu goblin sorcerers.

These fights were not that difficult, as you should always be prepared. I always choose my best companions that can get me through a fight. Always make sure they are close to your level. It helps out because the higher level they are, the better chance they'll have more health and hit more damage on an enemy. Shortly after I took my screenshots above for this blog post.. I mean... After I defeated the Tengu Sorcerers, I found the Jade Egg! It took a lot of work, but all hard work eventually pays off, right? :D Finding this jade egg means that I have to end this post before it is too much to read. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

I hope the Dragon King returns the Monkey King's Staff! He will, right? Hmm I hope so. Okay I'm leaving now. Bye!

March 29, 2016

The Lake of the Rising Sun!

Ahoy Pirates!

It looks like Edward Cringle is officially back and questing (as of yesterday), and that means I'll have plenty of posts about his questing until Summer. I think you're going to like or LOVE my Pirate101 posts during the Summer. :D Anyways. Let's continue talking about freeing the monkey king from his unlockable cage!

On my last blog post, I had to help the monkey king from his cage. I had to find Hattori Hamzo, the one with the key to the cell and put moon pollen in his tea so he would fall asleep while we make away with the key. I had to collect ten moon pollens around Subata Skyway and then sail to Hattori Hamzo's Forge. He knew that the monkey king was behind this plan, and told us that the cage was made unlockable. Today, I had to travel back to the Monkey King's cage to tell him the bad news. He said the only the way he could get out is to have his staff so he could smash it. He then told me that the Dragon King trapped him in there and has his Golden Staff (that he can use to smash the bars surrounding him). I had to travel to The Lake of the Rising Sun to find the Dragon King. 

As soon as I swam to the bottom of the lake, I had to fight ten Blue Oni's. I can't tell you enough how cool these Oni's are because of their fire! This has always been a favorite area of mine in the game. I was so excited to take pictures because of how amazing they are. I hope Kingsisle would give us one of these as a companion (the blue oni) in another world or something. I can't imagine the screenshots I could have for my post. PLUS, my favorite color is blue and blue fire is AWESOME. Okay... Enough talk about that. This part of the quest wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was pretty easy because I made sure I paid extra attention to what I was doing. My companions wasn't defeated and that's really a good thing. I think I'm a little bit ahead of where my witchdoctor was when he accessed this quest a few years ago. :D

After I defeated the Ten Blue Oni's at the enterance of the lake, I had to enter the Dragon King's Hall and defeat the Koi that was guarding the King. I believe 4 or 5 entered the battle, but they had no chance against my pirate and companions that just defeated the Oni. I had no issue at all in this as I was well prepared. The only advice I'll give you is to have another pirate to help you or buy a minion from the Crowns Shop if you're worried. Team Up is also a great feature! :) After I defeated the Koi, I talked to the Dragon King and he said that he wanted his Jade Egg back in return for one wish (to wish for the Monkey King's Staff that he has). I found out that the Jade Egg was in the Valley of the Titans. That means the next post will be THE STORMZILLA FIGHT. I've been looking forward to this forever. Oh wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. I think it's time to end this post where it is. Thank you all for reading this post. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

He doesn't look that angry... Does he?

March 27, 2016

Edward Cringle IS Back!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great Easter. I know.. The last time I made a Pirate101 related post (like this) was 10,000 years ago, or a few months ago! :P I have been very busy with school, but today I had a chance to log onto the game again to quest a bit. I really forgot where I was in questing, so I decided to start off fresh and blog about a quest that I worked on today so I wouldn't have to remember what I did on the game months ago.

The last time I was on the game, I had to find the Monkey King. I found out that he was locked in this Cage by the Dragon King. He would give us the Turtle Ball (what we need) after we free him. The monkey king also let us know that Hattori Hamzo has the key to the cage. I had to sail around the Subata Skyway to collect TEN moon pollens that were floating around. The moon pollen would then be used to put into Hamzo's tea to make him fall asleep until we're done stealing the key to free the monkey king. I have been stuck on this quest for months, and I was so happy to complete it today to get started on my questing again. I had to make sure that I didn't get caught by the sky turtles or sunk by enemy ships that were also sailing in the same skyway around the moon pollen. 

Shortly after collecting the moon pollen, I had to sail to Crimson Dock and travel to Hattori Hamzo's Forge to give him the tea. He knew what we did which meant.. our plan didn't go the way we wanted it to. To make matters worse, he made the lock without a key to get inside! He even joked that the monkey king would be in that cage for 10,000 years. It looks like I'm going to stop here. We'll start fresh from here and see what happens the rest of the story! :D Until then, I hope to see you around the skyways. Thank you for reading!! :D By the way.. my next post will have amazing screenshots!

I promise that I'm not celebrating that he's still trapped in the cage! :P LEVEL UP!

