December 4, 2012

It's Christmas Time All Over the World! (Dec. 4th)

Woohoo Another day of Christmas songs! Today we have Its Christmas Time All Over the World by Sammy Davis Jr. I wanted to play this song because so many around the world do celebrate Christmas in different ways, and I listened to this song on Pandora today and loved it. I decided to find the song on YouTube and use it as the Christmas song today!

December 3, 2012

December Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

The December 2012 Pirate101 newsletter was released today and with it came a great background on the Pirate101 holiday background! With the background, they also said that there's going to be some festive surprises from the Pirate101 fansites this month. I'm guessing that means we'll have some gifts (Contests) for you ;) I can't wait, I love having contests! I have to tell you that I'm going to have contests of my own too though, so don't get too confused on all of the contests :) I had to put this on the top of the post because Yuletide is my favorite time on Wizard101 and now Pirate101. Yuletide is not the only thing in the December Newsletter though, you'll have to discover what else is in the newsletter. Click Boochbeard Clause to see the rest of the December Newsletter!

Let it Snow! (Dec. 3rd)

Hello there! Welcome to day three of Christmas songs! If you haven't heard from me or noticed by now, there's been record warmth where I live. Today the temperature was 73 degrees. I can't even believe it myself! Last year was the same way though.. Before the past two years during December it was in the 30's most of the month and now... well its really warm. Lets hope this song works for all of us wizards and pirates that really want snow just in time for Christmas! (or now).