October 27, 2013

Surprise Birthday Party for Ian Stormstaff Review

Hello Wizards!

This is probably the latest I've ever made a blog post about a certain subject that happened days ago. I'm pretty sure lots of other people have probably made the same blog post but I'm still going to make this post because I want to. :P On October 23rd The FAMOUS Bunny Lord celebrated his Birthday and he gave me an Air Cupcake.. What is an Air Cupcake? Well... Its actually delicious.. It tastes just like Air but its the thought that counts right? :D Before I confuse you even more than I probably already have... Autumn and I decided to have a surprise Birthday Party for Ian without anyone finding out about the party. It was so hard to keep the secret from him so now I know how Autumn felt when she hosted my Surprise Birthday Party... :P It was pretty fun though, lots of wizards were there to show how much we love our community bunny. :)

Ian, Autumn and myself at the House Autumn decorated for Party :)
I know, I know.. I'm attractive. Don't have to tell me 100 times!
Ian use tempest to defeat Autumn and I in PvP. Jason, are you laughing? :P
Awesome area in the Death House Autumn decorated!
I know I'm a gobbler but its surprising that Ian is a snowman! Where's Bunny?!
We hope you had a great Birthday, Ian! :)

October 26, 2013

Wizard101 Test Realm: Avalon and Azteca Difficulty Lowered!

Hello Wizards,

As many of you know, a new world was released on the test realm a few days ago and with the new world there were many other updates Kingsisle made to the game. One main one I'm glad to see is that Azteca's difficulty was lowered. This means when the Test Realm is released Avalon and Azteca won't be as difficult to level through as they are now on the live realm. I don't think Avalon needed a change since I think its pretty easy to get through but I guess since they lowered the difficulty on the world still it'll be a lot easier than it was before. I don't worry too much about Avalon but I am excited to see Azteca has changed and will be released on the live realm as soon as everyone is done testing and getting rid of all of those bugs on the Test Realm. I really can't believe it'll be a lot easier getting through Azteca and to the next world that  I'm not even going to try spelling! :D If you've had trouble in Azteca I don't think you will have much trouble soloing through Azteca, I really don't think you'll have much trouble anymore since Kingsisle has changed most (I haven't checked all enemies) of the enemies difficulty. Here's a few pictures I would like to show you of what exactly I'm talking about.

Three Points: Crazed Thunder Horns

Live Realm Azteca: 7-8 Starting Pips + 3,350 Health
Test Realm Azteca: 5-6 Starting Pips + 2,680 Health

Mangrove Marsh: Thunder Horn Ghoul

Live Realm Azteca: 7-8 Starting Pips + 3,550 Health
Test Realm Azteca: 5-6 Starting Pips + 2,840 Health

I didn't have time to go through each and every area to check out every enemy but I have a feeling each enemy that had a lot more health before now has less health and should they should be easier to defeat once the test realm is released to the live realm. Remember when Kingsisle changed Dragonspyre's difficulty? Well that's exactly what its going to be like with Azteca. Dragonspyre was a little difficult and Kingsisle changed the difficulty and the mob enemies were a lot easier to defeat. I don't know if they change the bosses or not but if they did, that's great. :) I only hope they cheat less. Remember, the Test Realm hasn't been released yet so that doesn't mean you can log on to the live game expecting Avalon and Azteca to be a lot easier today. We have to wait until the players test out the test realm and get rid of all of the bugs. Thanks for reading, I wish you fun in the Spiral.. Thank you Kingsisle!

October 25, 2013

Wizard101 Test Realm Opens with Khrysalis Part 1!

Hello Wizards!

Last night the Wizard101 Test Realm opened with a new main world, Khrysalis, for level 90+ wizards. There's so many more updates Kingsisle added to the game but I would rather talk about the world update for this post. Kingsisle added half of this world with new spells (King Artorious for each school), Dark Magic and Shadow Pips and a level 95 level cap. This part of the world only has 5 levels and the second part of Khrysalis is planned to be released in early 2014! I'm not saying anything else other than that so I'll send y'all over to the Test Realm Update Notes page so you can read all of the other great information Kingsisle has provided. Remember, if you plan on playing on the test realm make sure you have a membership or made a purchase of  $6 or more in the past month. Have fun on the test realm and I wish you good luck. :) Click on the image above to view the Test Realm/Update Notes!