January 3, 2016

Edward Cringle is Back!!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been two months since I last made an Edward Cringle questing post! Wow.. I apologize for not making as many posts the past few months. I'm happy to announce that I'm finally back from my "break"! I'm actually on a true break right now and I'm finally able to level as much as I want. Today I decided to log onto the game and finish up a quest that I've literally been stuck on for two months.. :P

Today I had to sink 10 Amber Hoarde ships in Subata Skyway. I've been stuck on this quest for two months, but today was the day that I decided I had to sink all of the ships. It didn't even take me as long as I thought it would! :D I think most of my doubt was coming from homework assignments that were due during the week so I didn't take as much time to try to complete the quest. Do you ever feel that way sometimes? I know I do! :P I'm just glad I finally made it through the quest after a century. :) I had to fight the enemies aboard the ship a few times, but I was lucky because I hit their ship enough to lower their health. Do you remember me talking a few months ago about that? :D If you hit a pirate ship enough, you could lower the enemies on the ship. It's helpful if you don't want to take too much time fighting them or worry about one of your companions being defeated before you return to your main quest. :)

After I was finished, I returned to Lord Chagatai and told him the good news. He said that I could access Subata Skyway anytime since I helped him sink the Amber Hoarde ships. Lord Chagatai told me that I needed to talk to Librarian Quan-shi in Subata Temple and ask about the Scroll Of Secrets. The Scrolls of Secrest (read my last post) to translate the markings of the Map to El Dorado that I took from General Tso. That's where my post is going to end today since I have to catch up on where exactly I am. I can't believe this is actually the first post I've made in nearly three months! I apologize for the quiet the past few months. I promise I'm still here and I'm ready to make this year a great year! :D This year will not only be posts like these, I will also have plenty of other events, contests and who knows what else this year will bring. I just know it's going to be a great year. :) Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Ooh, pretty!

October 10, 2015

Say What?!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great weekend! I've been very busy with contests (and homework) lately, but I promise I'm not giving up on Pirate101 and NEVER will. :D Pirate101 is one of my favorite games in the world.. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to deal with my new Pirate101 posts. :P Speaking of Pirate101 and posts, I have a new short post about one of my swashbuckler's quests!

On my last post, Edward Cringle VS General Tso, I had to enter and quest through a long dungeon with Autumn Dreamwalker and eventually defeat General Tso. This dungeon was a long one and I knew I was going to take a break after it. Edward Cringle may have took a break from fighting but he didn't take a break from talking. Shortly after defeating General Tso I had to talk to Governor Umeboshi about the map that I took from General Tso. Umeboshi told me that I needed to translate the markings on the map and needed to find the Scroll of Secrets that's held in the Library of Contemplation in Subata. He also gave me access to Subata Skyway since I helped save Mooshu from General Tso's wrath.

I had to sail to the Subata Skyway and talk to Lord Chagatai in the Audience Chamber. He told me that the only way that he would help me was if I defeated ten Amber Hoarde pirate ships?!?! Yeah.. I wanted a break and I knew I wouldn't sink any pirate ships anytime soon. At least I leveled up to 45 when I turned the last quest in, right?! That means I've already leveled 40 times since I've made posts about my Swashbuckler... unbelievable! After all of that, a few weeks later I decided it was time to prepare a new contest with codes Kingsisle gave me just in time for Birthoween! I had to take a few pictures of a new pet and an awesome house. I decided to log onto and make a new post and... well you'll just have to see that post by clicking on the image below! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :D

September 21, 2015

Edward Cringle VS General Tso!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been awhile since I leveled on the game. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that because you already know that I haven't been around much. I think October will be a lot of fun, mostly because lately I've been playing a few contests and events of my own. I should have more posts next month, but I'm going to finish this month with as many Pirate101 blog posts as possible! :D A few days ago, Autumn helped me quest through the General Tso dungeon and I'm going to talk about that dungeon with you and share my thoughts about that dungeon and of course my screenshots with you!

On my last blog post, Cotton Candy, I had to find and defeat Doctor Noh (General Tso's righthand man) in the Tai Foon Vortex or the Cotton Candy machine. After defeating Doctor Noh, I had to return him to Egg Foo Yung and then take the other piece of Pollo's map away from Doctor Noh. I found out that Doctor Noh didn't have it and Egg told me that General Tso was the one that had the other piece of the map. He told me that I could find him in General Tso's lair, the Khoton.  The Khoton dungeon is a long dungeon. There are four Samoorai battles you have to finish before you can enter General Tso's dungeon. I'm thankful I had Autumn to help me because I think I'd still be in the dungeon right now if she didn't. Do you mind sailing to the Khoton to help me?! :P That's what the title of my post would be if I didn't have help! :P

After the four battles and causing some.... damage.... to Khoton, we finally gained acces to General Tso's Fortress. I forgot why we had to cause an explosion, but it was a lot of fun! :P I'm sorry I don't remember, it's mostly because it's a very long dungeon. I usually try to remember what happened during battles on the game when I make questing posts, but this time I can't! I do remember what happened once we gained access to the fortress. We had to fight Samoorai again (fifth battle), to earn a key to General Tso's throne room. The samoorai battles were pretty easy because I had a strong witchdoctor (ya know... Autumn ;D) to help me! Once we entered the Throne Room, I noticed General Tso and a boss that we would have to fight, Takeda Moomori. This Takeda was the same Takeda's wedding that I had to interrupt a few months ago... :P The Takeda battle was also easy because it included more samoorai. There were soooo many samoorai in this dungeon!

I'm sure many of you know how this dungeon is, especially nearly after three years of Pirate101 but it was still a lot of fun. We made it to General Tso and it really didn't matter to Autumn if General Tso was immune to our attacks. Look at that attack in the screenshot above! I got to threaten General Tso's chicken and that was also a lot of fun? I mean that was a lot of fun! I still had a great time questing through this dungeon with Autumn. I think that this post was pretty eventful and a little random, but I still hope you enjoyed reading it anyway. It does take a very long time to make these posts, but I still love making them for you! I really do thank you all for your support. :D I also want to thank Autumn for helping me through this seven battle dungeon! There were so many samoorai, I think I had a dream the other night about fighting samoorai. really... :P Anyways... thank you again for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Only difficult part of this dungeon was taking this last screenshot!