August 30, 2011

Housing: Diana Wildheart

Hello Wizards!

A couple of days ago I mentioned about making a blog post about housing glitches. Well today Diana Wildheart decided to show me her creative house! I think anyone would like to see this house in person. Before I show you any of the photos, I would like to talk about a few things. Diana will be having a birthday party on September 9th and yes its her birthday party! Anyways, she told me she would be putting more information about that on her blog. Here is a link to her blog: I can't wait to go to your party Diana! I can't wait until you show them your other house that I didn't take photos of too. You guys will like the other house she is hosting her birthday party. Thanks again for showing me your housing glitches, and houses Diana! Here are a couple of photos of Diana's massive fantasy palace.

Diana's Fairgrounds!

Yes there is mini games in each tent! 

 One last photo there at the fairgrounds!

Entrance of an Epic Pvp Ring!
- Credit goes to KBB

I wonder if I should go in the Pvp ring or not? Wait how do I get in there?

Entrance to the pvp ring!

Missing Forest lord, but this is one Epic Forest! 

Well I really enjoyed looking at Diana's Massive Fantasy Palace! I can't wait until you guys see the other house too, that will be September 9th though! Oh and if you all would like to show me a very cool glitch or house, just comment below, or send me a message on Facebook. You can also send me a dm on twitter to @Edwardlifegem I can't wait to show some more houses that are very cool on blog posts! Oh and thanks again for showing me your epic house Diana! I can't wait until your birthday party so I can see it again :)

~ Edward Lifegem

August 28, 2011

Victory at the Tower of the Helephant!

Hello Wizards!

Today, the tower of the helephant was finally completed! In the test realm, I tried to solo the first floor and died! Well I went with a group today, and it was way better than it was when I tried to solo in the test realm. I am sure it would be very hard if anyone tried to solo that tower. I always said my ice would never die no matter how hard the battle was. The first time in the test realm, after completing Wysteria, I decided to go in the tower and complete the quest. The first time I went in there I bought 3 life minions to help me stay alive and I knew I wasn't going to die until the first time the death boss used skeletal dragon when I fizzled. Another thing is that the death boss also uses the -90 tower shield until you kill the myth boss. Well in the test realm I didn't know any of the rules, and I died after about 10 minutes of being there. Today I found out after you kill the myth boss, the death boss does stop using the tower shield, but you should be ready for a lot of leviathans! I was hit by 5 leviathans, and I had to keep healing or I would have died after 2 hits. Without any storm resist the leviathans did at least 2000 for each hit without any shields. After defeating all of the bosses on the first round, we went to the next couple of fights which were easy. At first I thought the helephant was going to be bad, but he really wasn't at all. A dragon was the head of the evil plan of having a lot of power. What was terrible when we started fighting him was that we almost didn't make it, and we almost died! I had a bad feeling that we wouldn't make it through the tower, but.. We did! It took forever to go through that tower though, I had to heal a lot more than I ever had to in any dungeon. If you want to go through that tower you should really be prepared before you do. Whatever you do, you should make sure you have a lot of heals if you don't have a life character to help you through the tower. Good luck to those if you are planning on going through the tower. Here are a couple of photos that I was taking through the tower.

Autumn Dreamwalker's Ra! Killed the boss first hit!

Everyone on very low health, This is where we almost died.

After defeating the boss- Victory Heal!

Yeah, we made it through the tower of the helephant!
x bows x

My new badge!

Well it took forever to get through the tower but we all made it through finally! I am glad that we didn't all die. I do admit that I did die, but Scot's pet saved us all, she healed him a total of 6 times in a row! He was on low health and he was up to full health by the time all of the heals were gone. He healed me and I started to heal everyone else and that's how we survived this dangerous quest, and tower. I have to admit though, I am sure I won't be back in the tower any time soon, unless I want to farm in there. I am glad we made it through the tower because we all have a new badge to use :) 

~ Edward Lifegem

August 27, 2011

What makes Wizard101 the Best?

Hello Wizards!

I was going to do a blog post on Wysteria today, but I decided to make a blog post on how Wizard101 is the greatest Online game ever in my words. I am sure a lot can say Wizard101 is the greatest game you could ever play online. I think anyone could play this game because of the great wizard101 community, and the nice people in the game. So if you want to know my opinions of what I think make Wizard101 the best keep on reading!

Family Friendly Content:
 Wow, I have to admit Wizard101 does keep the game family friendly more than we think. If you look at the things Kingsisle does to make the game family friendly, you will see that they do a lot to keep the game family friendly. Here are a few things Kingsisle does to keep the game family friendly.

With the ignore option you can ignore those that are being bad in Wizard101 or using a lot of bad language. I think this is the best option in the game if you ask me. I am glad they added this to the game because if they didn't have it, it would be terrible trying to ignore those who are saying bad things in the game right?

I shouldn't say I like this option, but it is very good with those who misbehave in Wizard101, it really helps with those using bad language. I don't think Wizard101 would be very family friendly without this option, I can tell if it was gone it would be a very bad game. That's not the case though, they have it and it really does help the game a lot! 

Chat Filters: 

With this, Kingsisle does block out a lot of things that aren't supposed to be said in the game. I really do like this because if everyone could talk freely, it would be a train wreck. Other than the other things that make Wizard101 family friendly, this has to be the best thing in the game. This helps a lot if you ask me, and I am sure they will keep using this in the game :) 

Wizard101 Community and Friends:
Just like I mentioned above in the introduction of this blog post, I know the wizard101 community is the best you could ever meet! I have read a lot of great blogs and met a lot of great people that blog about Wizard101. I am glad that there are a few out of 20 million that do blog about Wizard101, you guys are the best! Other than the community, making great friends on Wizard101 is the best too! I have made over 200 friends on all of my characters of Wizard101. I am glad Wizard101 had the friend feature when everyone started playing their game because that's another great thing they added to the game was the friends list. I am sure anyone will agree that making new great friends is very cool for the game! Knowing that there are over 20 million people in the game, I am know anyone could make a new good friend on the game. If you haven't played Wizard101 yet and you are looking at this blog post, Go to this link!

Cool Spells, Great Graphics and Awesome Pets, Oh my!

Kingsisle did a great job making the spells, making great graphics and making the awesome pets! Now I should have put Questing in the title too! Questing to get the spells and pets is very fun. I have quested on Wizard101 a lot to get these things. I have every school spell in the game from questing so much! I don't have all of the pets though. Questing through and getting these items will be achieving after you are done! I won't show you all of them, but here a couple of spells I am glad I did get after questing through Wizard101, I am sure anyone can tell the graphics are great in these photos too :)

Other than the spells, I really do love the pets on Wizard101! I know since they have added the Pet Pavilion, pets have been way better than they were. Anyone would agree with me about that. The best thing about the pets is that they give very good talents to help your Wizard in questing. This is one reason I like leveling my pets so I can get the good talents for the pets. Other than the pet pavilion, here are a few pets that are some of my favorite pets in the game! 

Why do you think makes Wizard101 the best?

Other than the things I have mentioned above of what I think makes Wizard101 the best, there are still a million and one things that make Wizard101 the best! If you know why Wizard101 is the best, ask yourself, what do you think makes Wizard101 the best? I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I hope that you guys do know I think Wizard101 is the best, awesome, and a lot of great words I could say about the game!

~ Edward Lifegem