May 27, 2011

Blogger Information

Hi everyone,

There have been some issues with getting into the community blogs for Wizard101. Earlier post was very rude against kingsisle, I am sorry. I just wanted to redo this post :) first off, I have been hearing that everyone is blaming the official bloggers. Don't do that because they didn't do anything, they are blogging for wizard101 just like us. Kingsisle sent them the card codes to support them. We should do the same guys, please don't make them feel bad or anything :)


If you guys think you can make it, and you don't have blogger, good luck :) I think most of the bloggers I know could make it too! I know I am a new blogger, but last year when I started my blog I really wanted to become a community blogger, because that was my goal on my blog. Its okay that I can't running through blogger though, If they decided to change the rules on that, that would be very awesome, and I think everyone knows I would be submitting my blog to them :) Remember guys, Your blogs are great, just keep up the great work, Don't quit blogging and enjoy blogging for a very great game. Thats why I started blogging last year because I really do like Wizard101.

Fansites/ Blogs are no longer accepted for Wizard101. I will just make this site my fansite Since I do enjoy it, along with 72 followers :) I hope you guys enjoy. I think if they ever do accept fansites again I will try to submit mine. It was a year goal, when I first started blogging I wanted my last goal to be a fansite, I really do enjoy blogging, so who cares if kingsisle isn't a fan of my site or any other bloggers site. Its their loss, I hope to get more followers though. I know some wizards care about some code for an Aladdin house, but that really did ruin our chances. More bloggers are quitting because of this, I do admit Kingsisle, Its very very rude that you guys quit the submitting for those who really wanted to join, and the way you said no, not right at all. I think you could have said that a little nicer, both actually. I also want to give a shout out to Kyle Firegem who was preparing his site for a fansite, and they quit the thing before he could even finish. Sorry Kyle.

If you like Wizard101, Don't blame anyone! :) Thanks Wizards!

~ Edward Lifegem

P.s. Don't make me post the Finding Nemo(Justkeepswimming) Video again! :)

Ambrose Area One- Commons

Hi everyone!

Believe this or not, I have actually met some nice wizards in the commons! When on my myth character, I have met a warlord trying for the Wizard101 Central 200th Tournament. If you would like information on that, Here is the link!

I have also met another nice Wizard- Sophia Silverheart. She told me she has a blog on facebook, and I would like if you liked her page on facebook! The link to her blog on facebook is:
A link to her blog!


When I was in the commons this morning, I didn't have to report/ warn anyone about using bad language. If I am not jinxing myself, I think the commons might be changing! Thank you WAC! You guys are really helping the commons! :) Hopefully the commons does stay that way, that would be a, miracle! Lol maybe not a miracle but you guys know what I mean!

One more thing,

I would like to thank everyone for helping our blogs out for the official community blog. We really do want to become a community blog, we just need your help and support to get there! Hopefully all of us do make it. Remember keep trying bloggers out there, and I am sure you will make it! Good luck everyone! Oh and If you would like me to put your blog on my list, just comment below, I don't mind helping other bloggers!

Have a great day around the Spiral, Remember if you do see me, I will add you!  Thanks everyone!

~ Edward Lifegem

May 26, 2011

Bloggers Need Some Help

Hi everyone,

I would like to talk about us bloggers that do need help becoming an official community blog. Recently they wouldn't accept any blog that tried to join, even those that already bought a domain. If it runs through blogger they won't accept, kind of like mine. We really do need help everyone mentioning our blogs, If you could do that it would help a lot. I am going to keep trying because I know if I do something good will happen. When I started my blog in April I had 8 followers and I asked friends for help plus I had contests, which made me get to this point. I am glad they helped, thank you guys! :) Now I am asking some famous wizards to follow hopefully that works out. Anyways, If you guys could, please post these sites, or try to talk other wizards into following these blogs, it would help a lot. Thank you guys. There will be something that I will tell you later on that you guys would like. No details now though :)

Blog Links: 

The Pie Loving Necromancer:
The Pyromancers Digest:
Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem:
The Awesome Diviner:
The Saviors of the Spiral:
Stars Of the Spiral Pet Archive:
Diana Wildheart: Guardian Theurgists Journal:

Guys, If you do help that would be very nice. These blogs, including mine, would like to be a community blog for wizard101. If a famous wizard following could mention our blogs that would be awesome too! Thank you loyal followers! :)

If there are any other wizards who would like to be a community blog tell me and I will put your blog on my list! I just woke up and I am not focusing right now! Lol. Anyways,  thank you for your help everyone, I hope that our blogs do become community blogs. I am not buying a domain just yet for my blog because I want to wait, the other blogs didn't get the community blog even after they bought the domain, so no use in me buying one and not getting it. I hope that everyone does get the community blog on that list! Good luck you guys :) Keep trying, don't forget that!

Give a shout out on facebook, even good friends you know in wizard101 if you can! I hope all of our blogs get  to community blogs! Thanks everyone and have a great day around the spiral.

Bloggers out there- Look at this video!

~ Edward Lifegem