November 27, 2012

Best of the Best Sale!

Hello there!

Yesterday I made a post about Kingsisle giving up to 50% more crowns when you bought crowns online. Today through November 29th you can save 50% off of some of the best items in the crowns shop. Here's a list of a few things that are on sale..

- Captain Gunn's Wheel
- Mojo Potions
- Livsey's Ring
- 25,000 Gold
- Corsair's Frigate
- De Bonzo Galleon
- Prancing Pony (Very Fast Permanent)
- Gold Stingtail Pet
- Buccaneer's Den
- 1,000 Gold
- Mojo Pendant 
- Ebon Spectre Pet

This would be a great opportunity to spend those crowns from yesterday on this now so you can save so you don't have to spend more at a later date. Good luck and happy spending :) By the way, I got a very fast prancing pony for half price when it cost 7,000 crowns before. What a deal :D If you don't have any crowns, you can buy some crowns by clicking on the picture below!

November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday (Super Crowns Sale)

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know you can buy crowns and get up to 50% bonus crowns when you buy them on the Pirate101 website? You can today! You need to hurry up though, the sale will end at 11:59 CST tonight. Tomorrow you won't be able to get this offer.

Crown Amount               Price Amount

2500 Crowns + 250 Crowns= $5.00 
5000 Crowns + 500 Crowns= $10.00
13750 Crowns + 2,750 Crowns= $25.00
30,000 Crowns + 10,000 Crowns= $50.00
60,000 Crowns + 30,000 Crowns= $80.00


This is a great offer, you really should buy them now if you were planning on buying crowns! Click the Buy Crowns picture for a link to buy your crowns now. Thank you Kingsisle for the great deal.

November 21, 2012

Admiral Bundle Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for your great entries. There are two people that can win the Admiral Bundle and I chose the ones with the best information to it since all of your ship designs were great :)

Contest Winner #1: 
Snake of the 7 Seas

Ship Name: Snake of the 7 Seas

Design: It would have a Sky Snake at the front, it would be brown (you can dye it any color you want). The flag I wanted is White-Purple with a Storm Snake on it. It has a thorn anker and amazing cannons. You will see on the picture attached. 

Spell it can cast: Stormsnake- but it would not be weak as the regular one from Wizard101, this one would do 200 damage and -15% accuracy on the enemy.

Health: 912
Fuel: 90
Cost: 15,000 - Valencia Ship Vendor

Thank you and congratulations Antonio! You will get a reply email with your Admiral Bundle.

Contest Winner #2
The Crow's Wings

Created by: Clever Cole Crow

Thank you and congratulations Cole Crow! You'll get a reply code with your Admiral Bundle Code :) 

The rest of the Entries!

You're probably wondering why I didn't end the post right? Well... All of you are winners! Thanks to Tom the Pirate101 community manager you get 1,250 crown codes, all of your entries! Here are the pictures of the rest of the entries, congratulations everyone :) You will get your code in a reply email from your original entry email. Now.. Here are the rest of the great Pirate Ships!

The Skeletal Bucket- Ryan
 Headless Horseman's Ship-  Joshua Dragonrider

The Crazy Goat- Tiffany

The Candy Queen's Bounty- Gavin Stormwhisperer
One extra code!

Chefateer Ship- James Dragoncatcher

Neptune's Poison- Alex Ashfinder

The Blasted Starboard- Cody Strong
One extra code!