Hello there,
I've officially deleted my Twitter accounts after 14 years. The chaos created by people who say they love everyone and are very accepting was way too much. From "Lets Get Him" to "Nobody Likes You" to straight up name-calling and death wishes. This clearly isn't the place to be if you are a Conservative.
The community has grown to be Toxic towards people of different beliefs. If you don't agree 101% with them, you are targeted. Instead of stating "I don't agree with you on this, and this is why you're wrong" they create Unfollow and Targeted Harassment campaigns. In addition, the majority of these people are supposed to be Kingsisle Representatives aka Community Leaders. While I strongly disagree with the Woke Mindset, I will not go down their same path of targeted verbal bullying. When I say Woke, that means a Political Movement. It's just like calling me a Conservative.
I stand by my remarks that KI should focus on improving PvP and PvE. No Modern Day USA politics - whether it be liberal or conservative - should be implemented into the game. Unlike the many who messaged me, I don't need validation of my conservative or religious beliefs from KI or anyone else because they aren't shaky. Jesus is Right and Real. We're living in the days the Bible mentioned that good would become bad and bad would become good. The best thing to do is to Be Still and Know that He Is God.
Being still meant to delete my accounts, and to pray for all of these people. I stand by my beliefs (including that there are only 2 genders) 100%. I stand by Jesus, 100%. The entire world could hate me and I won't ever abandon Jesus - the one showing me that what the world is doing is wrong. This is no way to say I'm perfect or special just because I believe in and follow Him. It's to show that I recognize that I am a sinner in need of His grace. He has already won and everyone will see that one day soon.
Thank you to all of those people who supported me these past 15 years. Around the Spiral turns 15 years old on May 10th, 2025. While I had a certain type of blog post planned, I'm instead going to share the good moments from my experience in the community. While the world around us is chaotic, there is still Hope in Him. Always Remember that.