January 25, 2013

Breaking: J. Todd Coleman leaving Kingsisle


If you haven't heard by now creator J Todd Coleman, co-founder of Kingsisle, is leaving Kingsisle. He left a letter on Facebook today explaining why exactly he was leaving and wishing us luck. Here's his letter on here and a link to it so you can wish him the best! Thank you J. Todd Coleman for all that you've done for the Wizard101/ Pirate101 players!

This update is going to be one of the hardest that I have written, so please hang with me as I try and get through it. I have decided to leave Kingsisle and pursue my own course. This might sound crazy-- and, full disclosure, it probably is-- but it is something I have to do. What a fantastic experience this has been! As the creative lead of our games, and first employee hired in Austin, I was in the unique position to watch this team blossom, and watch our games grow from niche titles to mainstream popularity. Wow! A handful of dreamers got together and turned an unknown start-up into the market leader of online entertainment.. That's not something you see everyday. I am blessed to have been able to play a role, and I know that I am leaving the company in capable hands. I have no doubt that the Spiral will continue to expand for many years. What's next for me? I'm a storyteller, so I will keep doing what I do best-- dream up ideas, breathe life into characters, build worlds for you to explore... only next time, I want to do it for myself. I'm an entrepreneur at heart. A new company, a new game, a new story... I'm not ready to say, but I've got something to show, you guys will be the first to know. I want to thank you for becoming a part of this community. Your patronage has allowed me to work with my best friends, and to entertain you, for almost a decade. You gave me a chance to build something, something unique and wonderful. These are more than games to me. I see these worlds when I sleep. I greet these characters like old friends. These are the dreams that filled my childhood. I cannot tell you how fortunate I am, to have been given the chance to share them with you. 

January 23, 2013

Fa-La-La-La Llama Donations!

Hi there!

Kingsisle has to be the greatest game team there is, they care so much. I'm glad to play their great games and be apart of the community :) I will remember Kingsisle so many years from now on all of the great work they do and the charities they donate to. During the holidays Kingsisle released the Fa-La-La-La Llama for two charities and all together Wizard101 and Pirate101 players have raised $100,000! That's so much money and I'm sure it will help the two charities a lot.

Above there's a link to the video where KVUE visited Kingsisle and talked more about the charity event/ children centers. The next link is Pirate101's official press release link. Visit those links when you get chance to learn more about the charity, and an upcoming New Wave Ball ! Thank you Kingsisle for all you do for us and children's charities. You're truly the best game team ever!

January 22, 2013

TCP Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

I have had a contest going on where you had to comment below my recent contest and name your favorite and least favorite companions on the game. Before I begin, I have to tell you my favorite is Kan Po the Witchdoctor Pet and my least favorite is Mormo. Okay, now for the contest winners! I clicked on random.org once and here are the winners from 1-5.

I would like to post their comments on this post so keep reading if you would like to! By the way, thanks everyone for entering this contest and congratulations to the winners!

Clarence Krueger II

The best Companion stats and ability is wise of course, El Toro; but personally I love the Cat Ninja  picked up in late Mooshu. She is just awesome and fun to watch in battle. Least favorite companion is probably any of the mediocre chicken companions I picked up in Cool Ranch. I picked up around 5-6 and none of them are any good or special in any way.

Anthony Zahra

My favorite companion is bones mcgee, every time they hit him he shakes his head to check if it is still there and I find it awesome. My least favorite companion is Mormo. I just don't like his skills.

Talon StormShade

My all time favorite companion is Bull Samoorai! Love how he moves and attacks so epicly! My least favorite companion is the lame Guinness Pig guards. I don't like them because of how they look.

Sammy Kritzel

My favorite companion is my goat monk Lin Poa, my least favorite is actually Momo (platypus tribal leader), he weirds me out a bit.


My favorite companion is the Yule Trogg, it may not have many epic talents but it is good and looks really awesome, least favorite would have to be gaspard de vole I'm sorry but he is useless because his his epics are not great and he doesn't flow well.

Thanks again for your entries! Cowmouse, Sammy and Anthony, please contact me with my email, edwardfrostgem@gmail.com, so I can give you your code. I trust that no one else reading will act like them! Thank you everyone :) I hope to see you around the Spiral!