August 29, 2013

Wizard101 Raffle Contest Update

Hello Wizards,

I told you weeks ago that I'd make a contest update post so its not too confusing on the game when you redeem your gifts IF you win my Wizard101 Raffle Contest. I trust that you will not pretend to be anyone so you can get a free gift.. If you do you'll be banned from entering my major Wizard101 Contest! This post is only for the winners of the contest which will be announced tomorrow and the winners will be gifted the next day (Saturday August 31st at 4:00 P.M. CST-if you're busy please email me, only if you're VERY busy. I want to try to gift everyone in one day). Here's more information you'll need to know:

  • Don't Complain: If you win a prize, please don't complain that I'm taking too long. Its hard doing gifting contest- had trouble in the past- but I really wanted to have this Wizard101 Contest since I haven't had a Wizard101 Contest in so long. I'll gift you just please don't complain.
  • Don't Pretend: Don't Pretend to be someone else, if you do, I'll make sure you won't participate in the next Wizard101 Contest which will be an epic contest! If I see more than two people telling me they won, I'll find out who really won by asking them to email me with the email they entered with.
  • I'll Gift Everyone: I will give everyone who won the prizes by announcing the winners on my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem that's level 75. For Example: Edward Cringle, you won this prize.. please come up to me if you're the winner. Or I could just say first prize winner if you entered with your real name. I don't want everyone crowding me. I need time to gift and don't want to be crowded by everyone wanting their gifts. I might gift a different way- last prize winners first and then to the First Prize.. we'll see. If you have any questions just comment below!
  • If you can't arrive: If you can't arrive and you win the Raffle, please email me telling me you can't arrive today so I can gift you another day of your choice. I promise I will gift you but it has to be a time I'm available also so we'll discuss that through email ( 

MEET ME (Edward Wintergem): On the Rainbow Bridge 

Realm: Vampire Area One

Wizard101 5th Birthday Celebration!

Hello Wizards,

I know a lot of you are in school and don't know this but when you get home you'll notice a phoenix flying around the commons in Wizard101 along with Birthday Decorations, new mounts and new statues in houses that shoots confetti! Yes, Wizard101's 5th Birthday is coming up and they're giving everyone presents to celebrate! I started Wizard101 in 2009 so that means they gifted me a new mount. I know its not the moons and stars one but I feel like they made older players feel special again and I'm happy they did that. I've played for awhile and I really do love Wizard101 and I'm happy they're showing that they love us too. If you'd like to know what you can get for free click on this link. Since I started in 2009, I got a Frontier Dragon, Auric Dragon Stone (shoots confetti) and of course the Confetti Cannon.

My new Mount, Frontier Dragon Mount
My new Auric Dragon Stone, Confetti Cannon and Mount!
If you look closely, you'll see a phoenix flying around the WC Commons!

Thank you Wizard101 for so many awesome years, You should know everyone loves your game and I hope you continue for MANY more years. If you would like to learn more about Wizard101's 5th Birthday just click on the image below. Wizard101 has a new crown shop items, sales and much more going on now through the 30th of September. I hope to see you on the game celebrating as much as I'm going to celebrate. :D

August 27, 2013

Arrrgust Week Four (New Mount and Pet)

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle added a new mount and pet to the crowns shop for the last week of Arrrgust! The new mount, a Gryphon Mount, and new pet, Minotaur pet are shown to the right. This is pretty awesome and this new mount and pet looks awesome and I can't wait to buy them on the game. :D Are you planning on buying them and need advice from me? Well.. I would say... GO FOR IT! I think this new mount and pet will make all of us pirates look pretty epic. If you would like more information about this last week of  Arrrgust, click on the image to the right.