Kingsisle is celebrating 12 days of the Spiral with us now until December 19th with surprises for Wizard101 and Pirate101! They will also be having free giveaways, so you'll have to make sure to check out the 12 days of the Spiral page!
On the first day of the Spiral Kingsisle gave to me a Charity Fa-La-La-La Llama Mount!
This Llama can be bought in the Pirate101 and Wizard101 Crown shops. You'll have to purchase from one of the two crowns shop to use the mount, or purchase from both to have a mount on both games! This is the third charity Kingsisle is doing and this one is helping the Austin Children's Center & Children's Medical Center. This is exactly why I love Kingsisle, they are donating to hospitals to help children! Kingsisle will always remain the best game team ever, especially in my heart :) Merry Christmas Kingsisle :D